Are big lats the cute for wide hips?

Are big lats the cute for wide hips?

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Yes bby! So cute! ;)

You look like shit bro

turn around and spread those cheeks for me please babyboi :)

big lats, traps, and shoulders, also being less fat. Guy in that pic (you?) is like 18-20% body fat with no muscle. Need to cut fat first until you can see abs, then slowly bulk while hammering shoulders and lats hard with good form.


That underwear doesn't' do you any favors IMO.

not me in the pic, its just from google, but im worse

You actually have structurally wide hips and aren't just a fatcel so its legit over for you. As a man your thighs should always be touching.


Or actually, wide hips aren't really accurate as I would guess this guy actually has small hips in absolute terms. Wide hips in and of themselves is not bad, it's actually quite good and is essential in a robust, high fighting success male, what really matters is A) the shape of the pelvis and B) the femoral neck insertion.

Actually lifting is the cure.
Heres the thing : hips are wide looking not because much abnormal bone structure but because of mostly one thing : this guy never used his upperbody, but he somehow used a bit of his lower body ( walking, picking shit off the ground).

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His pants say "bench" so I suggest you go bench too.

The cure is to seriously get your ass into shape. By ass I mean your phole fucking body.

Also, your hips might not be as wide as you think. Very possible you're holding more FAT there than you realize.

You're skinny fat.

You need to get on a serious lifting program. Spend more focus on your upper body.

The camera angle appears it might be half the problem, but adjusting for that your acromions and hips appear to be about equal. Not ideal, but not thaaaaaaat bad either.

You might got a big dick though, so that's good.

What is your height? I have noticed wider hips tend to be an issue for taller guys

You need to utilize rack pulls above the knee. We've seen this time and time again. Take arm wrestlers for example. They are always doing partial lifts and they have crazy strong grip strength. Remember guys, strength is joint angle specific. I would also throw in some bands but that's not necessary by any means. You can learn more by visiting which is a fantastic website run by a guy named Alexander Leonaidas who is not me.

Just lifting helped me a little. About 20kg between and little over a year. Right one is from half a year ago don't have any current ones

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great example

Yeah a lot if skinny fat guys have this idea that their bone structure is the issue when usually it's just fine

Great progress, I'm happy for you user

Not really. Relatively low bodyfat, small obliques (avoid deadlifts and squats), and large muscle mass on pecs, traps make difference. Body

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The OP guy is not just skinnyfat, he has legit feminine pelvic structure. Someone with a build like that will look weird pretty much no matter what they do.

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stop fucking asking us and start fucking eating and lifting
how the fuck are you satisfied with looking like shit