Tfw balding at 19

>tfw balding at 19
how over is it lads? girls dont mind skinheads right?

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Balding is always never a real factor. Chad will score girls with or without hair, facelets and jawlets never had the chance to begin with.

My dad bald.

20y still not balding. When will it be over for me?

25-30? He started balding at like 25+

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There's no real link. I'm balding as fuck while my dad has full head of thick black hair at 55

The MPB gene comes from the maternal DNA, unless it is damaged/methylated, in which case the paternal copy is used during embryogenesis.

You can go get tested for alpha reductase and dihydrotestosterone levels so you can know if you are somewhat predisposed.
Better yet, a DNA test.

Pretty much, but there is a bit more leniency for poor facial aesthetics if you have decent hair. Going bald wont faze the best looking guys, but it exposes facelets and jawlets considerably.

>but it exposes facelets and jawlets considerably
not if i grow a beard, which is bretty gud desu

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If you have a retarded head shape(any bumps or dents out of place, or a really long skull) then yep, you're fucked
Add that to if you are a facelet, you are double fucked

>tfw also a beardlet

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Just go all out on the skinhead aesthetic and you'll be fine

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Just don't fucking do a comb-over god damn

It's quite possible to pull it off

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i already dress like that desu, but im afraid people will give me weird violent looks if i go full skinhead

>that 19 yr old boomer who is already balding

>mfw i have a huge ass ugly birthmark on my scalp that is very visible when my hair is short

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i know how shitty this might be for you. I kinda have the same problem. I have this huge Hitler portret on my head people will notice when i go bald

as long as you're not actually racist then you'll be fine. you aren't racist are you?

Get on finasteride you fucking moron

actually im quite racist

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Start on Rogaine before it's too late.

don't worry man, I also balded at 19. Tried to hide with a ridiculous comb over, I kid you not. Later I grew some balls and just shaved it all off, grew a beard instead. Now I look like a badass. Best decision of my life

its already too late lads, if i dont comb the right way you can see my scalp

>its too late for fin
so you arent even gonna make an effort?

Maybe if you get a beard.

why user? you do know that you making generalised assumptions about other races makes you no different from girls who make assumptions about us or liberals who make assumptions about white males? anyway, i obviously wont be able to change your mind in a single post so i guess i'll just leave at that.

if you're already racist, does it really matter if people give you a strange look? chances are you wouldn't get along with anyone irl who isn't racist, so i doubt it would change anything

>starts to develop mature hairline
>"omg i am balding"

Another day, another fucking stupid teen kid.

Red pill me on this mature hairline

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trust me dude, if you live in latinamerica, you avoid nigs like the plague, not one of the are honest or hardworking
its not a receding hairline fag, my hair just grows thinner on the top of my scalp

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