Why are women particularly picky?

Why are women particularly picky?

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Entitlement complex.
Media brings them up to believe they're always "out of their league" in regards to men who aren't giga-chad. Of course, they never expect said giga-chad to be out of their league even when they're ridiculously ugly hamplanets.

If you could sign up to tinder and get 100+ matches wouldn't you be too?

>Why are women particularly picky?

Because men aren't

Why do men think we're picky? We're not picky. You're just so awful that you are literally below 99% of people's standards

that's still being picky

Because for most of human history, sex was a huge risk for women -- being vulnerable for 9 months, incapacitated for the last few, plus giving birth and nursing...
Also supply and demand.

No, it's not. Why the fuck would we want to date an emotional and mental dumpster fire whose way of handling real-life problems is REEEing at them and retreating further into their make-believe world where 3D women only hate them because they're not some imaginary white frat boy? Face it, you're less desirable than the result of 10 generations of inbreeding

Having that level of selectivity, regardless of reasoning or justification, is still being picky, and the very definition of motor of pickiness. Only way for it to be the opposite, i.e.: *not* picky, is indifference towards how men act and behave, and not letting anything in regards to their conduct play a factor in your tastes.

i fail to see how this isn't still being picky

Most people are picky. That implies having some sort of standard, which is normal. You were asking why women are "particularly" picky, which they're not.

because they have the choice you fucking retards.
why settle fast when you literally have every kind of male at your feets ?

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Pick any remotely intelligent life form. The females are all picky. There's a damn good reason for that and it has to do with the health of the futures of their respective species.

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>Most people are picky.
True, but severity factors in.

>That implies having some sort of standard, which is normal.
See above.

>You were asking why women are "particularly" picky
Because their pickiness is distinct, if not unique, to their sex, and the complete opposite of other genders. Which makes it a substantial, and independent issue. Especially in terms of proportionality.

>tfw becky didn't want sum fuk

Men can have sex with many people and not be around to support the child, whereas women can only have a few children, after hard labor, and must be tasked with the burden of raising them. This creates an evolutionary incentive for men to impregnate as many women as they can (because they don't have to go into labor) and for women to be more selective with their partners (because they need to make their few children 'good' ones).


>Because their pickiness is distinct, if not unique, to their sex, and the complete opposite of other genders. Which makes it a substantial, and independent issue. Especially in terms of proportionality.
The fuck does this mean? 1) there are only 2 genders and 2) what is this proportionality you speak of? There are a great many male robots on here who consistently try to punch above their league (and whine about it when they're not successful). Men aren't exempt from "severe" pickiness.

>there are only 2 genders
Common and ethnocentric misconception. In fact, some species have over 10,000 sexes (not genders -- sex).

>what is this proportionality you speak of?
Imbalances and proportionalism between genders and preferences. Like you would with different cultures.

>Men aren't exempt from "severe" pickiness.
But those are unusual and/or exceptional circumstances, rarer, and statistical outlying.

Women have all the advantage in romantic love. They represent beauty, purity (supposed to anyway), and fragility.
Men on the other hand are prized for their toughness and ability to provide.
Given how the internet tends to ignore context or reason, all we are left to judge people on are looks.

They only have one womb. Nature wants them to be picky.

>Common and ethnocentric misconception. In fact, some species have over 10,000 sexes (not genders -- sex).
K lol

>Imbalances and proportionalism between genders and preferences. Like you would with different cultures.
I know what proportional means you fucking nimrod. I was hoping you'd give me some actual examples

>But those are unusual and/or exceptional circumstances, rarer, and statistical outlying.
Nope. Case in point: this board.

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>I was hoping you'd give me some actual examples
Gender-based selectivity/pickiness is a well-known trope, and is found across varieties of media and cultures.

>Nope. Case in point: this board.
This board is niche and represents only small pockets of it's respective demographic.

>Gender-based selectivity/pickiness is a well-known trope, and is found across varieties of media and cultures.
You could've just said that you don't have any examples and sounded way less pretentious

Because they're the ones who are gonna carry the baby, so biologically they're the ones who choose and we're the ones who fight for it.

Because it isn't a specific thing. It's broad, generalised, and umbrella'd. You can Google examples with more ease than inhaling/exhaling.

Relationships, dating, marriage, and kids are biologically and socially a lot more taxing for us than it is for males.

Even in its simplest form, having casual sex with the wrong male or even with one male in some cultures dramatically reduces our societal value

Males are prone to aggression, low empathy, and are physically stronger than us on average, so the wrong choice can easily get us killed.

From a biological standpoint, we have a lot more to lose when having sex. If sex happens the way our body anticipates, we will be virtually incapacitated for the greater part of 9 months by that interaction, and for many years thereafter will have to take responsibility for a child. There is thus a very strong and reasonable impetus for making sure all that effort isn't wasted on a genetic dead-end.

The last thing is that it's plain easier for us to get partners of varying status, so when you have a lot of offers it's in your best interest to be more judicious.

How are they "genetic dead ends" if they just passed on their genes?
The only real reason is the last sentence.

Our progeny together will most likely never reproduce because of weakness, mental illness, or general unattractiveness, hence I will have done all that work to produce an offspring that won't be fruitful, a dead-end.

You have literally no way of knowing that, and like 99% of people reproduce now.
The reality is, selectiveness has been completely rendered obsolete via technology.
Also there's the fact that I'm actually attractive and hold a degree in mathematics and computer science, and make bank. Unless you're saying you're ugly, in which case our kids can still be intelligent which is more important.

What reason do they have not to be?

There is no way of guaranteeing it, but many of the things which humans find attractive in other humans relates to their reproductive fitness.

Males tend to find women with highly developed secondary sex characteristics (big boobs, wide hips) or signs of youth (perky breasts, butts, thinness, long hair, etc.) and health because those things are physical signs that a woman is in good enough shape to successfully bear them children and raise them, even if consciously that thought doesn't enter into their heads.

Similarly, people with obvious indications of chromosomal or genetic defectiveness (downs syndrome, for example) are considered very unattractive because they are signs that they have bad genes.

People even tend to choose partners who look like themselves or their parents in part because it means their genes will be passed on.

Selectivity may have been mostly rendered inefficient because of modern technology, but the biological roots of selection are still very much intact in our instincts, urges, and culture.

Why am I awful? I think I am a nice person if you got to know me you would see this.

The biological roots can be manipulated/eliminated, again with technology. Also, you can change what people find attractive by manipulated their hormone levels and ratios and such.
Make babies with me now.

>There is no way of guaranteeing it, but many of the things which humans find attractive in other humans relates to their reproductive fitness.
This isn't true necessarily, you're forgetting about the Fisherian Runaway which does the opposite. Peacock tails lower fitness (just not enough to offshoot it) they just raise sexual attraction. Height is another example in humans, etc.

Why do women think we're being unreasonable when we ask for virgin girls?

Because they're only able to have one child a year while a man could potentially have one child every day of the year. Selecting a high-value mate is more important because you can't easily get a re-do.

That's literally what they evolved to do. Humans are a harem animal by nature

women themselves admit they are picky.

that's why no one likes them, not even other women.

That only makes sense in tribal societies where an entire village takes care of the child or a fucking lion's pride or something.

That's not how humans work or have ever worked.

Not only that, but women are having protected sex and are on birth control as well.

No, the bullshit that you are pushing is to help create a society of lonely listless broodmare debstlaves who'll enslave men into being the father of unwanted bastards that they'll have to pay for forever.
And let's get something out of the way, a woman unilaterally deciding to have a child with a man who is unwilling to have one or thinks that the sex is safe is basically textbook rape.

I never said that was unreasonable. You can lust after virgins all you want. It's not like you're getting laid anyways.

Hypergamous Women don't have babies, they use birth control. And then maybe some of them later on decide to become single mothers and find a betabux provider

Higher average values in neuroticism

And you won't find a guy who will stay with you :^)