Fembots who claim to want a boyfriend but don't already have one, what exactly is your excuse?
Fembots who claim to want a boyfriend but don't already have one, what exactly is your excuse?
he has to be Chad
general unattractiveness and shitty personality
I don't go outside and I don't really deserve one right now because I'm a depressed loser. I'm scared of commitment after the guy I loved broke up with me too
They dont ask me out
would you accept a generally unattractive boyfriend with an average personality?
Homicidal ideation occupies too much of my thought to communicate normally with other people or have any level of trust.
When I think of a desirable relationship, I think of that between Karla and Paul prior to their capture.
>implying you've actually tried to get a boyfriend
Do you want to go on a date fembot?
Then ask them out to somewhere
I'm depressed that I understand the obsessive thoughts about the fear of being murdered too. I don't know if I can ever trust a man after seeing how many kill or try to kill their wives and gfs
Sorry I dontvknow you
Guys are the ones who are supposed to lead
It depends. Are you fat?
I have, the statement I made comes from an amalgamation of experiences.
Ugly, no personality, not really mature enough for a relationship, mental issues, etc...
I think I could get an online relationship but it wouldn't work in the long run.
Yes but only half as fat as I was at the beginning of the year, and I'll only be fat for a few more months
>tfw lost 2 more lbs this week
No boy who meets my standards and who my parents would allow me to date has approached me. And I can't do online relationships.
What have you tried?
Have you made a dating profile?
I was focused on grades and college apps all through high school, now I'm too shy to talk to guys.
Also I'm an uggo who's never been asked out (except by a 12yo sped kid).
>Why dont I have a bf when I wont ask them out
>nobody asks me out
>somebody asks her out
>i don't know you
your problem isn't what you think it is. Your problem is that you're completely passive and expect the things you want to fall into place around you with no participation on your part.
>asking stranger out online and actually expecting them to agree
toppest of keks
I would not want to date anyone who has been fat or is fat due to many regaining the weight later on. I saw it quite often.
The dating profiles disgust me considering they are primarily used for hookups. I used to ask male classmates or coworkers to different sorts of dates or go to shows alone and attempt to talk to men. I think I came off as cold or desperate.
No, you misunderstood me. I'm not worried about being killed. I obsess over ways to kill people
no, i'm expecting someone who wants a boyfriend to respond to a request for a date with skeptical curiosity and make an effort to get to know them preceding the actual in person meetup, even if it's just to filter them through their standards.
I was talking about asking out a guy you know in real life, Jesus is this your brain on woman
oh jesus, please don't do this
really grinds my gears seeing unattractive people holding standards based on physical attractiveness.
I'm not even that user, I just think it's silly for you think she would take your offer seriously. this is r9k
Women can't really be unattractive, there will always be guys who will fuck them
if they are skinny or average weight, they can prefer someone with the same build I think
hmm what's the problem, bud? shouldn't everyone have standards even the unattractive.
There's a difference between being short or ugly and being a fucking fatass. It is not hypocritical at all to avoid planetoids.
admittedly, I'm not fully being serious in my offer, but it's only because i know no female will ever take my offer seriously. If she took it seriously I'd take it seriously too.
do you know what board you are on? The majority of men on this board claim to be virgins due to their physical appearance but still ask for a healthy weight significant other. I do not think asking for someone to not be a fat slob is having much standards. It is not that hard to not be fat.
just because men will fuck the most disgusting beast of women does not mean they can't be unattractive. it's more likely that men are just more depraved
why did you reply to my post I was not asking her out I was telling her to make a move if guys dont make a move on her
I'll be your boyfriend right now if you post contact info
Most robots are not fat, they're average looking
If you can attract people of the opposite sex, by definition you can't be unattractive
>The dating profiles disgust me considering they are primarily used for hookups
You can say you're looking for something serious. That's what every girl has on their profile here.
Exactly my point. It is not unreasonable for me despite my ugliness to also request someone who is ugly and not fat. I am underweight and do not want a ham planet to literally crush me.
I'm only 5'9" 220 lbs and i've been working on it. I know I'm still fat but there's degrees of severity and I'm not that bad, let's be fair here.
unattractive people should have reasonable standards, like
>I won't cry thinking about spending the rest of my life with this person
>they treat me well and we can make up after a fight
>will make an effort to be more attractive for me
there are always girls who will fuck you if you actually consider the girls who are so unattractive even you wouldn't fuck them
>there are always girls who will fuck you if you actually consider the girls who are so unattractive even you wouldn't fuck them
A lie. Ugly girls don't exist. Every girl has insane standards.
It wouldn't work though. You know nothing about me, you just want a gf. And I know nothing about you, I just want a bf
>Guys are the ones who are supposed to lead
Not anymore, the fuck era are you from?
I have had a couple of female friends have that on their profile, the good majority still ask for hooking up
>it's not hard being not fat
>i won't date someone who has ever been fat, even if they've gotten over it
this is what i take issue with. It negates the ability to ever change my fate. If more people had that attitude, that me being fat in my teens and early 20s means I'm unattractive forever, then I'd never even bother changing.
We arent still equal to men no matter what femimists say
Cause most girls do that to not look like sluts while in reality they are the biggest sluts.
that does not mean you can not try
feminists will never say that women are equal to men. Their goal isn't achieving equality, it's using the fact of their inequality to tear down the middle class.
However, women do have more responsibility for their own happiness in today's world than they ever had before. That means that many of them do have to put in some effort to find their own partner.
Sad thing is, they don't know how and most of them can't have a stable partner anymore because they've fucked to many people and are so emotionally jaded and fucked in the head that they are physically incapable of finding and keeping a man.
They have to find a guy who simply does not give that much of a fuck about them and hope that he sticks around and puts up with them even going so far as to letting him fuck other women.
I dont want beta makes who are scared of asking me out
I don't believe the "fucked too many people and now can't pair bond" is a physiological thing that can't be changed. I think it's a psychological problem, or a perversion of a woman's expectations based on her experience of fucking around.
Literally all a woman has to do is be good to a guy and he'll stick around.
yeah but you also don't want strangers to ask you out. You don't even want to put any effort into figuring out whether you would date that stranger after he's no longer a stranger.
Most robots don't go outside either. Post some contact info fembot.
You too, contact info.
the boys I want won't date me and the boys that will are unsatisfactory.
Yeah but you can always find a man who sucks just enough to be your equal bby ;^)
What are your requirements and why do you suck so much?
well that's because you think you're worth more than you are actually worth.
Don't worry though, some time in your early 30s your self esteem will crash very quickly to match the reality of your situation, and you'll cry for a bit and find yourself some piece of shit who will treat you as badly as you feel about yourself and everything will be right in your world.
You already know she wants Chad but is too low value herself. C'mon this story has been told countless times.
I'm not doing anything. It's just obsession. I've always been like this, which is why I only have one friend, because he doesn't mind if I talk about taboo subjects, so we get along fine.
Do you think about just overall murder or are there any specific scenarios? Like I always look at people and think of how I might disarm/kill him or her if I'm attacked by that person.
Whenever I'm outside, I'm always thinking about how to use nearby objects and the terrain. I'll think about how to maximize hits. That's only when I'm around people. I don't hate people, and I'm not an angry person. I have no desire to act on these thoughts, but they reoccur no matter where I go.
The rest of the time I just research other murders, mainly shootings. I only recently started organizing the information. I currently have files on 513 shooters, though hopefully I can expand this to 750 by Christmas.
I'm scared to do online relationships and I don't really meet guys in real life
Also I'm drunken-pity-fuck material at most
i'll meet you in real life if the location is right. no guarantee of relationship, we'd just go on a casual date and see if we could make it work
Where you at?
Very nice, femanon, glad to see someone else with the eye for such details. I do it too since I almost always imagine myself as being in a disadvantaged position and have to find and dispatch the killer. Wanna have a chat elsewhere?
I'm not worthy of dating right now, I meant that honestly. I wouldn't want to put a guy through my self hatred and defeatist attitude about everything in my life
Sure. Platform?
what if the guy doesn't actually give a fuck that you hate yourself and that you have a defeatist attitude?
Better than being an optimist.
Come on fembot, give it a try.
Discord if that's ok? I can get others too if you want
I dont have a boyfriend because the guy I like lied to me about working at a zoo and now I can never trust him again.
>tfw no e-gf to make listen to you jerk off in a call
I dont have a bf because no guy actually likes Asian girls.
I don't have an asian gf because asian girls don't actually like me.
There are two problems between us that we have the power to cancel out :^)
Looking for a replacement?
>no guy actually likes Asian girls.
Imagine taking this bait
I like Asian girls, but sorry sweetie my dick wouldn't fit in you :)
Are you Asian or budget Asian though?
>no guy actually likes Asian girls
>this was posted on Jow Forums
>it was posted in a seemingly serious manner
Oh boy, could you imagine if this was b8
To be honest, yes. Do you have a contact? I am really lonely and would like someone to talk to often
bot4398@gmail and then we'll take it to discord
because no one wants me :") l m a o
Also wondering if you want a friend. I've dealt with being lied to people before a lot and can relate
You're not special, you fucking piece of shit.
I tried to email it twice but it says the email cannot be delivered to the address
Sure, friends are always welcome.
As long as you have a vagina then thats all I need, now post deets
girls are dumb and have cooties, why would you ever want to hold their hands or kiss them >:^(
Date a qt emo femboi like me, John. Boi. 21.
what are you like? i'm wondering since i've added a couple of people pretty much like this and it ended up we had zero things in common and couldn;t have any sort of a conversation, or i had to just carry the convo and it kind of sucked
when did whores start using this board for dating
Its easier to fap to porn
I dunno, I am quiet and go to school full time. My major is mathematics and my minor is in cs. I like to cook and run.
I guess now
Do you have a discord I can add you on then user
Yes, do you want me to post mine?
Yeah please. I'll add you.
do you come with icing or strawberries? :^)