Have you ever met anyone who uses this board irl? What were they like? How did you find out they use it?
Have you ever met anyone who uses this board irl? What were they like? How did you find out they use it?
Yeah she was a nerdy girl that said she liked trolling the people here. She had no clue I was a robot though and thought I was just a normal guy who is quiet. Femanons are real my friends.
the only person who I have ever met irl who uses this board is my gf. I don't even think I have met anyone who I would even think uses this cancer
Yes. He was a meme-spouting faggot.
Yeah. We were best friends for a while, but we stopped talking after we got in a really bad argument about politics that escalated to him insulting me and explaining in great detail why Im a worthless, unlovable person. I moved to another part of the country later and we lost touch.
No regrets, though. What a faggot.
Explain your friendship-ending ideals user.
Are you a commie?
Holy fuck, how did you know? Is that you, Alex?
No but there's not a lot of political stances that are so retarded, it's worth ending a friendship.
Please attempt to rationalize commie-nism
No, but I've met a guy from Jow Forums,a few from /v/, and a couple from Jow Forums.
I think the people on this site are subhumans in general, or at least the people who will admit to using the site IRL. I never told any of them I used Jow Forums.
The Jow Forumsizen actually tried to proposition me for homosexual sex.
Maybe I'm biased, but I'm fairly sure it's less retarded than his "da Joos and fags are ruining the West!" autism. Honestly, it's better to be friendless than to be friends with Jow Forumstards.
>Maybe I'm biased, but I'm fairly sure it's less retarded than his "da Joos and fags are ruining the West!" autism. Honestly, it's better to be friendless than to be friends with Jow Forumstards.
sure, National Socialism would be the other friendship-ending retarded opinion, but you're here and not on Jow Forums so it was easy to conclude that you're a fuckin commie.
May I ask what kind of profession you have? Just wanna know if you're gonna be gulaged for being a parasitic NEET or if you can actually survive in a commie society.
>May I ask what kind of profession you have?
Still in college, Im a math major : (
Math majors won't be gulaged. Commies need people like you.
You'll be commissioned to work in the politbureau to calculate the optimal amount of food which needs to be produced each year. Make a mistake and people starve to death.
Me too, think I have just today met someone, but I never tell anyone, even when directly asked.
Jesus, user, you really sound like an American.
Being apalled by gulag or saying that everyone will get gulaged is the worst criticism you could make of the USSR - they had very progressive elements, most prisonders got released and the reason some people died was because in times of total war, famine or crisis prisoners would obviously always be on the shit end. If the living standard of the average citizen is jeopardized, a prisonder would have it worse off, the same way a prisoner in the US would have it worse off than an average American worker, a prisoner in the DPRK would have it worse off than an average North Korean farmer. There was not institutional design to kill people or work them to death in gulag, quite the opposite.
Meanwhile, way up into the 50s, the French had a ten times more inhuman prison system in the Caribbean, with a 95% death rate. If people want to critcize the USSR, stick with the Great Purge, some retarded shit went down there, although we don't know about how much Stalin knew about what Yezhov did. Gulag did nothing wrong.
I lived with one.
She had a psychotic break and got taken to a mental asylum.
Two people.
One person was a black stoner skater dude who did not give a fuck about anything. He literally did a presentation on Jow Forums for a class presentation. A literature class. A graduate course. I couldn't figure out if he had some brilliant reasoning for doing it but when I asked him he seemed genuinely honest that he just thought it was cool and wanted to talk about it. No idea what he's doing now, think he's a marketing manager for dancers and actors.
The other was a fat little British girl who reeked. We took a compsci class together and she would just gab about cartoons and why they suck, games and why they suck, movies and why they suck, why Obama was the worst president, why she should be able to say nigger in public, why she was a Christian even though she doesn't believe in God (it's so she could tell people they're going to hell), why child porn should be legal, why murder should be legal, why drugs should be punishable by death, why jews were subhuman, how she isn't attracted to men or women but likes reading guro and watching animal abuse videos, and how she would spend all her free time on Jow Forums making bots and spamming and trolling.
She was dangerous, like a whining, scared little dog that might bite you and also could give you an infectious disease just by being around you. She would burst out crying for no reason, like when she overheard someone talking about Total War and suddenly she started weeping because apparently she "hadn't beaten it yet". Out of nowhere she texted me my address and pictures of me, and when I asked why she told me she said she wanted me to know she knew where I lived, "and don't forget it". Every class she would go to the professor, point to someone and start whispering things about them. Six months after I graduated she friend requested my family with a dozen different Facebook accounts.
She really fucked me up, meeting her. It made me realize there are fucked up people who can act crazy as shit but still walk among us.
yeah, we met on a different board but eventually just figured out we were also on Jow Forums. still hang out with this group of people pretty regularly.
Tell us more about this person
I let the word kek slip once while hanging out with these group of guys I kind of knew, no one noticed except for this one skinny fag who later asked me if I use Jow Forums, I said "Yeah, but only /po/" newfag didnt even know what /po/ was
any more stories about her? what's she doing now? how did you escape?
Serves an Jow Forums roasty right desu, they're an especially heinous breed of hoe.
She wasn't someone I tried to hang out with. I couldn't actively avoid her either though. It's like trying to talk down an insane person with a gun, you can't rush them or run away or you'll get shot.
We were paired for two assignments together. The first time I tried to gently walk my way through a partnership with her but she would burst out crying. Once she whispered how she knew I was talking to her like she wasn't "smarter than you" and her face got really red. I basically just did all the work.
Next project was a final group thing and she just never came to any work sessions or practice presentations. We just sent her the presentation and highlighted the stuff she had to say. Nobody else in the group gossipped or mentioned it, we all just put our heads down and did what we had to do.