My boyfriend sent this and said you'd know what it means. Should I worry?

My boyfriend sent this and said you'd know what it means. Should I worry?

Attached: 1A18FDEE-D547-4511-88E2-BDF3347D356B.jpg (1912x2546, 947K)

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Your boyfriend looks like a retarded twink and I can't even see all of his face.
Great choice OP

I'd tell him to stop fucking larping on Jow Forums

No, it just means he's a fucking normie and GAAAAAAAAAY but he knows what to do about it.

>tripfagging on r9k

that hell have few red spots from that bb gun on his forehead

He wants you to buy him a new nike sb shirt

He's gonna be okay. He doesn't have the balls to do it. You can see it in his eyes.

It means he's just going to become a livestreamer

Y-your bf has pretty eyes

>guy kills self
>becomes advertisement for rainbow cat face mask

Attached: 1375347680249.png (572x380, 356K)

fuck off roastie, you're a waste of precious oxygen

It means he's going to stream Silent Hill. Which is his Twitch account?

damn thats a rare shuaiby

>muh Jow Forums conventions
Not too far off from normalfags, just different in the way you adhere to stupid, canonical ways of though.

He likes Kel-Tec products. You should buy him a Kel-Tec KSG for his birthday

fuck off roastie me might just mean he's gonna shoot a fag

All tripfags need to get gassed asap.

stupid roastie its a fucking bb gun

we need to start selling official r9k merch, we could be rich!

Why did your bf crop the image?

no, tell him: "You are funny, please do it and live stream your funny actions"


is rainbow catface official suicide merch now

Watch the next school shooter wear it during his rampage

I want to fuck your boyfriend

Attached: 1529371386647.gif (336x206, 762K)

Get out summerfag! Or at least LURK MOAR!

Attached: 292.jpg (900x900, 137K)

wow user, seems like you have a lot of pent up anger.

Didn't that one other dude who streamed his suicide wear the same mask?


I fucking love seeing tripfags trying to defend their tripping, always a hilariously weak rebuttal.
>You think tripfags are attention whores, you must have a no-tripfag rule then, lol you follow rules normalfag.

He's coming out of the closet and plans to kill himself. Sorry OP.

OP talk to him right now, and make sure to post a link to his suicide when he send you the vid

he looks fuckable. He should try HRT before giving up

ugly beta normie

>ugly beta
Pick one

>still shilling the looks are all that matters meme

If you are ugly in combination of being a beta then you're no normie

beta because he's an attention whore shilling this shuaiby meme