How aesthetic do I need to be to get a thicc latina gf?

How aesthetic do I need to be to get a thicc latina gf?

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Just be born white.

Made for BBC

This. I have an athelte latina gf. Super trade, loves to cook and snuggle, 4.0 stem student. I'm nothing special, just tall and white.

What if I was born black?

They look good now, but in 4 years they will be short and gross goblinas with saggy tits and overweight.

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No chance. The only negro I saw in central/south america was getting beaten on a street corner.

What if I get like Zyzz tier aesthetics?

Just live in a Sanctuary City.

Because THOSE are the ones showing up illegally?

I got this and about to get a thicc bunda from Brazil

What do you mean?

Brazilians are awesome btw.

How can white """women""" even compete?

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wallet ae$thetic

>let in thousands of fugly mestizos so you can get rejected by that one attractive euro blood one

Beauty never lasts, cooking skills do.


>cherry picked

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The Mexican girl is still hotter desu.

>implying the woman on the right isn't at least like 95% white.

I agree with you but that wasn't a great rebuttal photo on your part.

>latinas are so cute
>look at this almost fully blooded european one

Exactly. I really don't like the latina meme because the really good ones don't look that indigenous.

>t. someone who has lived and worked in latin america for a while.

Implying indias aren’t qts

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they arent
also most people in latin america, but the upper class whiter people, look like goblins

ehhhh to each their own, but this guy's broadly correct.

I wonder what the Spaniards saw in them when they decided to racemix with the natives

No pussy for an entire ocean boat ride. Same reason centaurs exist.

>pic related, a white Mexican, is considered a goblin to this retarded Jow Forums user

Now post your picture.

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i said the whiter people dont

Nah I’ve seen plenty of mestizas that are gorgeous

are you an idiot? This dude probably has almost no indigenous or african admixture.

sure there are some that are cute, but walk around the streets here and youll see how ugly everybody is

Where can i get latina qts? I moved to the St Louis. I know some Spanish and Portuguese.

St Louis, MO?

Whiter, upper class girls are hotter on average, but the comparison is not necessarily fair. Poorer girls have less resources to looksmax (e.g. surgeries), just like everywhere else desu. Indigenous girls may also not give a shit about looksmaxxing to fuck white-ish guys.

>t. south american

Yes, is there another one?

youre delusional compare some random polish girl to a random latina and the polish will be way way cuter on average
t.also south american


Latina are more disgusted with negroids than redneck whites are.

What is it with latino/as and their thirst for gringa pussy and gringo dick? You guys always put white people on a pedastal. Trust me, the average American isn’t that cute either.

Almost every race of upper class girls are hotter, All those black thread chicks you see posted are of girls with a sugar daddy or grew up wealthy.

But the cooking is what transformed then into the fat gross goblinas

>They look good now, but in 4 years they will be short and gross goblinas with saggy tits and overweight.

You're pretty much summing up the majority of women. You might be able to stretch the 4 year expiry date through a /f/itness lifestyle. When priorities shift in life it's much harder to convince a partner to continue looking after their appearance.

>Beauty never lasts, cooking skills do.

These are some wise words.

You could also extend it to other traits that are independent from physical attractiveness, intellect, personality, skills etc.

Basing a relationship solely on attraction will lead to disappointment in due time.

I'm personally MGTOW but it's a choice to further my education and financial goals.

all those black chicks that guy keeps spamming look like shit
i dont care about foreigners, im a white latino and like white latinas, white people are cuter than blacks and indios its a fact, youd know that if you ever took the bus in south america

>Implying fatties don't just gorge themselves on potato chips, fast food, and soda.

Some definitely are good looking. Some.

>youd know that if you ever took the bus in south america
so you're not attracted to poor people. nice. stay stupid

Then maybe you guys send all the good looking ones to North America because they’re pretty hot here

Be tall, have good facial aesthetics, be either white or black and you’re good. Also don’t be clingy.

no im not attracted to niggers and fucking bolivian looking goblins be they millonaires or not

Yo chill

typical kikes shilling this
as if all girls from those places look like that
as if even if they did they would fuck incels and average men
as if these 3 in particular are border hoppers

I have face/frame/height and was thicc BF mode and had a pretty hot Latina GF. I have since stayed the same but got really lean and upgraded to instagram thot stick GF. No regrets in lifting for aesthetics.

Not sure which South American country you live in but step out of the city and go to the small towns, you’ll finds lots of qts there

My wife is Honduran and she is raaaacist af against blacks.
Idk how that translates to latinas of other countries.

Hilariously enough she is racist against Mexicans too even though to literally everyone who isn’t Latin she is basically Mexican

>instagram thot stick gf

and let me guess 4channer, she is just as hot or hotter than your previously hot girlfriend, right 4channer?

>she is racist against Mexicans too even though to literally everyone who isn’t Latin she is basically Mexican
Rather than racism is more like being insulted since most of us look down on Mexicans

i dunno man usually on small towns they are even uglier, but on those german/italian little places where the models come from

You fail at reading comprehension

Also pic

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>I'm personally MGTOW

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Is the guy in your pic supposed to be attractive?

>>I'm personally MGTOW

Pic made my day lmfao.

Why? To literally every non spic you're the same. No one can tell the difference

Maybe but we can so it’s annoying

>You're pretty much summing up the majority of women. You might be able to stretch the 4 year expiry date through a /f/itness lifestyle. When priorities shift in life it's much harder to convince a partner to continue looking after their appearance.

wow it must be hard being american



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fair skinned goddess. Love me some pale girls.

>I'm personally MGTOW

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Wtf is that hoverhand?

are you the scholarship for athleticism kind or the anime and gyno kind?

>How aesthetic do I need to be to get a thicc latina gf?
Try having a goddamned personality instead

>but it's a choice

>had campus job in college
>was a loser then and a loser now
>worked with super thick beautiful light skinned latina girl
>she got promoted to a boss type post
>would always insult me and would infer/say a bunch of loser characteristics that applied to me (not having a girlfriend, not having friends, my drivers license, etc) just to make me feel bad

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As a metaphor for barbaric subhuman foreigners?

Way more attractive than the baby-momma who I was with for six years up until a little over a year ago... very much on par with a few other girls who I have dated but far more photogenic than all but one. Behind every perfect-lighting/angle picture with tons of prep time is a real person who shoots snot rockets in the shower and farts in the car with the windows up.

Honestly, those whiteish Latina girls would not generally be considered to be white in Europe to begin with...

if you're just normal white just be above a 5/10 and you get one for free basically

if you're blonde with blue eyes you can be a paraplegic retard and she'll still suck your soul out your dick

i live in beanzone and this is your typical latina

Attached: typical_latinas.jpg (962x650, 221K)

How do I get a qt white gf?

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These memes are true. I'm way below average and the first women I ever had a relationship with was a 5/10 Latina. I'm a 2/10 so it's crazy how much you can jump up.

>Qt or white or a biological female

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Ooga booga booga

>cherry picked

You mean like every single argument about race on Jow Forums?

The woman on the left will be a QT once her teeth get straightened out. Give her time, take a step back and see potential when mouth isn't deformed by crooked teeth, overbite, and braces. All those are getting fixed

The south of the border girls seem to be insane though

Why do Americans think Latinas

are Mexicans?

OP pic is mostly European girls.

Typically ones with lotta indio o negro blood

Ya lotta blacks do well in brazil just dont be broje n ggetoo tgen again in us tget do mix


Eh no ...peryvian effect.
Cuties at best but white girls can be dimes.
Like wats an asian 10....they are cute 7 or 8 at best

native americans ain't negros tho
most are mestizo at this point with the darker ones having less European blood

to be fair german and brit women are europe ugliest

Not very. Thicc latina gf's don't always have high standards

>t. ugly fat fuck who mistreated a thicc latina and still woke up to nudes from her on the daily

sadly true, their parents tell them to go after white men for the citizenship. most mexican girls I know don't date mexicans

>wasted dubs
Welcome to nu-Jow Forums

Haha how silly of trump. I wonder why though...

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>sadly true, their parents tell them to go after white men for the citizenship
No they don’t

the latina I'm seeing is a comp science major at the large college in my town. den titties and hips are pretty great, but yes, being born white helps. she tells me where she is from people dont have blue eyes.