
Simon and GarfunkeI edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


surprise surprise 500

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Fucking crying I can't handle all this stupid shit

drinking some hot cocoa in the summer what is wrong with me lods

delete this thread. the other one was first.

yes this again!!!!!

Did you really? Please respond, I'm worried now in case it was you.

What colour was your car?

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>being this illiterate
you fucked it lad, better luck next time

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>I'm so depressed
>pay attention to me please

Hope this (You) cheers you up enough that you can get the lid off the bottle of bleach.

Want to chat on discord lad?

This one was created before the other one

Well OP hope you're up to making threads for the rest of the night cause I'm not doing it now

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>the other thread got deleted
used the night image when it's still broad daylight outside and won't be dark for 2 hours like a mong too

Holy shit you ok Crona? I love you smoochykins baby xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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Yes please, who are you?


You horrible fucking bully

watch some cuck porn

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Just remember that your mother and father feel nothing but disdain for you, along with everyone here you repulsive swine.


>who are you?

You know me! I thought we were good buds.

i feel you, i know a lot of people on here give you shit for being "dramatic" but, fuck do they know?
i'll tell you one thin-
>door opens
>forced to cum in dogs mouth

Is it really crona or that cock stand that LARPs as other posters?

nothing at all, buy some cheap mini marshmallows to go in it

There are a few people that browse/post here and shouldn't, but I ahve a question for you:

How do you manage more than one friendship group? The normies I work with seem to have 3 or 4.

>Is it really crona
same tripcode yes

Tilde you really need to come back, the threads are shit with this pig

Just an user, but I feel sorry for you. Keep your chin up lad

Don't worry lid, we have all fucked up making a bread before.

Please post July night image lad I forgot to save it.

crona go back to orbiting tilde please

i love my mum so fucking much i just want to lovingly fuck her once

Bottle of Casa Emma's finest cracked open, feet up in the evening sun. What the fuck could be better?

Gonna have a cold shower tbqh, this heat has driven me to it.

>no you have to watch Croatia v Denmark lad
>two early goals we're in for a proper treat

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Everyone fucking hates me, I don't know why I even stay here because no one wants me. I feel like everyone wants me gone. I'm such a horrible person, no one can stand to be around me. Then fine, I won't bother any of you anymore

Going to cry myself to sleep

any anxiety lads in? need some advice.
my voice is really weak and shit because i'm sort of holding it in all the time. but when i breathe out properly when i speak, my voice is booming like a middle aged bricklayer. it sounds almost too loud, but i cant find an in between. anyone else have this?

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Lol that was me

sorry lad

disgusting lad

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This feel precisely

think I might post some bait on leddit tonight lads and watch it all kick off, thinking maybe a concerned parent having their son rebel against soi and the vegan lifestyle? need to make it convincing

Just slink away you wretched beast. YOU are the reason Tilde, Ebin, Pigeon, Foxlad, Shippy and many more stopped posting here.

No matter how hard you try nobody will ever like you. All this fake crying and desperate attempts for attention are sad.

You're right. So just FUCK OFF.

you lot obviously missed it but where's my antheads?

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I'm supporting Denmark this World Cup.

>You horrible fucking bully
>Bullies every other cunt who "steals" his limelight

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To sleep? No mate, to death.

I was one of the people who didn't actually mind you until you outed yourself as a cuck.

Fuck off

christ, women don't know what true pain is

nothing compares to yanking out thick, deeply rooted nasal hairs that grow back like weeds

pathetic really pathetic just leave man it's an imageboard

There's posters here who dont hate you and have probably had good chats with you without realising.

>tfw cant get excited about being an adult and doing adult things
i just want to be a trendy teen forever
anyone else know this feel

Wish dmanonce would stop posting

You are bottom of the barrel scum, genuinely the worst part of /britfeel/. Nothing quite comes close to how bad you are.

You just speak to different people and likely relate to them on different levels.
I.e. one group that are a bit weeby and another that are generic lads
Get on with both so there's no issues, each has their own time for chilling out together and group chats etc make it dead easy.

I don't really understand the question if the above doesn't address it

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Quit enabling this utter cunt

i can't help it, I just want it so much.

Afraid not lad. I had a lovely trip to b&q today and I've been to the tip as well. Fucking great Sunday but I know a decade ago I would have hated every second.

Based trips of truth, checkeeed

>Night walks with simon and Garfunkel
Absolute bliss

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Alright Tilde lod?

Nah lad. We cool.

>he plucks his nose
enjoy your AIDS

crona this is BAIT senpai

>giving it this many (You)s
Thread's gonna be shit lads

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How do you manage the time commiments and staying in touch with those different groups?

only adult things you need to do is getting a job and paying your bills, act and dress however the fuck you want and like whatever interests you

Pathetic enabling of someone who is a nasty human. You're as bad as him.

>Thread's gonna be shit lads
Says a frogposter.

yes everyone says I talk too loud so I don't talk at all

Said Tolkien himself in a letter to his publisher [about the The Lord of the Rings]: "It's not really a sequel to the Hobbit, but to the Silmarillion."

Nothing else moved me more, lads, than his writings. He has a really good flowing writing, interesting, and with intent.

good watch youtube.com/watch?v=uTRUQ-RKfUs

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Honestly, can we just ban tripfags and be done with it? At the very least we should shun them and not engage them. All they do is shit up this place and bring nothing of value.

but im twenty three
and i live an adult life i just hate every second of it and cant wait to get back to shitposting online and wearing cute panties

We need ID's. Said it from the beginning

I'm as happy to converse with him as anyone else. He has done nothing and can do nothing to harm me, so why not?


you've posted this several times. Is it your channel or something?

Lol this weak bait. Crona, don't fall for it

>anyone else have this?
well now I think I might

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REMINDER: The internet is why we're all here, anyone want to take a month off the internet with me?

Nah, I'm just a bit lonely and sharing things.

If he want's to chat, I'll chat with him. Simple as.

You're a good lad, lad.

>a month
why not try a day

brittany venti is so ugly

"Personalities" in general attract attention, they go against the concept of an anonymous community.

Yeah most people hate the adult stuff and just want to fuck around. I've found as long as you have a job then you can do whatever the fuck you like for the rest of the time. I do nothing except play games and gym but because I also work 40 hours a week fine.

what cereal we eating tonight

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if I didn't pluck them, they'd be down by my ankles by now

lel go for it man, looking for advice? sorry need to drink more

I don't see it. I just think "yes I would".

I don't see why they aren't applied to every board in the first place

Ok, but remember this, he cares nothing for you. He'll try use you as a stepping stone or something to leech something from, nothing more.

You don't need to hang out all the time, I've got a few friends that I can go a year or so without seeing then we try allocate time for at least special occasions.
So it's not like it'll be overwhelmingly social, and like I said with group chats - they make life so much easier. So you can get the interaction/planning done and it just takes a bit of texting here and there. My main groups usually have chats about once to a few times a day and the others every so often.
Its understood that people have lives and its welcome to just sort of fade in and out of it every so often.

Discord is handy for friends and you can set up multiple channels etc, then you can just hop in for a chat or whatever when you feel like it or somebody asks i.e. to play vidya together.

I find it hard to spend time away from the internet when I have it available, I'd love to go to a cabin or something with my musical instruments and just see what happens.

Oh Nikita, you will never know
Anything about my home
I'll never know how good it feels to hold you
Nikita, I need you so
Oh Nikita is the other side of any given line in time
Counting ten tin soldiers in a row
Oh no, Nikita you'll never know

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funny you mention that lod, i took a week off two weeks ago. feel much better for it too, you end up doing constructive shit with your time instead of wasting it clicking about 247. i think you should do it, difficult at first, but you feel great after a day or two.

I wouldn't be able to samefag and manipulate board culture.

What do you mean by a month without internet? Does that mean not checking your emails or appliances which use the internet too? Where is the cut-off point?

I believe it was put to the vote on r9k and rejected. Shame IMO.

I'm chatting to him on /britfeel/ not moving in with him.

tesco brand shreddies

oh no! i want to be able to speak more, not less...
which part, the weak voice or the booming voice?

As it turned out though, she could have.