Anons would you date a 3/10 if she was intelligent and very empathetic towards you?

Anons would you date a 3/10 if she was intelligent and very empathetic towards you?

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I would date any girl if I had the choice

i say yes on here but irl id just laugh at a 3/10
why am i like this?

is she a fat ass(obese)?

Intelligence in the absence of mental instability is a big fucking deal and most of what I'd look for in a potential partner.
Empathy is whatever, I'm not difficult to understand.

>Anons would you date
Yes. Didn't even read the rest of what you said. Now where's my gf

Yes. In fact right now any 3/10 in this thread reply to me and I'll date you on the spot no questions asked.

Somebody show me a picture of a 3/10.

seconding this. ohraygahknow

No. Absolutely fucking not. I'd rather masturbate.



i'd prefer that over a fucking average roastie you find on tinder that dumps you for a normalfag desu

I wouldn't date anyone under any circumstances.

I dont believe ppl can be so hungry to date anyone which allow itself to date with you.

One time at Tinder a 3/10 with HIGH compatibility and endless good talk, smart and wanting to date and encounter and go to my house to talk, watch a movie or play a instrument and bla bla bla.

I never had so much connection with someone on Tinder.
She used just 1 photo, and a trick one, in the perfil.
At the moment when she send a better, more sincere, pic of herself, showing that she is a fat monster, a 3/10, I disappeared. Com-ple-te-ly.

It's not be superficial guys. But you cannot simulate attraction, or go to someshit whale just to lost this overhyped virginity. If you aren't attracted, why the point of all this effort??

I understand this feeling.

You guys need r/TheRedPill

Explain riginale

>Anons would you date-

If she weren't fat, yeah that'd be ideal.


Define 3/10.

This is orefanoli

I think it's the other way around. Fatness can eventually be fixed, but a goblin face means you're screwed forever.

Yeah but fat is indicative of apathy, an ugly face reflects nothing bad of your character to a non brainlet. I could love an acid victim, but a fatty no way. To each their own though.

I tried to once. She rejected me.

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