Reclaim your heritage blackbots
Come home
Reclaim your heritage blackbots
Come home
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Niggers can't build. Unless you call mud huts "buildings". LMAO
>tfw went to Japan and it was the best moment of my life
Hope I can go again next year
this is your only 'heritage', nigger.
Now fuck off before we will force you to pick our intergalactic cotton in the future when everyone realizes that you are universally useless
It's the wagie chunk who posts dogshit anime we've been hearing about you faggot
Are all the kashii-san posters you?
Yukana's better desu
what do you mean by this? I'd like to go to Japan but I think everyone will think I'm ugly. I've seen a lot of blogs about black girls going to Japan or other mostly homogeneous Asian countries but they all pretty much say there's a good deal of outcast treatment and I'm not pretty enough to overcome that
There is a few. Someone is impersonating me but i learned to live with it.
>the cheating whore better
>they all pretty much say there's a good deal of outcast treatment
thats to everyone who isn't a native. It's worse against blacks though i'll agree with you on that
>cheating whore
She was the one who gave Junichi a chance, and remained loyal to him even when he didn't trust himself.
Ranko, on the other hand, is a complete bitch.
God tier taste my man
Post more Yui
ITT- niggers and gooks get triggered and fight one another in the thread
God damn it lately r9k has been pol what is up with the race bait shit
Would be kind of hilarious if asians and africans sort of cut out whites and built their own little thing.
Japs, Mongols, Korean transhumanists, African warlords, post america blacks, and millions of blasians are the future.
So itd be hilarious if asians destroyed their perfectly good culture with normalized gang/tribe violence?
Itd be hilarious if you killes yourself
And yet again the pigskin ape tries to claim superiority fuck off you FAGGOT
Asians hate eachother more than they hate others though
Yes I know so as an ugly black chick i'm going to be an even greater freak than i already feel like in america
be my negress gf and I'll treat you right
>Be Somalia in 1950's
>Actually an okay country and one of the best in Africa
>Italians are there and are pretty much interested
>Somalia was known for sandy white beaches and nice architecture
>Dictator supported by US interest comes in
>Siad Barre
>Rules over
>Fucks the US over
>Adopts Soviet ideals in 1970's
>Socialism and Marxism
>US puts in sanctions for trading with North Vietnam
>Dictator tries to keep control while US undermines him
>Becomes brutal
>Things start going bad
She cheated on Junichi. period. She went out on a date with Chad. She ran to junichi in the morning wearing the same clothes and probably pussy dripping out Chad's cum.
Ranko is just some dumb lesbo.
Why would asians actively lower their intelligence by mixing with niggers?
Why would blacks mix with Asians and lose strength it'd be the worst thing
Salty terrified "whites" and sad self hating brown people detected.
Asians some Africans and Blacks would have much to gain from a partnership. The hatreds that asians have for other asians and africans have for other africans mean nothing.
It's all pure profit for both.
If they don't fuck it up that is.
>Somalia 1980's
>Political unrest
>Everyone is angry at Barre
>People are getting angrier at the government
>Soviets begin arming Ethiopians in Ogaden a tactical area into Somalia's corner point
>Riots begin but Siad cracks down with special force red berets who are getting paid less are working more and are facing traumatic work of killing civilians everyday
>Armed forces disbanded
>People begin going back to their clans (lineage)
>Huge amounts of weapons belonging to the best army in Africa who are actually trained is taken by everyone
>Tanks, artillery shells, technicals, fighter planes, bombs, attack helicopters
>Civil war begins
>Chaos begins
>US tries to intervene as they were making money off it
>US are later beaten in what became known as Black Hawk down a large reason why the US didn't ever go back or bother getting into land wars in Africa
>US left
>Chaos becomes huge
>UN intervention does very little
>Somalia is later known as the country of war
>Anarchy is reached
>2012 government is re-established
>Now classified as fragile state
>Economy is beginning to run back up
>Only problem
>Terrorists with better funding from Al-Qaeda in the south and a low morale army
How long before the somalians out Al-Qaeda as a America/IMF backed Gureilla force.
Soon I hope.
Hopefully when they out Isis and the "leaders" of the middle east, whor'e just fucking puppets of the IMF and western interests and a civil war happens for the heart of Islam and the future of their people.
I actually learned a lot about Somali history from your posts, thanks user.
Reminder wh*toids lost to guerillas in Zimbabwe, Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, and Algeria. Why are western armies so s-o-i?
Name one first world black country.
Yeah I'm Somali so this has become an interest for me due to learning we went from one of the best countries in Africa to a war zone within the space of a decade and that's pretty much what were known for even though if you look at our past we should've been a first world nation at this point, other than were also known for scorched earth tactics which were good at but that's another topic for another day. The biggest problem is solving the terrorists and government institutions are not being funded properly also the lack of an armed forces even though we've got a militarily trained population that are extremely effective all in all it's architecture during the 20th and 19th century is my favourite thing about it as well as the environment and trade and ports rich history
HeIlo brainIet
It was a white larping boi who started this thread.
Yeah you mean every African nation that got fucked over by colonisation e.g. the Congo there's a reason there ain't and there's a reason western Europe is rich and it's pretty widely known
Hooks can't build unless it's underground mud stations that has a death rate of 1 in 3 people dying
Youll become a good lil mimi faust
Drool for me pls
>Korean transhumanists
Lmao vro
This thread actually turned out kinda decent thanks blaccbots
Ukraine has been oppressed for almost its entire history and it's still better than every country in Africa, all of which were colonized for fewer than two centuries.
I support the blacking of Japan, they need higher birth rates and blasians are master race.
USA, aka Los Estados Unidos
>pigskin ape
Sounds pretty bad ass to me, thanks
no and no faggot
Reminder to all blackbots in this thread, you have buildings, culture and heritage. Do not let the angry gook or white nationalists tell you otherwise.
Eritrea, kenya, south Africa, Namibia, Jamaica, Madagascar and Morocco
Rot in hell honkey.
All of those are considered 3rd world countries you troll
what about poland
cuba granted its not great but certainly better than an African country
Africans fault for not developing and letting stronger nations conquer it
china was never conquered or japan
LOL these were built by whites lmao
south america was colonized too
i used to be a light skinned black neet with no future. then my parents told me to get the fuck out of their home. i moved to south korea. i work as an english teacher and i'm married to a korean qt (9/10 by my standards, 7/10 by korean standards). i couldn't be happier
Nice lies, nigger. Nobody in korea wants a bum lmao
as a teacher i'm actually a well respected person within my community. we're all gonna make it, you just have to believe in yourself.
Niggers need to stop stealing cultures...
>no proof
Fuck off neet loser
All of those are third world countries and Morrocans are arab and berber, brainlet.
It's ALWAYS the anime faggots
He's past saving, a basement ridden recluse who does nothing but shitpost constantly on this website.
i cant do online relationships though
Name one accomplishment of yours.
lmfao this wagie gook is so obnoxious i wish they would just kill themselves instead of commenting in every thread