Sludge Farming General /sfg/

Hey fellow sludge farmers! I just got my new shipment of sludge! I've been thinking of growing it into more pure sludge and extracting it.
Does anyone here have black sludge? I heard it's really nice but I've never been able to afford it.

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Skub thread? Fingerbox thread?

only sludge

Fucking poorfag,I got sludge last April and started a hydroponic sludge farm of the coast of Cali,gotta be careful not to bother the cartel tho,sludge is fucking harmless it should be legal

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I agree, Legalize sludge for farming as it's only beneficial

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So what do you use sludge for?

oh man I used to love me some fingerbox

OP Here
Sludge is used for farming as it's been shown to be more nutrient rich than traditional manure or soil

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Fucking boomers making sludge illegal

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Kinda scared to try sludge friend of mine got hooked and ended up in a padded cell any tips for first timers?

here's some basics
>Never do it alone
>Have a sober friend to keep you in check
>drink LOTS of water
other than that just be careful

beginner sludge here
>Buy some sludge from a sketchy dealer
>Whatever, black sludge is pretty valuable so i ignore the obvious red flags
>Dude keeps stuttering
>Feels really weird
>Take the black sludge and attempt to go home
>decide to try some out of morbid curiosity
>end up near the river completely naked
Does anyone know of any way to stop this from happening?

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Are you staring into it or letting it absorb through your skin?

I normally just stare into it until it stares back

Highest quality sludge ive ever seen came from my own back yard, it was soft grey sludge. Im not home now to take pic. The yields are not big, but the quality is high. Might share my technique if i see reason for it, not gonna give it away without a good reason tho.

Soft grey?
care to explain? I've been sludgeing for a few years and have only come across black, yellow, or brown

Hey guys rate my sludge, just planted it!

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hey, young upstart independent sludge farmer here, thinking about increasing my productivity by upgrading to pvc pipes, what are the best ones to get? Also should I line them with grease for better sludge flow? Im still a newbie here so bear with me, I am still learning.

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Always have someone to check on you once in a while. Drink lots of water. Keep the locks on your doors, since you probably won't be able to open those locks.
Always use protection!

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Master Sludge here
I reccomend using PVC pipes coated with hair spray so it the sludge keeps it's consistency. this is a bit risky though as it can result in combustion if you're processing your sludge too quickly so you might want to try test running this to see if your sludge is compatible

any of you guys read /sludge/ the manga?

it's really good any sludge farmer worth their salt should check it out.

it's called dorohedoro btw

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Its a plant based sludge, but it has a certain clay mixed in with it. This sludge hits really hard like black, but there are less side effects, like yellow sludge.

You never came across green sludge?

Yeah one time down in the bayou i saw some naturally forming green sludge and wanted to collect it but I managed to snap a photo

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Use multiple smaller pipes parallel instead of a thick one, this puts the sludge in a lamellar stream, which increases quality. Only problem is that if you have to go up hill, you need multiple pumps instead of just one big one.
I always use clear cellulose lacquer on the insides of the pipes, to keep quality more consistent.

Looks good, maybe put less water on it next time.

Wait, you can actually get high from "sludge" ?

First time Jow Forums browser here, Never heard of it before.

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I hate breaking character but this is just a joke thread, please don't try to get high off sludge, friend.

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>he doesnt know what sludge farming is for yet

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yeah wtf is this meme this seems so garbage i thought it was robots getting high wtf

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Bury pink is a master sludge farmer

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>tfw you actually worked at a shit plant and had to hose shit all day for a while
It wasn't fun.

This is a good meme. God-tier
But its like an ironic onion. A huge amount of layers of irony, and when you peel them all away, you are left with literally nothing

Sludge a shit. Skub is far superior.

So has anyone found a way to synthesize purple sludge? i know it's a bit of an urban legend but I think it's possible

is it bad to eat slugde

halp :/
looks tastey

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Sludge is good for your metabolism

fanks fren
do yuo know where i can buy slugde?

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I heard playing songs to sludge could help the flavour and after effects, can anyone confirm?

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goodnight sweet sludge

whoa. that's some nice sludge there man

Yes but you have to stir it while the music is playing for maximum exposure

Why not darken your own sludge? Mix some nitrates in that shit. you can get them at any garden shop

I hate to rain on your parade folks, but supporting sludge is evil. How do you think the cartels get so much out of crappy nutrient deficient topsoil? That's right, old Unkie Samawamawizzle and his pals a the CI of A are sending our homemade essence of America to these gangbangers by the metric kiloglorp. The solution is clear, we must clench unflinchingly. Do it for America. Do it sticky icky American values like mom used to roll. Hell, you can clench if you just jumped the fence over here! Do it for lil Emilio or Estaban or whatever his name was. This ends now, No more sludge for bloodge!

You had a fingerbox? Man, only one dude in my town could afford a fingerbox. It was a cool one with the toroidal coaxial layer. Perfect for the triple hole skid slide. We used to invite girls over his house on Friday. Dude got so much tail...

It's too late now. Clearly you guys were standing too close before using the plasma manifold to induce deoxylation in the flow-stream. You might as well eat it by the mouthful now. The retardation, dizziness, and anal drippage will go away after a week or so. Maybe sooner if you drink water with a slice of lime in it.