Any experiences with Alpha Brain?

Any experiences with Alpha Brain?

When to take? Before studying? During studying? After studying before sleep?
Does it help with lifting performance?

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Turns you into a chimp young Jamie

Can you write that in a way that makes sense?

It'll turn me into a monkey? Like stupid?

Alpha brain is funny in that anyone dumb enough to buy it will never realize they've been scammed

How do you know?
Have you tried it?

Your reply makes you sound like some piss poor skeptic

it's just a bunch of meme herbs, take ashwagandha if you want a brain drug that helps with lifting

If it worked it'd be prescription only and/or illegal.

But there are proven foods good for the brain such as fish oil and eggs.

Why is it so crazy to assume there are herbs great for the brain's functions?

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You really think some snake oil made up of some secret herbs and amino acids is going to make you sharper? Most of the shot in there is under dosed or has never been shown to be effective in improving cognitive function in healthy adults.

how is it snake oil when the ingredients are publicly listed?

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It's an expensive product that isn't going to do anything for you?

some herbs are, but for the most part they have effects only slightly better than placebo, that you'll never actually notice because they're too subtle.

It was on sale a few years ago (if it was your first purchase) so I bought a small bottle. I took it over the course of two weeks and noticed absolutely no difference. Maybe it did do something but it was so subtle I decided it wasn’t worth it

Listen buddy
There are expensive products that do great things for the body when it comes to lifting

Cordyceps Militaris
Beta Alanine

All those supplements give good results (not as good as steroids) but with 0 consequences.

a 10% increase with 0 set back is worth the money for me. Especially cause I'm going back to school to learn some hard shit.
All I need is a little improvement
That sucks.
I have a bottle I got from amazon. $32.
I was planning on taking it once the semester starts.

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>beta alanine and glutamine
Alpha brain is like 30-40 dollars for 2 WEEKS of doses. And like I said they alpha brain doesn't have effective doses. For example the GPC used in the study they site was intramuscular and at like 10 times the dose in alpha brain.

just take steroids, they give the best results

Steroids shrink your balls
You're right, that sucks ass that it's 15 days worth for $30

but hey good things cost money in this world so I thought I'd try it

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>Buying bullshit supplements for proprietary blends and other horseshit

Can't believe there a are stupid basedcucks out there dumb enough to buy shit from Joe Rogan lmao

Not shilling or memeing - I was at party and one of my friends offered me some of this stuff. Having listened to the JRE I knew what it was and laughed it off.

He encouraged me to try it and see for myself. Decided fuck it, why not. Not sure if placebo or not, but I became incredibly lucid and my verbal output/acuity went through the roof. I felt very socially on, like the rare times where you seem to riff perfectly on every joke, or lead conversations with ease.

It is expensive as hell though. Will probably never buy them myself, but will take em if they're around.

Hey if it helps me pass an exam it was worth it right?

Even if it gives me the placebo effect to study a bit longer a little harder.
Sounds good
Yeah it's expensive

Did 30 days. Absolutely no effect what so ever

If you want a real nootropic stack use L-theanine+Bacopa root and caffeine

>why must u betray me lord Joe

>L-theanine+Bacopa root
That's literally in Alpha Brain...

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This is a reference to the Joe Rogan Podcast you idiot.

Joe Rogan is a spokesman for Onnit, and in particular hawks Alpha Brain on every episode of his podcast

Joe Rogan has an assistant that looks up things on the internet during his podcasts named Jamie who Joe refers to as "Young Jamie"

Joe Rogan particularly like comparing things to and talking about Chimpanzees, and how "savage" they are and how they will "fuckin rip you apart man"

Thus, is a reference to all of the above

I don't listen to Joe Rogan but okay

I thought maybe I'd turn into a monkey strength

and it costs next to nothing, so why in the fuck would you pay for Alpha Brain

Are you sure the other ingredients are useless?

Do you have to try and justify your purchase of magic pills because the store you bought from doesn't accept returns?

No, I just want something to give me an edge while studying

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Yes, first started taking when i got into nootropics

>When to take?

take morning and night best with food, but can do on empty stomach, may get nauseau if you are prone to car sickness though

>Does it help with lifting performance?

it may, probably not though

>Any experiences with Alpha Brain?

not worth the money at all.
1. ingredients you can buy in bulk for alot cheaper
2. its a supplement, so expect the same affect you would get from taking l-arganine or something aka youll notice some things change a little, but nothing drastic and nothing to the point of what you desire
3. doesn't help with studying or focus, BUT can help you remember things a bit easier. If you have a shit diet and lifestyle youll notice more if you are healthy and have a good lifestyle youll notice jack shit.
4. you do get to remember your fucked up dreams though

you're a fucking idiot

the only reason it passed double blind placebo trials is because it has bacopa in it, which is $20 for a 3 month supply

>theanine / caffiene

those are the ONLY things that have solid scientific backing

if you want a small step up, google BTC Nootropics and buy some modafinil

I'm not kidding, if you don't believe me, do even the smallest bit of research on or on r/nootropics you fucking shit for brains nigger

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