>women can put a thin layer of paint and powder on their faces to immediately raise their sexual market value with 2-4 points
How is this fair in any shape or form?
Seriously, fuck the 80-20 dating statistics, makeup is the true inequalizer.
>women can put a thin layer of paint and powder on their faces to immediately raise their sexual market value with 2-4 points
How is this fair in any shape or form?
Seriously, fuck the 80-20 dating statistics, makeup is the true inequalizer.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not hard to learn how to apply cover up to mask basic things like pimples. You don't need to do anything else but buy a cheap ass $10 liquid cover up at sephora and a $1 brush to blend that shit in.
Am I the only person that thinks she's equally as unattractive in both pictures?
Men have a higher sex drive which leads to women being pickier. Even fat women get chased. The only way a woman can't get someone is if she's disabled or extremely hideous. 4/10s can still get laid. I saw a fat ugly girl with her stomach hanging out her pussy and she was dating some dude plus they had a child together. If a girl can't get a guy it's because she's being picky
honestly I can tell when a girl is uggo without the makeup shes wearing, you just learn h ow to eyeball it after enough practice
>those eyes
Still cute on the left but she needs to lose weight.
Seriously, fuck back off to
Your right, I've slayed my share of dragons and trolls. Bloody good fun i tell ya. Never would I be able to get my 8/10 to do the things I had done to me by the monsters of the land.
i can only tell super up close, hard to otherwise
Yes you are
It's not equal, but she is unattractive in both.
Serious question; can men use makeup for looks gains or do you just look like a faggot? I'm not talking about just hiding some zits, but actually altering your looks
>watched a few makeup youtube tutorials
>now know all the underhanded tricks womyn use to make themselves look better
>+10 perception, can now identify roasties by their true visage beyond the illusion
>mfw seeing cracked foundation, runny mascara from sweat, poorly lined lipstick etc. all over women in clubs and events
All men should privy themselves to the ways of the roast.
>Seriously, fuck the 80-20 dating statistics, makeup is the true inequalizer.
I doubt it. For instance take a country where all the women are hot as hell, i.e. Russia. Loads of ugly Russian dudes are banging hot Russians, because there's plenty to go around.
Inequality in the sexual market will happen regardless of how attractive the women are, because women are the selectors, not men.
And the sexual market is not as inequal as you r9k faggots would like to believe
Make up in general looks like garbage. Girls that are natually attractive and cute look 10 times better without it.
She looks like a rat kike in the forst one then goes to trashy pornstar thats probably fucked niggers. YUCK
How do you even look at yourself in the mirror after fucking ugly fat women
Growing up with a sister whose into makeup made me aware of its effects very early on in life. I’ve never been fooled by makeup.
Women shouldn't be allowed to wear makeup desu. It's fucking cheating.
This is some dark occult shit right here.
Am I really going to watch some makeup tutorials right now?...
Anyone else prefer women who wear no make up at all? Or maybe just a little eyeliner?
How can most women have so fucking dull personalities?
Its amazing how they are basically all the same.
Ive found education makes no difference because women have an ability to study, get good grades, get a degree in something respectable but still be dumb as a rock.
>be me
>invite a really hot 22yo girl to a weekend date to another city
>she agrees
>i have fun at first
>great sex
>start talking about our lives etc.
>find out shes basically a fucking retard
>all she talks about are her “friends” who as far as i can tell she hates and tv shows
>has no hobbies or interests
>she studies law, i ask her about it
>”its okay mm but i dont know”
>calls her dad daddy
>is spoiled as shit because daddys little girl gets anything she wants
after the time spent with her i almost hate her because of her basicness and am no longer interested in fucking her even. Happends every time
I swear 90% of attractive women fit this description
What options are there?
Be single all your life and fuck one mindless cunt after another until each one bores you to death.
Sorry for the unrelated post i just needed to vent because of my current situation
>How can most women have so fucking dull personalities?
maybe because they still can get laid and guys will suck up to them to get laid?
But you still wanna have sex with them and they still would reject you. Stacy still gets Chad's cock while you whine about finding them ugly on a chinese anime board?
Whos winning here?
Men and women aren't supposed to live together.
She is literally wearing eyeshadow you dumb nigger
>if makeup isn't your hobby you're a dumb nigger
Fucking numale piece of shit
You phrased it as if getting Chad's cock IS winning. Phaggot detected
>How is this fair in any shape or form?
What's stopping you from putting a thin layer on your face?
A Y chromosome.
>baah it's not fair
Listen to yourself you whiny bitch.
Then don't go for women with caked on makeup.
>thin layer of paint
Nah that's some heavy ass foundation and contouring going on there. There is no way it looks as good as in this video lighting. If you can't clock that IRL you're a retard.
nah face colors arent universally even.
She's just really young with good genes
>Y chromosome
>is afraid to improve himself and seek perfection
Dating is a battlefield, you should use every available option to your advantage.
Holy shit so much r9k bullshit in one post
Except makeup isn't improving yourself, it's masking yourself.
I bet you don't use antiperspirant. I mean, it's just masking your natural smell. Or wear clothes, don't want to mask your body. Or have a well groomed beard, to mask your weak chin.
not really unfair but ugly chicks need to learn slapping on makeup won't help, they just come across as trashy.
Fake up or no fake up your face will never get me to see past your fat trashcan body
Being this Virgin
1. She's ugly
2. She's wearing makeup
Shut the fuck up
And men grow beards to cover up their weak jaw what's your point, incel?
>It's not hard to learn how to apply cover up to mask basic things like pimples
True, but how can i learn to spot uglies masking their ugliness with tons of makeup?????????
How retarded do you have to be to think thats no make up
Literally every girl can wear make up,
not every male can grow a beard.
honestly he looked better before, afterwards he just looks homeless
unless you are a monk or something a beard is useless
I wish I could grow a beard...
Hair just doesn't grow on my upper jaw or cheeks
Fug, at least I'll never go bald
Buy a bottle of makeup remover and spill that shit in bitches faces like it's acid
I prefer left over right. It's too bad she's a fat catlady.
that's how stupidy dumb dumbs fall for traps and got fucked in the assholes
>Fug, at least I'll never go bald
yeah... sorry to break it to you, but there's strong correlation with early baldness and inability to grow facial hair........ Sorry..........
The correlation is the opposite actually.
If you can't grow proper facial / body hair you're far less likely to go bald than some carpeted apeman
>The correlation is the opposite actually.
>If you can't grow proper facial / body hair you're far less likely to go bald than some carpeted apeman
Proof or this is just autistic fiction.
beards are actually a physical biological part of a man
make up isn't a part of women
the equivalent argument of this is saying women shouldn't be able to use hair brushes
Growth of body hair is an androgenic effect of testosterone.
Loss of head hair is an androgenic effect of testosterone.
Do the math.
>Growth of body hair is an androgenic effect of testosterone.
>Loss of head hair is an androgenic effect of testosterone.
>Do the math.
Implying hormonal effects are soo simple. Go away brainlet...........
I feel bless that my girl doesn't, and never has, worn makeup. Like some kind of unicorn
No you're not. It's called being an adult/not having absolute shit taste in women.
If she wears a shit ton of makeup just assume she's ugly without it
Very smart idea man
Teach us senpai. What do we have to look out for??
>knowing nothing about a topic but decide to lecture others on it
This qualifies as being a dumb nigger, you dumb nigger.
womp womp
Her freckles are drawn on, she's wearing eyeshadow, she's wearing blush, mascara, she took foundation to the outer parts of her lips to make her lip stick fade out the way kpop stars do. What we have here is a Koreaboo
>look at this girl not wearing makeup! She's cute XDD
>She's wearing makeup, retard
>Fuck you retard! fucking nigger numale
14 year old detected
>nah face colors arent universally even.
She's just really young with good genes
>90% of women are like this
How do you meet women? On tinder or at bars? Because thats how meet vapid sluts. The women i get involved with i already know in some capacity and am attracted to some aspect of there personality. They have to have some passion and can carry on a conversation
>ITT: Jow Forums posters that entirely dropped the fitness pretense
No joke; you people are the Muslims of Jow Forums. You migrate en masse from your hole, infest other boards with no intention to assimilate. And you aren't satisfied until they're indistinguishable from your home. Kek, you even commit irl terrorism.
Men who put in an effort can outpace women's physical attractiveness by developing status and charisma. Only passive omega-males throw tantrums about whamen's advantages and stamp their feet over how unfair life and makeup and lookism is. It's much easier to convince yourself the game is rigged from the start than it is to actually learn how to play.
how do i avoid la creatura fooling me?
el goblino
Honestly a 7/10 with a good personality is way better than a vapid 9/10
I’m a girl and I love makeup, not because I’m ugly and can’t go out without it but because I love enhancing my features (long lashes, cheekbones) and it makes me feel very feminine.
I don’t understand the whole ‘if you wear makeup you must be UGLY’, that’s not how it works. Unless you literally wear full on contour and heavy face makeup EVERY SINGLE DAY (which no one does except a few women and makeup youtubers).
There seems to be a trend on Jow Forums: girls who wear makeup are bad, girls who dye their hair are bad, girls who do cosmetic procedures and/or plastic surgery are bad, it’s kinda pathetic.
sounds like a cope
That's the only problem... Why can't you be content in the facial features you were born with? This is pure vanity with no other health benefits. It's kinda pathetic that people need to do that to feel confident. Cookie cutter...
>Im a girl
I am content with my facial features and that’s exactly why I love enhancing them. I don’t see your point.
It makes me feel more feminine, more confident. To me it’s like putting on a beautiful outfit, having pretty nails, pretty hair. It’s just one thing to add to my overall look.
Hmm, why can’t guys just be content with their facial features.. why grow a beard?
Why can’t we just be content with our body just how it is? Why even go to the gym?
>Hmm, why can’t guys just be content with their facial features.. why grow a beard?
i dont have a beard roastie
>Why can’t we just be content with our body just how it is? Why even go to the gym?
because we're animals meant to move/exercise?
If you can't spot a litre of makeup from a mile away it's your own damn fault.
A week without makeup and a good rest would make her qt
It's a sour grapes complex through and through.
The only reason incels become moralfaggots over that stuff is because they can't get the advantages that women do from them. They envy women. They envy the easy mode life they believe women live.
You can hit the gym and stop being a faggot
When did this board become /r9incel
>sexual market value
Oh boy
Mods please start banning these threads.
It's summer.
> Why can't you just be content
That sounds like the biggest cope, when did Jow Forums ever become about just accepting mediocrity instead of trying to maximize potential?
At what point would you say that taking care of yourself to look good becomes vanity? Because with your logic even maintaining a decent haircut is "pure vanity with no health benefits"
You're right. Moralfaggots piss me off.
Well do you think I can see you through the screen? It wasn’t directed at you personally. I was talking in general.
Also, moving/exersizing has nothing to do with going to the gym for defined muscles and lower bodyfat. It’s ALL vanity. Most guys here want to build their body and have a specific fit body type and that has nothing to do with ‘humans need exercise’.
men can do that too, if they feel shallow enough.
>Why can't you be content in the facial features you were born with?
I'm not the original femanon, but what's wrong with trying to look one's best? I mean, we are on a board with predominantly males worried about having no calves / uneven pecs / no adonis belt and all the male facial aesthetics threads... we are here because most of us are striving to look better, health benefits aside.
(btw foundation protects the skin from UV rays, and good foundation has nourishing and hydrating properties, so it is health beneficial and good in the long run)
I always felt like lying to everyone when wearing make up. It's expensive, it mostly fucks up your skin and you get a false sense of your self-worth. Additionally it takes just sooo fucking much time.
You can still see all her flaws in the right picture, she's equally ugly in both.
that's cultural appropriation!
>Asia's obsession with paleness is centered around whites
Europeans already run American education through the mud; you don't have to make it easier for them.
Foundation doesn't protect from UV rays, you need about a quarter sized dollop of sunscreen for your face alone to protect yourself. That's using something MADE SPECIFICALLY to protect your face from the sun. You do not apply enough foundation to do you any good.
Makeup collects in the creases of your skin and makes you look old. It clogs your pores, and causes micro-irritation and inflammation that will prematurely age you.
>foundation hydrates and nourishes your skin
bullshit. If your skin is absorbing the hydration it's also absorbing all the chemicals used to preserve the pigment in your makeup. This is what causes the inflammation and pore-clogging.
Get yourself a clean moisturizer (preferably a cold-pressed oil) and use a natural/physical zinc sunscreen. You slathering pigment and preservatives on your face every day (and I bet you're also smearing it into your eyes as well) is aging you. Talcum is even worse for your skin and I bet you're setting your foundation with it too. Keep coping, Stacy.
Biologically nearly every human prefers white/pale skin. That's why whenever the environment allows for this development, it shows up.