Why are people so obsessed with brooke when daria is infinitely better?

why are people so obsessed with brooke when daria is infinitely better?

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Brooke just turned goth.She's now oficially god tier.

Who are either of them? Oh well, at least it's not Ciara. Glad that blew over.

Orbiters are the ultimate form of beta male.
They must be culled for the good of the human race.

lol diarrhea...

is that the same girl as pic related?

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Brooke is a lot prettier i wish I looked like her. I've never heard of Daria

Is Daria a slav.

An entire world war was fought to prove that Slavs are not white. And even though our side lost, it was immediately followed by the Cold War, which again, established on the fact that slavs were not white.

yes that's daria

brooke never bully me and call me kid though

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She is a cutie
Not god tier but I would drop everything if she wanted a snuggle

Does anybody know daris insta

She is beautiful af
Who is she exactly? IG model? r9k attentionhoe?

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> daria will never make fun of you before pushing you off a tall buliding
why even live?

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you know her IG, user?

you guys know she's a boy right?

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that doesn't look like a boy.. at all

That girl doesn't give a shit about me, at least brooke responds my messages

Brooke's orbiters go hard. And Brooke is underage but she's talking to all these other underage redditors anyways

well she is prettier than that other girl. that brooke girl has no jaw/chin. also terrible submental area. only thing brooke has is feminine PCT eyes and zygomatic arch...which isn't that good, since her lower third is so small, so naturally her zygos appear large.

FINALLY found her instagram

www.instagram.com yungdari/

>obsessing over literal models that would rather get run over by a bus than even so much as glance in your direction
Will never get this. These people are so far out of your league why bother.