Jow Forums - W-why aren't you flossing?

Flossing is just as important as brushing for oral hygiene. I gurantee 90% of you here will have gum disease and the first time you try to floss your gums will bleed and you will cry like a bitch.
Your breath probably smells like shit too.

When flossing bring the floss right under your gums on each side between the tooth.

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>Flossing is just as important as brushing for oral hygiene
so...not important at all? I haven't brushed or flossed in years and my teeth are perfect.


he is larping

big if true

I didn't know if your gums bleed that means you have gum disease. Scary shit thanks for the heads up OP.

Just keep up with regular flossing and your gums should get stronger.
If you floss and the floss smells really bad, you most likely have gum disease.

you wish teethlets. Never had cavities my whole life.
Clean your teeth with your fingers
Don't eat sugary foods
Rinse your mouth with water after meals
ez pz clean teeth

Flossing is a big deal and should be done, but you'll never get your teeth clean without someone actually doing a cleaning.

>have dentist appointment soon
>gonna show up the hygienist and have her do minimal cleaning
>floss twice, brush well to get everything clean
>she still ends up scraping and pulling out a bunch of food and plaque
>what the fuck seriously

I hate taking the time to floss but A good time to do it is when you are taking a shit. You are just sitting there anyways. The chick in Not Another teen Movie does it - great idea.

It happens. I started regularly brushing and flossing when i was 24, but i brushed my teeth maybe once a month until then. I went to the dentist regularly with school and my teeth were always perfect. Everyone in my family has bad teeth, but mine are perfect to this day and i'm pushing 28.

where my flossboys at.


Flossing is bad for you. Not sure if Americans are up to speed yet but only fucking old people who dont know any better floss. Every heard of micro brush?Just go to your dentist ask them to take up your sizes. You get a color chart with it so you can pick your sizes up correctly. Flossing will destroy your teeth and gum and roots

>micro brushing
how about none of that shit

kys you disgusting fuck

Water flossing master race

Water pick master race.

Vinegar gargling master race here

Tablespoon of cinamon master race

removing teeth for convenience master race here

Unifonically brush with baking soda here

Un-ironically flossed, smelt it and nearly threw up

Water floss you fuckn peasants

Reminder that if you don't have porcelain veneers, your smile is subhuman garbage.

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>he browses shutterstock

I did once and i bled everywhere so i dont now


Here's the red pill.

Mouth microbiome improvement > Flossing > Brushing teeth

i floss three times a day


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What picks are you using?

>he doesn't browse shutterstock

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