Would you prefer to live in a world where sex isnt a taboo at all? Like, they teach kids about sex, there are sex shows...

Would you prefer to live in a world where sex isnt a taboo at all? Like, they teach kids about sex, there are sex shows, you can masturbate in front of anyone, etc.

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Yeah,it would be fun

source you nig

im more interested if there is hentai/manga/comic about such a world

No, it would be disgusting and degenerate

Even as a child I couldn't look at the tv if there was a kissing scene. I have a teacher in his 60s now who said he still feels like that

Would people genuinely don't care?
What if I groped or "raped" a woman, would she just be annoyed that she will be late for work or something?
How would this world work?

also need to know how this work because if its like ok for me to ask my female friends for some sexy time then id be down otherwise no

Not really

I feel like rape and child molestation would happen alot more if its ok to walk around jerking off. Imagine going into a public space and some old naked guy is staring you down and fapping the whole time.

do you not care with nonsexual interaction? its impolite to act familiar even on first name basis

it would propably be acceptable within friends and such, or you could ask for it like for cigarete

you dont go around pulling cigs from peoples pockets without asking

>they don't know
check out /aco/, it's the best thing to come out of this World Cup

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Ideally yes. Sex is hot.

But in reality "sex positive" roasties will not let non-Chad males benefit from such a sexually liberated society in anyway. Hence modern day America.

Which is why I support extreme social conservatism, since its the only robot friendly system in reality

No I am bad at sports (was bullied as a result) and I have a small penis

>What if I groped or "raped" a woman, would she just be annoyed that she will be late for work or something?
That would be a world i want to live in

In reality "sexually liberated" societies treat non-Chad males as subhuman, hence the prevalence of carceral feminsim


I hate the one I live in.
It's taboo because we are all collectively repressed.

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presumably kids would be a lot more likely to be dtf

Its only repressed for non-Chad males

Women and Chads are currently living in that utopia tho

They would take sex in the same way they take you having dinner. You raping a woman wouldnt be seen in good eyes, it would be like you punching one. But you could drop your pants and start stroking your dick on the bus while a girl is at your side and there would be no concerns. Of course she could too and public sex would be common.

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>prefer to live in a world
>implying we don't already live in that world right now

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I am only against public masturabation for men because I dont want seats to be covered in jizz.

Otherwise, it sounds hot

Yes, for women and Chads

Presumably, we OP is talking about a liberated world that robots would benefit from.

No because you would see disgusting old people walking around nude having horrible geriatric sex non stop

And you would feel indifferent to it according to OP so it's literally no problem.

So? Don't like it, dont watch

Qts will be having public sex, watch that if thats your thing

No, the only appeal of sexual content to me is the mystery. I like seeing women who are embarrassed and secretive of their body, and I don't want to see naked men all the time.

No thanks. There are way more ugly people than hot people.

I struggle to imagine what that world would be like were it also fairly advanced, so probably not. There are cultures that exist where this is the case but they are all fairly primitive and stagnant. I'll take prudishness over unclean water any day.

That's worse than the real world

You are free to move to Saudi Arabia. Niqabis are hot for the exact reason you describe, so I am sure you will love it

Attached: qt niqabi.jpg (333x333, 20K)

You dont have to stare at ugly people then

how so?

Women will be huge whores and men will be sex crazed degenerates
>implying it wouldn't just be Chads and women fucking anyway

You'd hear them. Imagine there's a fat old guy jacking off in every coffee shop. Grunting, just staring at you.

The population of ugly/old people and males far outways the amount of attractive females I see on a daily basis

>Women will be huge whores and men will be sex crazed degenerates
Thats the point, yes

>implying it wouldn't just be Chads and women fucking anyway
Thats the world we have now.

The world we want will be more open to non-Chad male sexuality, instead of just accusing sub-9 men who express their sexuality of being rapists

Because of this it would most likely not be allowed.

>ugly/old people
Again, you dont have to look at them

naked guys are pretty hot tho, not sure why you would have a problem with this

that's pretty cool I guess

>Thats the point, yes
Well it doesn't seem like a good world for me
The reason women only want Chad is BECAUSE of how badly both genders want sex now, because women have the most power in the sexual regard

Yeah, but dick flashing would probably still be allowed. And girls masturbating

How fast would stds wipe out mankind in this scenario?

I think I'd rather live in muslim society where sex is forbidden than this desu

I don't want to see guys dicks every day I geuss

Again, I am pretty sure OP was not talking about whether we want today's world (eg sexual utopianism for Chad, MeToo/permavirginity for betas), but a world were betas get to benefit from sexual liberation as much as Chad does.

Yes, in the real world, the sexual revolution and its consequences have been disaster for the human race. But OP is speaking of a fantasy utopia that is inclusive of betas

>World where sex isn't private, taboo, or embarrassing at all
>You're still a virgin

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I'd like religious people to admit sex feels good and women should enjoy it but fuck no

shit ton of it is on sp

I literally cannot find any on aco. Does anyone have the name of the artist?

The only true purpose for sex is reproduction, all other reasons are degenerate and shouldn't be openly celebrated desu

>How fast would stds wipe out mankind in this scenario?
Given that it is a utopia, probably none.

And given how much women fuck Chads, the fact that betas are not the last people alive shows that we can at least manage to survive in a sexually liberated society.

>I think I'd rather live in muslim society where sex is forbidden than this desu
Sex is not forbidden in Muslim societies. Muslims just reserve it for marriage (in the real world, this is a lot better for betas in terms of sex and relationships, so its more sex for us actually)

>I don't want to see guys dicks every day I geuss
Take it you are new here. Spending a few years here will give you some serious cocklust, no matter how straight you are.

Thats the world we currently live in tho.

School shooters are modern day revolutionaries.

Either everyone benefits from sexual liberation, or no one does

Sex feels good and women enjoying sex is pretty hot desu

t. religious person who realizes sexual liberationism has fucked over beta males

People would complain if only women were allowed to masturbate, and flashing would lose its appeal if nobody cared that you have your dick out in public.

It's basically if the entire world adopted the "Free-use" kink.
It also assumes we eliminate STDs from the human population.

Why can't two people enjoy themselves in marriage?

Not the problem

No. I want to live in a world governed by National Socialism where we could live honorable and worthy lives and where sex is viewed as the sacred tool of reproduction that it is.

If hygiene issues were addressed, then there would be no issue with men jerking off in public. For example, jerking off in a bush.

>flashing would lose its appeal if nobody cared that you have your dick out in public.
I am pretty sure tons of people would still stare at an exposed dick. Not because they are shocked or disgusted, but because looking at dicks is fun.

>Not the problem
what do you mean

>It's basically if the entire world adopted the "Free-use" kink.
I think consent would still be useful in such a society to protect people who want to live socially conservative lifestyles (and there would be many). But none if this roastie bullshit where women have gangbangs with chad every weekend while sending a beta to jail for 10 years just because he looked at her the wrong way.

the artist in the OP is accel art. the one I posted is some spanish user AFAIK

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Getting assaulted and degrading and painful things done to you is not fun, even in a world where, fucking your dad and some random guy on parking lot while your mom is getting ice cream, is considered normal.

I still feel that women are taught through the church sex is just some duty
I think the church should have reenforced how marriage and relationships are partnerships and not just a set of responsibilities
Then we wouldn't be in this mess

>Getting assaulted and degrading and painful things done to you is not fun,
sure, but the increasingly draconian way that sex offenders are treated (and as carceral feminists would have it, most men are sex offenders for one reason or another) is disgusting and bullshit

>I still feel that women are taught through the church sex is just some duty
At least in America, there are many Christian sects and denominations present and active, all with their own understandings of sexuality. Many of them do believe that women can and should enjoy sex, at least within marriage.

I am not a Christian tho, so I dont know too much about this

That's just to save face
Most dominations range from legalist at heart to religion is just a lifestyle you live

>For example, jerking off in a bush.

I was only talking about buses, libraries and other places where eating and drinking is often forbidden for the exact same reason.

>I am pretty sure tons of people would still stare at an exposed dick. Not because they are shocked or disgusted, but because looking at dicks is fun.

It would not be fun if dicks were literally everywhere. You would see naked people walking on the streets doing their daily things, people fucking in the park because its nice day out and random bored looking girl jerking off her boyfriend on a buss stop.

>Most dominations range from legalist at heart to religion is just a lifestyle you live
Okay, but I do remember the Puritans were actually big on sexual pleasure within marriage.

In anycase, the secular liberal sexual culture is still dysfunctional in its own ways, as this board here aptly demonstrates

>I was only talking about buses, libraries and other places where eating and drinking is often forbidden for the exact same reason.
As a guy, I would not complain about not being able to jerk off in those venues if it means not having to sit on stale jizz.

>It would not be fun if dicks were literally everywhere.
I look at girls, even though they are everywhere, because its fun to look at them. Dicks are not going to be an exception

>You would see naked people walking on the streets doing their daily things, people fucking in the park because its nice day out and random bored looking girl jerking off her boyfriend on a buss stop.
Yes, I would still be staring at them, just as I stare at girls' legs and cleavage.

Would we still have a similar mindset that we do now minus the taboo thing? In this world, wouldn't we become a bit desensitized to it?

That's good but sadly not the prevalent view even now

My dad always told me sexual pleasure was a gift from a good but I think my mother thinks it's a duty
I wonder how my sisters view it

anyone who says yes because they like sex is wrong and retarded

If you like sex, the only valid answer is no. Because if that happened, sex wouldn't be fun or special; it'd be like eating, sleeping or taking a shit. Just a bodily function that everyone has everyday. There's no pleasure in that, no fun at all

All of that is what makes sex fun though. If you could just whip your dick out in front of anyway and jerk off no one would give a shit and neither would you.

Again, dont know what your church teaches about sexuality, but don't think the dominant liberal sexual culture is much healtheir

>your bully

This shit always makes me cringe.

Attached: 1526625896933.jpg (1024x752, 93K)

For some reason those guys try to spread this shit everywere, literally. Everywhere you go you find these pics. Maybe some butthurt lefties who are against nationalities in general?

eating is till fun tho

Do you look at pretty girls even though they are everywhere? Then people who like dick will still look at dicks if they were everywhere. It wont be shocking or as exciting to look at, but it would still be nice.

There is nothing wrong with being against nationalities, since nation states are a recent invention to promote liberalism (liberals only hate nationalism now because modern capitalism is globalized- still does not make nationalism any less liberal in its origins)

Strange thing is I didn't see any cuckold and trap shit for some time now...

And this isnt a cuck or a trap thread

First of all if you'd go by that logic you could call any sort of ideology "liberal." Therefore sure if you look at monarchies in the past nationalism sure can be seen as liberal but so can be nationalsocialism, communism and whatever. So I'd be careful with the term and would pay close attention to the current situation. Second, why so obsessed to spread this shit literally everywhere? Not everybody is a cuck like you who wants to see his country defiled like this.

>eating is still fun

but nothing compared to sex. Sex for some people, is like a spiritual/religious experience. Some call it the best feeling in the world.

If it became as common/normal as eating, you'd take away a lot of what makes it special and amazing

Eh... its close by. That whole thing targets countries and OP obviously was only searching for an excuse to advertise that one thread on /aco/. Which is rather dubious.

But sex isn't fun anyway. It just feels good.

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So I'll be saging the thread now just in case.

that was me and I'm not OP. someone was asking for sauce and I posted it.

faggots must die!!!! original commenterio.

Maybe you help him, seeing as those cuck threads stopped you guys maybe changed your tactics. Wouldn'T be the first coordinated attack.

It's not even necessarily cuckshit or "against countries". It's just lewd world cup banter.

Unless you are some super perv with adhd you do not look at every girl on the street, its very small percentile you even acknowledge in some way. Same would be with dicks and sex if they were literally everywhere. If you saw hundred guys jerking off on your way to work every day you would not care about that one guy flashing his tiny flaccid pecker in a street corner.

Literally I checked /a/, /sp/, Jow Forums, /aco/ and here on Jow Forums. Yes you guys do advertise this shit for some reason.

>First of all if you'd go by that logic you could call any sort of ideology "liberal."
Most modern ideologies are liberal, or at least influenced by liberalism

Nazis were liberal. Every traditionalist Catholic would tell you that

Nationalism is stupid, especially in Western nations, since all it means is protecting degenerate liberal cultures from socially conservative brown immigrants. Listen to Common Filth

Nationalism is liberal tho.

Read Moldbug

Still keep it on /aco/. No reason to advertise everywhere. Just because you have a fetish and like something that doesn't mean everybody likes it the same. Some simply don't care about the world cup or are just not interested in nations fucking each other.

I get what you mean, but I literally just posted it because someone asked for it. I don't like a lot of threads on this board either and I just ignore them

>If it became as common/normal as eating,
For non-betas, it pretty much is

No one is forcing you to partake in the sexually liberated lifestyle

Its fun and it feels good

>Unless you are some super perv with adhd you do not look at every girl on the street,
Robots do look at every qt on the street

>you would not care about that one guy flashing his tiny flaccid pecker in a street corner.
maybe not, but I will still look at cock when I get horny, just as I look at qts when I am horny

You obviously don't understand the word itself. Especially in todays context. I mean if you go by that logic basically everything after monarchies must be seen as "liberal." Well and liberal of what? Nazis wanted to be liberated from forced globalization and demanded a return to their roots rather than comply to rationalism, americanisation and similar. Communists wanted to liberate themselves from capitalism and so on... But speaking of liberals in that sense would imply that everybody is by default a liberal. Which cannot be.

Don't believe you, I'm rather save than sorry. Next time post in a thread without those pics maybe I believe you then.

Maybe shills paid by accel art himself?

>Robots do look at every qt on the street

For every cute one there is hundred not so cute ones they did not see.

>I mean if you go by that logic basically everything after monarchies must be seen as "liberal."
The only thing that isnt liberalism at this point is Traditional Catholicism and Islam.

Sorry to disappoint.

Nazism and Communism are products of the Enlightment

Thats kind of my point. Everyone here is saying they dont want this because they would have to look at ugly naked people, but its easy to filter them out.

And I live in a college town, so a large fraction of the female population are staceys

Yes but only if white men are excluded.

It depends on the context you take, you can't take the average modern liberal and compare him to a nationalsocialist saying its completely the same. Also Liberalism itself is not something necessarily set in stone. Compared to a monarchy even nationalsocialism gives much more freedoms to a individual. But carrying this to today it would be rather stupid to imply that communism or nationalsocialism aren't tyrannical atleast to a degree. It also always depends on the time you live in, by your logic the average redneck in the south who is a member of the ku klux klan who wants to hang black people from trees is just as much of a "liberal" like your baseddrinking nintendo switch players. Which is just absurd.

People would just be even sluttier than usual, to the max degree, and ugly men, like usual, wouldn't get any.

Forgot to sagerinnorididolino

Same feeling, it prevents rape from being even an option on the menu.

liberalism is more tyranical than historical monarchies. And its tyranny is qualitatively worse than the tyanny of nazism and communism because it tries its best to pretend that it is liberating, when we can see that liberalism is extremely suffocating and conformist

Most closed rooms would stink of sweat.