Hi Jow Forums, I tried to make this thread on /lgbt/ but trannies kept trying to shit up the thread

Hi Jow Forums, I tried to make this thread on /lgbt/ but trannies kept trying to shit up the thread.

Anyways, long ago I fell for the transition meme, and my life has gotten a lot worse since. I think about suicide everyday, and I can't stop cutting myself. Life is unbearable.

Feel free to ask me anything, and of course proof in pic related.

Attached: proofs.jpg (2000x1567, 618K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Happy Canada day OP! Are you in the GTA?

Tits or gtfo orignalys

I live in London, actually. It's not that far from the GTA.

Show your crooked teeth

>Keep out of reach of children
>Allowed to give to someone with the mental capacity of a child
I'm busting your balls but you should've seen this coming a mile away retard

Wrong London, faggot.

How much do you/insurance pay for the hormones?

Here's some tunes to help with your destructive and suicidal mindset. (can relate minus the tranny faggot part)
good luck in life

Attached: error.jpg (546x896, 91K)

$110 per month, my AA is covered by OHIP thankfully.

Do you pass? Are you cute?

Why don't you just take test to reverse that shit? Or is that illegal in Canada?

How did your parents and siblings when you told them you wanted to transition?

How did your parents and siblings REACT when you told them you wanted to transition? oops

let me tell you OP, I fell for the same thing, except I'm an FTM. it's been 6 whole years since I transitioned and now I know there's no way out. I made a mistake. I wish I had just stayed a girl and toughed through it.
I understand why trannies, even after transitioning, still kill themselves. I look too much like a man though and if I detransitioned everyone would think I am a fucking MTF failure tranny, they wouldn't even consider that I am a real girl. fuck me user, there is no escape. only death.

good luck and don't be me.
also never do acid unless you want to hurry up the fact that you actually don't feel happy as either a girl or a guy.

>willingly lose pussy pass
>willingly give up life on ez mode
Female stupidity transcends truly everything.
How's life now that you're a literal nobody. An expendable """"MALE""""

test wont cure my dysphoria, i was rly high test pre hrt. im prob offing myself tonight desu

they didnt care, pretended nothing was diff (nothing was diff desu)

OP please go find help for your cutting it not healthy please dont harm your self fimd people just like you to talk to help you through this tough time :)

wanna be friends with me? i dont know many other people who've wanted to detransition

Answer the fucking question If you're cute atleast send some lewd pics before you an hero

Your handwriting is pretty, user.

the thing is that I'm not a nobody, I have friends, I go out and get drunk (a lot) I go to concerts, I do things. it's that I wish I was a nobody, nobody knew me, nothing like that, so I could pretend it all never happened but it's too late and I have no money

on discord I am elliot roger#1396

Just wondering, what convinced you to make irreversible changes to your body?

if i passed, don't you think i'd stay a girl? some guys think im sorta cute, but mayb in a weird way. im def not conventionally attractive.

really? i always thought it sucked

your discord didn't work

Can you post any pics?

Boohoo you don't pass and will forever be a hon. Now you can cry about it in the echo chamber instead of actually doing something productive.

Do you know Aeromatic, Reiko, Glass or Boo online? Do you interact with any of them?

no, im really ugly.

i plan on killing myself, its okay

i got banned from aero's server lol

sorry, try capsing Elliot Roger#1396 or use this chat link

>no, im really ugly.
As long as you have a slender smooth body with a sort of feminine shape you're okay. Just want something to fap to. Don't blue ball me

I'm sorry that you fucked up user.

I sling dick and spit game to wannabe FtMs like you who only needed someone to listen and dicken them.
Every orgasm I give to one of those confused girls is one that will break the indoctrination of the queer mafia and drug industry and allow them to find themselves.

why did you even do it if you dont want to be a guy

So instead of doing something your just gonna off yourself and be another statistic? Goddamn retard, by the looks of it you have a doctor helping you transition. I had to DIY because my country just lol'd and told me to get into a two year waiting line while my mother kicked me out but sure squander everything. How hard is it anyway to go boymode if you don't pass. Sure the tits won't go away but you knew what you were getting into.

my family hates me and ive already been homeless for a year. i went to informed consent.

How are u gonna off yourself?

What's your favorite youtube channel?

I wish i had that option but even with my consent Doctor's in my country refuse to start any treatment until you've had two years to think about it. Again it's probably pointless to argue with suicidal people on Jow Forums but i'm having a shitty day so I'll still kill some time.

Shit sucks, life sucks, wish i was born with a vagoo but oh well what can you do. Family hates me and my mother still refuses to acknowledge my transition a year later from starting even if she stopped hating me after i finally stopped being a depressed hikki once i "came out the closet". But seriously even if you don't pass now there is always FFS and stuff. If you don't wanna continue there's always boymode and surgery if your boobs are really bothering you, sure some stuff isn't irreversible but why be another statistic and prove all those fucking retards who shit on us everyday right.

I lie to myself and say I do want to be a guy or at least tell myself that the alt right will take over and I'll finally either die or be forced to be a girl even though I would be compliant with it and tell the guy out to kill me that I would gladly be a shock therapist to force other people to be their birth gender
anyways, I'm still pretending to be a guy because I'm too far gone. facial hair, hormones did their job, etc. and all my friends and brother would fucking abandon me, also my feminist mother would too.

I did it 7 years ago because I was going through puberty and thought I wanted to be a guy because I was confused and thought wanting dick meant wanting to have a dick. I had dreams about it. I cried about it. I watched lgbt movies over it, I got rid of all of my clothes, I forced my voice and practiced having a low voice and permanently damaged my vocal chords to literally a bass vocal range level over it. I have the lowest voice in my family, lower than my brothers. fuck man, 6 or 7 years of therapy for it. and then one day I did acid, new years 2017, and I realized I was still depressed and I transitioned because of the rape I experienced at 8 years old and I would've been better off never doing it and keeping it to myself.
now I talk and look like a man and there's nothing I can do

fuck life

sorry but my reason was most likely because I got dick in the first place

OP, you honestly should say fuck it, detransition and get on test blockers and estrogen for a bit. You've damaged your body irreparably probably but you still might have a chance for a normal life

if you want, i can give you my hrt. you sound like you deserve it more.

damn that sounds absolutely fucking terrible
i think i can relate to that too, but its a bit different for me, im just a biological male with gender dysphoria though. years of going through male puberty really fucked my shit up and now i have permanent damage to my body too. my shit will never be unfucked either.

At the end of the day would you prefer to be a feminine man or masculine woman?

Still this is proof of why no one should start transitioning before the age of 18-20. While looking back with hindsight i'd have preferred to start earlier but most people simply did not live enough and think long enough if they start as young teens.

>get on test blockers and estrogen

>I'm ugly?
And, many an "ugly chick" will get the dick.
Give us a picture of your face and or body.

To be honest I'd be happy just to speak with you. I don't want to see another person kill themselves over something but then again I don't really have a perspective on your life.

And free HRT is always nice but it would feel weird knowing your dead as I pop them if you feel me.

well I am a masculine man and if I detransitioned I'd be a very masculine woman who looks like a failed mtf.
I didn't start testosterone until age 15, I still agree.

did your skeletal face shape change as well?

I was sexually assaulted for years before finally being raped as a boy.
The only thing that happened was severe depression, attempted suicide and finally diving head first into bodybuilding and being a generic chad thundercock football player.
Was great actually.
Still horribly alone, suffered from depression, anxiety body dysmorphia on top of it and silently resented every single woman I ever had sex with because sex was bad and rape is bad and them wanting to have sex with me means that I am bad and they are bad.
Even went through a maybe i'm a gay because that means that the fucked up feels I have toward sex is just me being in the closet. You know, like how those manipulative queer movies lead you astrasy.
Didn't work out. Couldn't even get it up for a man or a very feminine transwoman.

But hey, we all have our crosses to bear.
I grew out of that shit.
You understood that you weren't happy and are now trying to find a way to live inspite of your mistake.

Now I want to help you.
But the only help I can give is dickings and from what you said...you might be a bit too far gone.
That's why I want to know what you look like.

im a man, not a chick

my discord is worthless#0829

I would say my cheek bones and jaw are a little bit bigger than they would have turned out, also my nose is huge but that may be familial

same except not much working out because lazy and more body dismorphia in the form of gender disphoria. I am still disgusted by my genitals despite coming to the conclusion that I would be fine as a woman. I am still also disgusted by sex completely and have pracitically vowed celibacy, I don't masturbate either.

Oh well it was still nice chatting to you. I know it might not seem like we could relate but just because stuff is better for me now doesn't mean i wasn't abused for 10 years by my dad and my step-dad or been a hikki, a NEET and homeless.

I just hope you reconsider suicide. I don't know you as a person but to put the most logical argument; The other side could be much worse than what we have here. Life is gonna end naturally eventually, your gonna be dead within 50-70 years so why go early if you can't come back. Anyway toodles and stuff. I just hope you find a boy or girl that makes you happy, believe me it can happen and it really does give meaning to life. And you shouldn't quit pills cold turkey, wean yourself off them or else it could be a very painful death.

Cool, cool.
You know what. You sound like you'd be fun to hang out with.
We can be nonsexual totes plutonic friends who hang out and talk about how fucked up we were.
I also promise that you won't wake up with your body hair shaved, wearing a lace teddy with me between your thighs nomming on your holes.
I swear to got.
1 hundred percent platitudinal relationship.

I know you think your a real Casanova but that post is a literal stereotype of what a "nice guy" would say.

Attached: throw.up_.vomit_.jpg (225x225, 14K)

user, that's the joke.
I can never be 100% serious or truthful.
It's how I cope with the crushing depression and anxiety and self hatred.

hey man, I've got a lot of body hair but you can try lole, you can bet I won't be fucking depraved for platonic hugging and cuddling so try again. and if you fucking touch my genitals I will flick your dick you little pussy bitch

you can't outcringe me you fucking puss

wow what a real chad we have here

Is it possible to take more male horomones and fix it

If not is it possible to take both at the same time and become a double human

if you take too much testosterone, it'll turn into estrogen

I think you might get fucking cancer or something if you just overload your body with both

>if you take too much testosterone, it'll turn into estrogen
this happens due to aromatase. if you get something that will prevent the effects of aromatase you can take as much testosterone as you want

I swear to god man if you want an expensive hospital visit or death then go right ahead

but why would that happen?

Fuck off you filthy tranny. We don't like your kind here and you belong on /lgbt/ getting abused by your own kind.

because you are overdosing on something that's never been overdosed on before, you're bound to have some weird or deadly thing happen to you

the thing is that they are saying they no longer feel like that anymore

>Completely fuck with your body.
>Upset you're unhappy.
I don't understand you people.

Hey, if you are going to an hero at least do something new and cool. Make sure to livestream it
My vote is for death by cop livestream

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then why don't you stop taking that shit and """become""" a man again?

stop this shit, become a conservative and write a book about your life experiences and how fucked up the average leftist is