>b-but it feels better!
>girls are just brainwashed!
>ALL genitals look gross!
>at least it wasn't taken without my consent!
>g-good goy!!!
Meanwhile Avi Circumstein is plowing your gf with his A E S T H E T I C BCC and selling the foreskins he cuts off to buy her expensive jewelry. When will you just admit that the smartest and most successful race of all time got it right?
B-but it feels better!
>coping this much
just admit it jews hurt you when you were a kid. also if i ever change my mind on curcimision i can always go to get myself cut while you can't do shit.
You look like a female, lmao.
>that level of cope
Are americans that dirty? i think they only bath once per month, and cut their dicks in order to prevent infections.
How does it feel knowing you will never experience a real orgasm?
Girls prefer it now because it's natural, r-right?
I'm uncirumsized and my foreskin ends right below my glans, so the tip isn't covered (even when flaccid). Stop nitpicking with images of literal abominations
I know this is bait but
>thinking all foreskins are anteater or roastie style
mine doesn't even cover the entire glans
>caring this much about other dudes' dicks
>>he saves pictures of penises to talk about them on anime forums
That dicc looks like a decapitated snake
>ripped my foreskin 2 years ago
>had to be removed
>dick dry all the time
>itching at first
>rubbed against underwear, which fucking hurt
>now it feels half dead all the time
>cant even fap properly
>pls kill me
>literally got cut off parts of your body as a kid without consent
>trying to cope with the feeling of never knowing what foreskins or having an intact dick feels like
>convince yourself that it is better this way even though it's not like you ever had a choice or comparison
Ok Shlomo, enjoy your dry dick
too soon user... too soon...
You were circumcized, lad. Partial circumcisions exist you know.
It looks like it belongs on an animal. Just like a brown roastie.
Circumised dicks look better.
t. Fembot.
It's a male roastie lmao
samefagging in a very non original way
You literally have downloaded pics of nude men onto your pc faggot
I'd ask you whats wrong with you but if it isn't blatantly obvious to yourself then I won't even try.
I am a straight guy and I like circumcized dicks personally. Uncut dicks are only hot when erect. Flaccid uncut dicks look like some sort of worm or sea cucumber
So yeah, I agree with you
Spending enough time on this site will make straight guys crave cock
This is how I know you are new
anteater lol
I'm suuure you love that scar and keratinized glans you got there, Shlomo.
is this the only insult you can think of? are you trying this hard to justify your parents circumcising you?
Dude stop coping, the Jews ruined your dick and they ruined mine. Instead of being bitter we need to spread the word of MGM so it can be stopped.
enjoy your dry dick fag
>they can't restore foreskin
>but they can make entire penises
>Foreskin is more sensitive than glans
Then why aren't men cumming their pants whenever their foreskin rubs on their underwear? Look, being uncut is better because it protects the glans, but that's really the only reason. Any other effects are because of the skin protecting glans and keeping it sensitive. You don't cum through your foreskin.
Is this how you cope with your ugly dick
God damn trans people are fucking sick.
>>b-but it feels better!
>>girls are just brainwashed!
>>ALL genitals look gross!
>>at least it wasn't taken without my consent!
>>g-good goy!!!
>Meanwhile Avi Circumstein is plowing your gf with his A E S T H E T I C BCC and selling the foreskins he cuts off to buy her expensive jewelry. When will you just admit that the smartest and most successful race of all time got it right?
ITT proof freedom of speech was a mistake
They can make unfeeling bits of creepy baloon flesh that will rot off and not even the beyond desperate FtMs will ever ever ever get.
Only the complete nutter translifers who'll be dead in a year from suicide.
That's the problem.
The unprotected foreskin becomes scarred up and deadened.
Also the foreskin has a ton of super sensitive nerve endings and removal of one part of the penis is the equivalent of removing the woman's gspot.
Men will NEVER feel pleasure of an orgasm from that place because....that shit is gone forever.
That's not even talking about the psychological damage that torturous barberous evil does to young boys and how it affects them emotionally sexually and their relationships with women for the rest of their lives.
Stay mad slimy dogdicks. This is what an aesthetic penis looks like.
The super sensitive nerve endings are in the INSIDE tip of the foreskin you fucking nigger
This should be mandatory reading for all cutfags cirp.org
never had any complaints, could just be because I shower on a regular basis
I mean that cock looks pretty nice, but, given that its flacid, would be sexier if it was cut. Thats the problem with uncut dicks, they are only sexy when hard
>at least it wasn't taken without my consent
this is correct though
In western countries, circumcision is the last major human rights violation still in practice. In a few decades we'll all look back and say "how could we have done that to people?"
I'm cut btw
believe it or not, you can retract the foreskin
This is what I am talking about. Cut dicks dont look like giant worms
Still looks weird, like the shaft looks fat and bloated compared to your head.
Although it probably looks nice when hard.
no, that is what a dry penis looks like
>That's the problem.
>The unprotected foreskin becomes scarred up and deadened.
That's what i said but you're exaggerating again. It doesn't become "deadened" if that's even a word, it just becomes less sensitive because it's rubbing on stuff all the time.
>Also the foreskin has a ton of super sensitive nerve endings
I already explained why that doesn't make much sense. If that was true then uncut men wouod be cumming their pants all the time from their dick rubbing against their underwear.
>and removal of one part of the penis is the equivalent of removing the woman's gspot.
Removing part of the glans would be the equivalent of removing the g spot. Removing foreskin is the equivalent of removing the labia.
>Men will NEVER feel pleasure of an orgasm from that place because....that shit is gone forever.
There are no nerve endings in the foreskin that you can derive sexual pleasure from, aside from the frenulum. Again, go try rubbing only your foreskin, it doesn't do anything because thats not how that shit works.
> That's not even talking about the psychological damage that torturous barberous evil does to young boys and how it affects them emotionally sexually and their relationships with women for the rest of their lives.
Jesus dude talk about exaggerating. It's literally a small piece of skin, you lose sensitivity and you can't fap dry but that's about it. It's a crime that it's removed without consent but i feel like you're a troll who tries to bait people into getting depressed over being cut, as if people here don't already have enough to be depressed about. Especially with the vocabulary you use ("deadened", "barbarous evil") and how you try to blow this thing up to massive proportions (you're basically pretending as if circumcision is cutting ones dick off altogether and making you unable to have sex at all). Especially when you say it affects relationships, which is just bogus because practically all women say they don't care about cut vs uncut.
According to that pic the inner part is actually less sensitive than the outer part
yes women hate fat bloated cocks
fucking jew fags
Dry is good tho. Its cleaner.
And I like it anyway
natural cocks are the most aesthetic. Post a cut dick that looks better than this one, anyone?
not like you had a choice
you prolly would say the same thing about having a dry mouth/eyes if you never experienced a normal natural bodyfeeling
It's so sad people with mutilated dicks feel compelled to make threads like this. They always embarrass themselves.
>Again, go try rubbing only your foreskin
I can cum by just rubbing on my foreskin. If you'd like i can record it as proof.
>According to that pic the inner part is actually less sensitive than the outer part
No, that is representing the outside. When it gets pulled back to reveal the glans it folds over on itself so the inside becomes the outside.
I always assume the people making these threads are underage or inexperienced. Jow Forums is littered with teens now.
Remember to kill the doctor who circumcised you. Please do it.
If you've been circumcised you've also never experienced
That is a really beautiful cock, I have to admit.
But notice that its hard. Soft uncut dicks look like worms
I dont have a choice with my own cock, but I still would choose an uncut cock, ceteris paribus
Will OP ever originallyi recover?
>If you'd like i can record it as proof.
please do
It's not like you're going to be fucking girls with a flaccid dick.
Jesus wtf
Holy good god
That can't be real
you're an actual fag, back to /lgbt/
frenulum is a different thing bro
There are several videos on the site. Click continue at the bottom. can-fap.net
You are so clueless it hurts. You understand your conceptions of normal and weird are built off of living in a country of people brainwashed into cutting up baby dicks right? You thinking flaccid uncut dick is weird says more about you than it does about the dicks.
The rest of the world realizes cutting up genitals without the owners permission is a dick move. The rest of the world sees a flaccid uncut dick and knows it's not weird, it's a normal cock.
The jews really did a number on you.
no it doesn't, the pic clearly shows images of the foreskin in both stretched and resting states (aka "folded and unfolded") and specifices that the tip of the foreskin when folded (so the outer part) is the most sensitive part.
True. Which is why I think these threads are so dumb (I still go for the dick pics). But flaccid dicks are nice to look at, like they look so casual and relaxed compared to a hard dick.
I just think soft uncut dicks look weird. I wont argue that they dont look nice when hard
Meant to reply to originolol
Yeah there's more of him somewhere, it's real.
>You understand your conceptions of normal and weird are built off of living in a country of people brainwashed into cutting up baby dicks right?
This. It's like North Koreans being confused why the rest of the world doesn't love and adore Kim Jong-un.
It says frenulum orgasm. The frenulum is not foreskin, it's not even removed during circumcision usually.
Not sure why you are arguing with me
The bottom panel in your pic is really sexy, because that cock is hard. But the top panel looks weird.
Also dont blame jews, since Jews only practice it among themselves to mark themselves as distinct from gentiles. America's acceptance of circumcision has its own history independent of judaism
>Another cutfag OP making a normal vs mutilated dick thread
>Another OP destroyed and forced to panic close the thread
You're either a falseflag, or worse...a fucking kike.
Who here /ForeskinRestoration/? You can't get back the nerve endings that the (((Doctors))) cut away, but you can get rid of that dry, sore, cut dick.
Before I started in 2016, trying to fap could actually cause micro cuts because the skin was so tight and I had to stop fapping until it healed. It was just all friction and no gliding. I'm still nowhere near done because I'm a lazy piece of shit, but even the results now have been completely worth it. No more cuts, and much easier to fap because of the looser skin. There's actually a gliding motion now like your dick is intended to have. There's no way it's pleasurable for women to have a callused cut dick chaffing and scarping against their vaginal walls, but American women have into being repulsed by uncut dicks, so they continue the cycle of mutilating their babies and having their infant son's foreskin sold and made into beauty cream.
>The bottom panel in your pic is really sexy, because that cock is hard. But the top panel looks weird.
>looks weird.
Normal dicks look weird?
Yeah I don't know why I'm arguing with you either. Nothing I'm saying is getting through.
Look into why America accepted it in the first place, it wasn't about disease or cleanliness. Like with the Jews it was about curbing the lower human desires that distracted and derailed men. If done in the traditional way, removing the foreskin makes masturbation much more difficult. They want their citizens to be constructive, they knew from experience that having a population of hedonists lead down a dark path.
Good god, what a cock
Original Lanigiro
You're probably right.
He is stimulating his frenulum and the ridge of his glans (dont know what its called). Its not much but since this guy has multiple orgasms in 5 minutes there is something up with him.
hey petah
kek wtf is wrong with this dude's body