>That 50 year old boomer at your gym who keeps trying to convince you to eat a keto diet
Is anyone under the age of 30 actually retarded enough to fuck their shit up eating this way?
>That 50 year old boomer at your gym who keeps trying to convince you to eat a keto diet
Is anyone under the age of 30 actually retarded enough to fuck their shit up eating this way?
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The keto diet is literally just about switching your body from using carbs as it’s primary energy source to fat. It’s not going to fuck your shit up at all.
Ok goy, you're right I need to eat some bread, onions and cake.
Those fatherless American boomers who grew up not knowing what real food is, so they think all carbs are "bad" because that's what their gym Dad told them.
biochemist here, keto diet works. Carbohydrates and sugars are not metabolized as efficiently as natural fats, such as butter. I don't recommend complete keto but 1 slice of rye bread and 1 potato a day max is a good place to be if you want to lose weight in terms of carbs.
What a meme loving fuck you are
sent ; )
what's with the keto-hating meme?
is this a summerfag thing?
It's another in a long line of memes that have no substance and make no sense, as well as being entirely boring
>implying keto isnt a meme
Bro, you have to be an actual autist to believe keto is some super unhealthy meme diet. Literal fatties and diabetics have reversed their situation or obesity adhering to it. There has been studies done showing strong evidence of benefits reduced epilepsy, weight loss and lowers inflammation. Why does this board think drinking one gallon of milk a day is good but a diet that limits carbs and promotes wholesome cooked foods rather than processed junk is beyond me.
Ive lost about 5 lbs a week doing keto and I feel great. Down 20 right now, working on 25. was 210 aiming for 180 at 5'10
Lost 20 punds in a month doing keto. Was never hungry either. Adjusted macros a bit and lost almost another 10.
Enjoy gaining it all back with interest when you stop eating this meme diet because you gave yourself metabolic damage, and refused to eat diet like a normal person.
Never said carbs were bad just that they are our primary fuel source. Carbs, though, are slow burning and will make you fat if you do not lead an active lifestyle. Fats burn faster and if you work a desk job will in the long run keep your body fat low. The best thing to do is to have a balanced diet consisting of both.
I started keto in november at 270lbs, at 6’1. Im down to 197 now. I also drink a pint of vodka a day, or 8 drinks.
I dont think I’ll stop this diet any time soon. Meet and veggies, some fruits. Feel better than ever. The only thing I miss is sushi and not even that much.
>with interest
>metabolic damage
Nice momscience
You do realize that before agriculture, which only started 10k years ago, carbs were a rare source of energy, and people would have almost certainly burned fat as a primary source of energy for hundreds of thousands of years before that?
Yes goy... eat your grains... they're good for you!
Yeah... what sets humans apart from other great apes is that they are endurance hunters... they chased megafauna until they were too exhausted to go on. Live like a human, not like a gorilla
>what are fruits
Fruits are something that should be eaten in sparing quantities
>but make sure to eat your bfs protein everyday as fruits are bad for you
Fruits are good for you, in sparing quantities.
Momscience: The Post
>current year
>believes in
kys, retard.
nature's candy.
Look at these cornfed kids.
What kind of retarded ass argument is this? Why don't we just go back a ten million years? Or 100? Let's eat what our distant amphibian ancestors ate, or further yet let's eat the amoeba diet? Lets focus on what homo sapiens ate. Silly fucker.
Try lifting on keto, hardest 7 months of lifting i ever had
Enjoy the crippling depression my man.
Nice attempt at greentexting you fucking redditor
Yeah retard, you don't understand the rate at which evolution works. Keep eating your meme diet and enjoy an early death and a life filled with chronic illness.
>fruits and alcohol on keto
you even know what keto is? just a pint of vodka will kick you out of ketosis.
Been trying to go keto to literally cure my hypoglycemia, but too afraid of losing all the weight I tried hard to put on. But damn, having to eat every hour sucks
Keto + fasting. Just get enough protein and u are fine outside gym and inside. Unless you have lifted less than few years might not suit u so thats like 99% people here lol
>they chased megafauna
Some shitty Africans do this, early man was pretty adept at just stabbing shit until it died with weapons or running them off cliffs. Chasing a single prey animal for days is not a good use of calories. Plus megafauna don't run far.
I graduated with a degree in Dietetics and they mostly taught us that evidence suggests the reason keto works for many people is that by cutting out carbs, they often eliminate their highest caloric-content foods (soda, sweets), and by subsequently eating more protein they feel greater satiety.
Tl:dr keto works for many people purely because they naturally eat less calories due to feeling more full
>haha you eat calorie dense plants
I should add that after doing individual searches through peer-reviewed articles, it seems that keto reduces athletic performance, specifically strength based. This is because your body usually replenishes your muscle glycogen with carbs, but due to the absence, available fats are prioritized towards being metabolized as energy before replenishing glycogen supplies
Nah all hominids did it, we wouldn't be here having this conversation if we weren't endurance hunters. Humans burn calories extremely efficiently and they're able to walk for hours and hours on end, tracking prey, and gathering other food items along the way.
A cheetah can sprint at 70mph, but it can't walk for hours on end in deadly weather.
dude, your college should update their sources
Anecdotally I find this to be true. I can't drink my IPA beers while I'm on keto, and those are my big waistline destroyers.
i'm 5'10" and went from 230 to 170 on full keto at first and now just LCHF and IF. Once you get to 180 you'll probably want to keep going. my initial goal weight was 180 but i want dat six pack so trying for 160.
vodka won't kick you out of keto like carbs. it will delay it until your body burns off all the alcohol though. i doubt he's in ketosis very long with that much vodka every day though.
We aren't great apes you dipshit.
I probably would keep going but I'm not a hungry skeleton under my chub, I've always been naturally muscular and strong, I'll have a 6 pack at 180, I would have one now but I don't exercise