What is the point of cutting via diet when DNP exists? Seriously...

What is the point of cutting via diet when DNP exists? Seriously, it takes away 99% of the work with no sides unless you take retarded doses.

>m-muh hard work and discipline

Lmao, work smarter not harder

Attached: E3234DA3-EB15-40CF-AB74-B644226DA63B.jpg (400x1187, 287K)

fuck you, mom

Okay, son :)

enjoy small benis and potential death


jokes on you I already have a small benis and want to die

Le ı want to die xd. Fuck off man take your ı want to die attitude to 9gag. This board iş about feeling good about yourself.


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lemme guess: you are not human?

I dont like that new shrek cringe meme, but this post is a perfect opportunity to reply to with it.

Kara Boga has spoken

I must reply

>Seriously, it takes away 99% of the work with no sides unless you take retarded doses.

bait thread, OP has never done DNP and is fantasizing


Because I don't have coach trevor as a trainer and husband to keep me safe taking it :'(

Attached: trev.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

leave my mum out of this bastard

qowei-22322 LOOL



Be sure to pair it some diatamacious earth


DNP is suspicious of being permanently printed into your mitochondrias or some shit like that

I wouldn't touch it unless I was some really obese fatso with no hope to lose weight. If you're 25% or below, clen and ec will do the job


Is DNP illegal?