As a blackbot, how do I get this to happen?

As a blackbot, how do I get this to happen?

Attached: newafrica.png (925x574, 27K)

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Just ask for it.

Can we ship all the nogs there? I'll help.

I guarantee you no one is going to put up a fight for Florida except the retirees. That one is guaranteed at the least.
Fuck Florida.

Yeah you can ship them all here, as long as the rest is still open to immigration.

I prefer seeing diverse people rather than everything being homogeneous.

It's never going to happen and also as a black person idk why you'd want this. Why would you want to be surroundedd by ugly people all day?

>official language: English

Half your population would be native Spanish or French speakers

that kind of defeats the purpose then dont you think? ship all the nig nogs away from civilized society but let them immediately move back.... hmmm no thx

>they immediately move back
Except blacks overwhelmingly prefer black neighborhoods, you slobbering cracker.

If you want a failed state just move to South Africa

Moving away is the pussy cracker way of handling political problems.

..and the other half would be english

Hi there schlomo, how does the baby dick taste?

Why fantasize when it's a reality?

Attached: monrovia-aerial.jpg (800x450, 416K)

Then why do you want to immigrate back? Just stay in your nigger ethnoatate

As a White nationalist I unironically support a black ethnostate. Seperate but equal.

First you need to take over a country. Second you need to have heavy industrialization and cheap labor, see China and India. 3rd after making money from industrialization, you finally put money towards the exit of industrialization into a semi service related economy.

go back to an afican country where their is a ethno state already

it will end up like east and west germany only more unequal

>Christian Socialism
>literally melding church and state together

Heh no thanks.

Attached: koreans-are-superior.webm (480x480, 1.79M)

I'd gladly help you make it happen as long as you promise that you won't try to cross the border when you fuck it all up and are starving. That's the deal: you get your "Christian Socialist" (snort) state, but no fleeing if there's starvation. Also, no aid.


Sure. There's no starvation in American black hoods now, so it'll never happen anyway.
Fuck off. We're moving Africa here.

we are beginning in the caribbean.
we would need a nation ally
we would have to shift jamaica either far left
and begin a fake war with a country opposing us communism vs fascism style
and recruit other caribbean nationals from other countriess
that way we could also lower the population by killing men in the war and poisoning the water for women to infect children
it happened because low maintenance cus of the "war"
bring the population to like half
which is 15 mil

that way well have less people running around to ruin it and more opportunity to begin our eugenics program

when the war subsides we could "occupy" and conquer one of the opposing countries
then merge them
then use the combined army to fuck up the rest of the islands
and pillage and plunder

same user, we need to support movements like the northwest front to motivate whites to move out of the south and to the north so we can take it

yeah but when the whole country is pillaged burned to the ground and becomes like the home continent theyll remember what a blessing the white man who does everything for them was and will try and move back.


>We're moving Africa here.

How about no?

Attached: 1529878817222.png (306x306, 70K)

This was proposed by Malcolm X. Frankly it makes sense from several different aspects and could probably happen with enough lobbying. The South is majority black, without a black nation to defend black interests oppression will continue to happen. Everyone is happy. The west coast will become the new America, taking in leftist and progressive values. Midwest becomes a white ethnostate. New Africa continues to exist.

i have sex with your mom all day long and im black haha she calls me a nigger because it is my fetish i love it when she bounces on my nigger dick nothing you can do it about it though lil fagget

t. Tyrone "nigger" Johnson ;p lol

Wow rude much?


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Like this desu

>Give you nigs the everglades to ruin
You'd better let whites take care of that. t. asian

ha, speaking from a position of power i see, silly gook thinks he owns anything over in these parts. this is the westernized asian, folks. a race of asskissers

kill yourself you nigger shitstain

>be black
>can choose any colors for flag to represent your people
>go with watermelon motif

Attached: 1227974602521395079pitr_Watermelon_icon.svg.hi.png (600x334, 19K)

The south isn't majority black desu. the lower Mississippi and that old plantation belt across the lower south is, but Appalachia and the coasts are not. This is why gibsmedat Democrats don't win statewide.

This is what the Republic of Liberia was created by the US back in 1847 for. Just move there instead.

A huge chunk of the US will be re-captured in the coming decades by Mexico wanting the land that they had lost back in the 1840s after the Mexican-American War anyway. The rest of the lands of the US will go to the Lakota, Navajo, and other Native American nations. Hawaii, Texas, and Alaska will probably become independent.

Tell everyone that they're racist for not giving you the land.

By any chance are you conservative?

How can Mexico "re"capture land if the land belonged to the Spanish, like everything else in Mexico?

Most Native tribes took their land through violence against other tribes, they have no moral claim to any of it.

>A huge chunk of the US will be re-captured in the coming decades by Mexico wanting the land that they had lost back in the 1840s after the Mexican-American War anyway. The rest of the lands of the US will go to the Lakota, Navajo, and other Native American nations. Hawaii, Texas, and Alaska will probably become independent.
First off, how could Texas become independent when it would be the number 1 place Mexico would recapture in this strange fantasy you've built for yourself.

>A huge chunk of the US will be re-captured in the coming decades by Mexico

never gonna happen retard, kys

>The rest of the lands of the US will go to the Lakota, Navajo, and other Native American nations.

They're all dead

Forget about the stuff that isn't the US, and join the Hoteps.

Ha ha!

It is going to happen.

Deal with it.

Texas actually has the most African American citizens there.The south will be a better place for blacks. Most of the racist whites like up north, especially in Illinois.

>This is what the Republic of Liberia was created by the US back in 1847 for. Just move there instead.

Liberia was just a dumping ground for Lincoln to place half of the free slaves. Blacks won't make profit over there. Even Nigeria is a better country economically.

you dumb niggers only deserve the south parts of alabama and mississippi. typical niggers taking way more than their fair share

The Lakota are still around. They wanted to gain independence back in 2007:

By conquering all the white wombs, which you're already doing.

>Most historians would agree it began in the 2030s
>historians making future predictions based on other future predictions that haven't happened yet

user I just...

>By conquering all the white wombs, which you're already doing. Jow Forums

It is speculative fiction, you baffling buffoon!

Something similar will happen, your race will all be gathered up in a collective and then extinguished for all time.

>Christian socialism
I'm not down for this, brother. We need to get our niggas to fucking work. Fuck this socialism crap.

This, jesus christ. I swear Jow Forums is making more cucks then leftists with these cuck black-pills.

It's embarrassing for them because it just exposes their insecurity.

>Le socialism make you lazy meme

Socialism makes you work, no matter who or what you are. If you refuse work, either no service will be given to you or you'll be sent to the gulag.

>Socialism makes you work, no matter who or what you are. If you refuse work, either no service will be given to you or you'll be sent to the gulag.
You're then going to need the majority to walk around armed and forcing the minority to work for them because that's the only way to implement it in practice, because why the fuck else would anyone do it
So basically you want slavery back but more extreme
How about we just hang all niggers instead and be done with it?

Great! The black supremacist nationalists can get their black ethnostate in the southeast, and the white supremacist nationalists can get their white ethnostate in the northwest, and the rest of us can finally get some peace. This can't happen soon enough.

I just made this in 4 mins after seeing this thread.
Whites get green area, black to blacks, yellow to native americans, blue is where everyone else ends up including interracial couples. Who says no?

Attached: blank-us-map-with-states-names-usa-map-of-states-blank-fresh-best-us-map-with-names-states-usa-map-w (2000x1333, 383K)

You want to make Haiti 2.0. You need incentive. Prepare for CivilWar. #NotMyWakanda

Hawaii should go back to Polynesians period.

Haiti got fucked up after the revolution. France forced them to pay for damages after the war even though they were too poor.