Nofap Works

Stop fapping now.

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12 days in and counting.

What do you mean it works? What has it done for you?

I've always failed at about two weeks. I find I'm now on a routine of doing it every two weeks, and each time I relapse it becomes so clear how shitty it is. It takes two weeks for me to start the real challenge. Until then I'm a confused mess who hates the idea of anything sexual on the surface but deep down is really dying for attention and a partner. I don't want this confusion, I want clear intentions. If I want that then I have to not relapse so I can let everything come to the surface and work with it there. Let it come, let it be, let it go.

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I can confirm I have the power to create everything I want to create
just no fap guys

if youre delusional enough to think that the abnormal ammount of failures in your life can be narrowed down to one single action that billions of individuals preform without any consequence then you are beyond saving

went a month once, it's ok i guess. fapping goes against my morality or whatever so it felt nice to be free from the guilt associated with it, but I didn't really get any of the super-powers mentioned from it.

I am a day in, almost 2 days. Wish me luck bots.

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nopoop > nopiss > nolook > nofap

i'm doing a nopoop+nolook right now. this means i've stopped pooping and i've stopped opening my eyes to prevent overstimulation through visual stimuli. i'm using speech to text to write this post.

i'm on day 17 right now and i already feel much more confident and my erections are rock hard (probably because my poop is stimulating my prostate constantly) and they last forever. i feel less anxious and depressed.

I'm going to NoFap till I work out my sexuality

porn has clouded shit for too long

even if I find out I'm actually gay or some shit, I don't care, as long as I find my true sexuality

*for some people

>more confidence
>more energy
>more social grace and charisma
>lost weight, got pretty Jow Forums
>got 9/10 gf
>own my own successful business
>can think more clearly
>can read and do complicated math nearly 3 times as fast

All this from 1 week of nofap

6 hours in. Never been this horny in my life.

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Really hope you're not a faggot. There are too many already.

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>got 24 inch arms
>women begging to date you
>can walk naked during winter and not feel cold
>can walk on water
>got shot and bullet didn't penetrate
>trump gave you a personal call to congratulate you for your nofap progress

noedge too? how bout noporn?

I tried one week of nofap. All I got was extreme feelings of horniness and depression.

no fap is easy if you just stay off the internet

I'm probably a hetero leaning bi faggot, so pretty much straight

been fapping over shemales since like 13 though

You probably did it wrong. Remember it's not just about not fapping, but doing the opposite of fapping.

I failed from laying around fantasising after waking up.
Don't discount dat imagination.

stop posting shitty threads now, phaggot

Of course, brother, of course. Edging breaks a nofap, even if it's just once.

As for noporn, in a sense. I don't ever intentionally seek porn or sexual content out, for anything other than scholarly reasons, but I don't cower away from places where it might be posted like Jow Forums.

You have to get used to temptation, nofap is an endless struggle and if you don't immunize yourseld to porn and sexual content, you will nevee really be free from it.

My dinkie got a little sensitive on Saturday so I stopped touching it and now I wanna see how long I can go so I guess I'm kinda on board lol. I almost thought about it today but decided not to.

Whenever I try, I go through physical withdrawals

What is the opposite of fapping ? Praying ?

>*posts ancient statue*
Wtf? Your argument is automatically right now! It'd be even more correct if you gave it a purple hue and some VHS effects.

I did Nofap for a week and my benis started slowly leaking seminal secretions at the 5th day. Non-stop until I fapped again. Is this normal ?

Umm, not really. Should only really happen if you're getting frequent erections, or at night.

I know when I did nofap in work I used to get hard all the time, worked in a place with lots of pretty girls coming and going though. And when that happened I'd often leak a lot of precum.

Just over 52 hours 30 minutes into my eternal nofap, lads. Feelin' fine. Keep having sexual dreams of course, always involves my fucking ex man.

No, I didn't have more hard-ons. Weird.

That is strange, perhaps an STD of some kind?

masturbating > turning your nut into energy to smite your enemies with

it is an ancient power only taught by the most experienced mages and necromancers. most seclude themselves trying to learn this power, they almost always die in the process.

Reminder that nofap is a Tumblr psyop, not using your cock leads to ED, prostate cancer and reduced penis size.

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It most certainly does not. I can guarantee you that.

I tried NoFap but couldn't sleep so I just fapped. Is it supposed to actually do something ? I'm willing to push through the insomnia but not if it doesn't do anything

>more charismatic, offered multiple high level sales jobs
>need only 2 hours of sleep
>went to open tryouts for multiple professional sports teams and was accepted, turned them down
>voice is now a basso profondo, began working with the local opera
>currently dating a Victoria's Secret model

All after 3 days nofap

>Offered a scholarship to multiple colleges
>Just got 180 on IQ test
>more confident
>More attractive
>Penis grew a few more inches
>girls lining up at the front door
All after 3 hours of nofap

34 hours in, usually i fap every day but im trying not to today

here's how my no fap is going

>after one minute of no fap i start to see my pener grow in length, about 5 cm per 10 seconds
>20 minute mark my cock is the size of a bus in both width and length and it also has the density of a neutron star.
>1 hour mark i begin to grow muscles that have the strength to pick up 10 cargo planes.
>5 hour mark i overthrew all government by showing them the power and strength of no fap. they almost immediately worshiped and obeyed me for the god i was becoming
>1 day mark i now have the power to destroy and create within our conceivable universe at will and those who oppose me would face a fate worse than the 9th layer of hell
>183 nonillion year mark, time is irrelevant to me now i know everything there is to know about everything trying to comprehend the true meaning of life is only possible for me those who would try grasp the concept would only be destroyed under the weight it has
>infinity mark, i now can create and enter entire universes within nanoseconds. i have no mission anymore, no fap was a mistake
>to know everything is a curse to the very concept of living. i have made a mistake i can only regret. i cannot die and i cannot live
>i am both If i try to break no fap i will only subconsciously stop myself from doing so
>I only wish to die

pic related is me
i am truly beautiful yet inconceivable to mere mortals

dont do no fap

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I love female form too much, it's the best thing I've ever discovered, and porn gives me the chance to explore it in the safety of my home. Relationships are out of question, even if I stop watching I'll still be alone. I don't have any better things in life

whatever you do, don't look at this

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Please, convince me the benefits outweigh the pleasure

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Your exquisitely rare Pepe won't sway me, kike. Nofap for fucking life, bro.

I just want to understand your rationality. You seem to be convinced that this "nofap" will be better for you. Why?

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Nofap doesn't really work after a week. However, no porn is really good for you.

Why do you say that? They are simply exploring sexuality through the only means they have.

Becuase I have experienced the benefits firsthand, my dude. It's not something you can really demonstrate or convince people of.

Just try nofap, you have nothing to lose, and no harm will come to you, even if it does not work for you.

Any activity that gives you pleasure for little effort/reward should be limited. Doing drugs, drinking, watching porn. They change the chemical makeup of your brain and make you reliant on them to feel "normal" a lot of the time. "Burning out" is a thing for a reason.

I will lose the best pleasure I know. That's a lot to lose

At this point, porn and fantasies have been with me all my life. I quit them, I'm left with nothing.

After 2 hours no fap my dick grew 4 inches and all my hair grew back including places I never even had hair to begin with

Why are you here? You are mocking without coming with a counter argument. Do you get anything out of it? I dare say if you don't believe in nofap, this was a time better served looking for a good porn to watch

Hey, you can't steal my name like that. I'll report you

Oh shit! Who's the real pierre? Is that blonde twig still relevant in 2018?

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I want to try it, see if it's worth it. 90 days. All in. No porn. However, are there any things that I should do, to ensure I reach the mark?

Just be strong. There are no tips or tricks. Don't isolate yourself from temptation and porn, but don't specifically seek it out.

Try to keep busy, try not to lie around in the morning when you have a boner, and you've just woken up from that hot sexual dream you had.

Don't be a moron, if you're questioning your straightness, then you're automatically not straight. Probably Bi, faggot

today I will start nofap.

at least if I fail I'll make big cums.

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>Feel more motivated
>Dont need coffee in the morning anymore
>Only play 2-3h of vidya everyday and spend the rest of the day being productive
>Have the confidence to small talk with other people
>Improved my social skills
>Learned to read other people's minds
>Can see the entire electromagnetic spectrum
>Can bend space time using nothing but my will power
>Capable of breathing underwater
>Learned how to time travel
>Granted access to the inner circle of the deepwater jews
It's pretty good desu

0 days in and still counting

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can you communicate with plants yet? i heard that you can do that after two weeks of nofap.

Yes, earlier today I had a conversation with a birch and she taught me photosynthesis.

>nu-Jow Forums is still pushing this NoPorn/NoFap faggotry
Even Discord threads are better than this.

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I going to do Nofap for real this time because I think porn is starting to make me gay. Rolling for amount of hours on NoFap.

as long as you don't do it irl it's all good

nothing like imagining yourself ramming a faggot to increase your T nomsayin

Ill roll as well, and add it on to my hours

Fuck lads I'm just over 60 hours in. My balls feel heavy as fuck, cock feels really thick and heavy too.

I'm getting quite intense arousal, especially in the mornings, but oddly enough no real desire to act on it. Like I don't really want to fap, I'm really committed this time to seeing it through.

I suppose we're not even 3 days down yet. Usually starts to get really challenging around the 5-8 day mark, so let's see how we do there.

do nofap anons
>be me
>before nofap
>fapping is a chore
>always fap at 6 PM because mommy grabbing some tendies
>end up fapping to roblox, 3D mmd porns
>regret and feel like shit every day

>be me
>doing nofap
>live is better
>every 6 PM learn german and mastering TF2 skills
>only relapse on the most high quality hentai a website have to offer
>happy everyday

my best streak is 15 days

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maybe weak pelvic muscles?

Nope, I'm a KV.

You don't lose anything, if it doesn't do any good to you just fap again. But try it.


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In my experience, with only fapping once a week, I can talk easier without dropping my spaghetti

Pushing cum down your urethra and back into your balls. Gotta fill up your jugs before you do nofap or it won't work.

Caesar nigger, can I make you my accountability partner?

Sorry? What do you mean by this?

It's been 10 hours and my dick is starting to talk to me.

>became god
Just after 10 minutes of nofap

thanks beautiful human being

It's a concept from AA that's used by the nofap fags. When one of us is unsteady on the path, the other is there to remind him why he started. We can have a constant nofap thread here. Inspire others and strengthen each other. I can't fit in with the nofap reddit crowd, they do it to get horny and sexually charged in order to push them to pursue women, but a robot like me doesn't want that. After learning about the true nature of women: hypergamy, microchimerism, dating up, divorce rates, promiscuity, Pareto principle, Coolidge effect etc. and understanding antinatalism, my rational mind understands why pursuing women is a bad choice, even if I somehow ascended to normiehood. And this nofap thing is hard, because I have to work on completely ignoring my reptilian brain that pushes me to reproduce, and it's a feat that all the generations in my genealogy failed. After more than a decade of porn, I now have a special immunity to women, but only as long as I jerk it. I trick my brain that I'm reproducing, but when I'm on nofap, I want to talk to women like the reddit bitches, and rationalize this sexual communism that is monogamy. I hate it, and to let my brain shut up and stop nagging me and stop throwing me in the pits of depression, I just watch porn again, I jerk off on a binge that destroys my dick for a few days, then restart. This has been my life for two years now. I love (or my lizard brain loves) porn too much. I can't seem to be able to quit on the promise that it'll get better. I am trying one last time, until Halloween, and if it doesn't work, I won't try nofap ever again, and jerk it to my heart's desire.