My sister turned vegan and is telling me a bunch of bullshit about how 1 pound of beef requires 6,000,000 gallons of water to produce. And how 1 plastic bag destroys the ocean.
Literally, who gives a fuck?
My sister turned vegan and is telling me a bunch of bullshit about how 1 pound of beef requires 6,000,000 gallons of water to produce. And how 1 plastic bag destroys the ocean.
Literally, who gives a fuck?
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Well she's right but I don't care that much myself and neither do a couple billion others so really we're screwed anyway.
To me, it's like a religion. If you reuse a plastic bag, you'll be absolved your original sin of being born a polluting human being. It's rubbish.
Environmentalist women will still be fucking a Chad who probably litters, drive a gas-guzzler and eats tons of meat
I feel bad for them really. Few people care like they do. The few that care can't do enough to save the rest that don't, and we'll be dragging them down with us. It's just kinda sad.
Did you tell her that the water is reusable once the cow pisses it out?
ill never understand how one of our friends bought a bike in bangkok and rode around doing volunteer work, while me and my other buddy were in beer bars banging as many cheap hookers as we could carry
I don't get it either. Have you ever been to organic stores? It's always overpriced. I bet these chicks are either in huge debt or have a beta provider paying 1000 in grocery bills every month for her alone.
Everyone is dumb but me: the mindset
Buh buh the environment isn't is trouble, Pruitt told me so.
I told her about the water cycle, but didn't want to hear it.
If you care about stuff more than other people do, you're just going to get taken advantage of. In this case, "green" companies selling their products.
''volunteer work'' yeah, sure. That cunt was traveling to poor villages and having sex with small children.
The environment is fucked but you can't do anything about it. Sorry mate it is just reality.
i'm convinced that the whole gay hippie vegan environmentalist meme was created to discredit people who don't want the elite to destroy the planet. just like alex jones
>Literally, who gives a fuck?
Your sister
That's why it's sad. Good hearted, well-intentioned people will always get used by those who can see their good hearts, but feel nothing for them.
A rhetorical question. No one should care this much about stuff outside their control. Reusing your coffee cup is not going to bring back the blue whale population. Stop sweating it.
That's the reality we live in. You always have to be on your guard for human predators. Keep your wits about you.
>no one else is doing it, so why should I?
there is literally no justification for this, you're just a lazy cunt
I don't think environmentalists are dumb, just misguided.
George Carlin is spot on on this topic
>Why stop raping and killing the environment when everyone else is too
>when you OD on boomer
>1 pound of beef requires 6,000,000 gallons of water to produce
so shes tryna tell you that theres 6000000 gallons of water in one pound of beef?
>1 plastic bag destroys the ocean.
what does she mean by destroy?
Why would you inconvenience yourself when there next to nothing to be gained? You really think cutting your shower time by 1 minute is going to save a sea turtle living on the other side of the world? It's all nonsense.
Okay I legitimately work with a boomer who looks just like this. Are there a ton out there like this?
ummm, maybe because its the right thing to do? or I guess you could just be a normie and do whatever all the nomries do
nothing wrong with environmentalism in itself but the people around it are full of dubious data and moral claims
My boomer gym teacher looked like that kek.
Every generation has their own issues to deal with. Overpopulation and environmental issues will be some of the pressing issues for future generations. We can lay the groundwork but ultimately it's up to them to solve these problems. They're just too big and there's too much social inertia for us to enact any kind of real solution in our lifetime.
Of course the same is true for the issues of our time, and the responsibility (or lack thereof) borne by the previous generations.
It's totally ineffectual when it comes to helping the environment. All it is is self-serving crap to make you feel better thinking you're making a difference.
Iyfe imitates art
yeah this guy is right, why are environmentalists trying to stop the world dead in its tracks and not let anything die out?
>falling for the overpopulation meme.
whatever you say normie, just go with the flow bro
>one pound of beef requirers 6,000,000 gallons of water to produce
Excuese me what the fuck
>Literally, who gives a fuck?
not me, fuck this gay earth
He does have a point. This environmental crap isn't about saving the planet it is about saving ourselves. Humans will all die out long before the planet becomes inhospitable. Life will continue no matter what we do but human life may not.
>save da trees, man!
>lets let in millions of illegal immigrants who will destroy da trees, man
>inb4 go back to Jow Forums
you know im right
You should pretend to be a flat earther just to piss her off.
No you retard, just because you recognize eating animals is wrong doesn't mean you have to buy a bunch of bullshit products
Literally just stop eating meat and start eating plants you dumb nigger
not to mention the fact that china and india are the worst when it comes to dumping shit into the ocean and atmosphere
Uh but if you don't eat organic you are just as harmful as meat eaters sweetie.
That's because China processes all our shit.
only the normie consumerist garbage that only ends up in the trash anyway
Shit's pretty dumb, I live in a small country, there's never even trash out by roads, people pick everything up. We have been targeted by the environmental jew recently complaining about plastic bag use which is laughable considering they are used as garbage bags and almost all of them get incinerated.
Funny how they create these draconian demands on western society while chang and pajeet literally dump their trash outside their house or in the ocean without any care at all.
Organic is a meaningless label that local farmers can't afford in the first place.
But I do think it's better to stuff at the farmers market if you have the choice
>my neighbours house looks like shit
>well, no point in cleaning my house
Cut the shit. You aren't an animal out in the wild. You live in a civilization built on cooperation. Yes, it is rife with corruption and selfishness, but submitting to these things on the terms that they exist is not "wit".
Yes, a lot of what environmentalists say is hyperbole. Most shit humans say in general is straight hyperbole. That doesn't all mean that you can't consciously put effort into not harming the very thing that has nurtured humans thus far. Hell, if it means long-term survival, it sure as hell isn't "wit" to be so fatalist to the whims of potential wrongdoers.
yeah, you're right. we should just be more like indians
What can we even do? Nothing we do matters I have no influence on the world at all and never can.
Because the environment really is fucked and the globe is only going to be hotter but there are 6 billion other fucking retards who don't give a shit and it's not really worth doing anything about because normies don't actually care about whether or not their degeneracy is sustainable so you know just live for yourself
>Organic is a meaningless label that local farmers can't afford in the first place.
Yes and no.
It's a number of qualifications that does not necessarily mean what people think it means. It's meaningless in the sense that its technical definition does not match up to the common definition, but that does not make either definitions inherently meaningless.
I work on a local farm that for the most part takes part in "organic" practices. Local farms can definitely afford it. It's hard because of course farming at any scale is hard, but a well managed farm can afford it, and the long-term health of the soil pays off in the long run. Technically speaking, none of our fields (the certification is given to fields) are a hundred percent meeting "organic" standards, so none of them are certified. The main issue is that we use biodegradable plastic made of corn that isn't itself "organic", and that's literally the only thing keeping us from it. Otherwise anything else that is "organic" is actually shit most farms should be doing for long-term longevity anyway.
>You live in a civilization built on cooperation.
>Yes, it is rife with corruption and selfishness
Live a good life. You may influence the people around you. They may influence the people around them. Ad finitum until you make a big enough influence. No, you cannot save everything, but you'd be surprised how much you can do by just making conscious decisions to support certain companies by voting with your dollar, being smart with your waste, and growing/hunting your own food.
If I'm really truly honest I just like nature, I like it's bizarre brutality. It's a nasty, harsh, beautiful fucker that doesn't give a fuck about you and is better off without you.
Knowing that nothing I say or do matters on a grand scale gives me peace, same with nature, the less effect I can have on it the better. (Yeah I know I can't uneffect it completely I just enjoy doing my bit) It's entirely selfish I just like my existence being irrelevant.
Wow it's almost like two non mutually exclusive things can be true at once!
Environmentalism is about control and guilt tripping westerners into not reproducing. Not surprising when you look up the people who started the movement and promote it to this day, mostly Jews.
You people are disgusting pieces of shit, just like all normies. Recycling a cup won't save the world, but it can help make the world a cleaner place and therefore nicer. I want to make people eat their garbage off the ground every time I see someone throw a McDonald's bag out of their car window. If you fucking picked up after yourselves, we'd be a little tiny bit less of a disgrace to existence.
>Hurr me being cleaner won't help anything who cares!
Fuck you for making the world smell like shit.
You live a sheltered life in a first world country I take it.
Environmentalism is about the environment.
Unfortunately the modern political scheme hijacks every issue and polarizes it to shit and uses it as a means to an end, but it would be foolish to assume that is the end all be all of everything.
>he thinks usable clean drinking water is part of the water cycle for most of the earth
>sheltered life
Yeah, cooperation is great, isn't it? People work together for the common good and suddenly you have, you know, shelter.
The pretense is the environment. In practice, it's all about introducing new laws to accost and control the general public.
Please stop thinking that you know what large movements that predate your existence here on earth are all about.
Do you really think Theodore Roosevelt had ulterior motives behind the National Park Service? You don't believe it wasn't out of sheer love for nature? Cut the paranoid bullshit. Not everyone is acting out of self interest all the time.
That's nice but most people in the world are not generally cooperative like that. Corruption is the norm is most countries.
Theodore Roosevelt was an avid hunter. Of course he wanted to preserve places with animals for him to kill.
The modern day purpose of the NPS is different that it originally was. Nowadays it's a scam to set up land for logging companies and such. Also to charge tourists lots of money.
Yeah I get that. Still, as someone who greatly benefits from a society that owes a lot of its infrastructure to cooperation, I understand and respect its value. Obviously the US is sick with corruption itself, but both these things can be true at once, and I have no intention of letting knowledge of the later keep me from pushing for the former out of defeatism.
Yes! Hunters are some of the most important environmentalists out there. Hunting in itself is a form of appreciation of nature, but I would also not assume that the guy ONLY did it out of a desire for hunting. You keep assuming that something is ONLY one ting and not considering that something may actually be multi faceted.
>The modern day purpose of the NPS is different that it originally was. Nowadays it's a scam to set up land for logging companies and such. Also to charge tourists lots of money.
Again, the black and white shit. Yeah, I'm sure the NPS and some people in the organization are doing exactly this, but to then assume that this quality is now the NPS entirely is a brainlet simplification.
>the water cycle
>>>>>>>>>>the water cycle
oh jeez user
The NPS is also a jobs program for minorities and women these days. Basically like another government program, a place where tax money goes to promote (((their)) agenda.
It has a lot of purposes.
People have a natural instinct to protect the environments they live in. If you're truly woke you will realize you don't just exist for your own sake, but for the sake of your family and the people around you.
Your sister is correct the current consumption of beef and plastics in society is absolutely obscene. Beef is a self-correcting problem, it's going to just get more and more expensive and become a rarer and rarer luxury. There is however going to be more plastic than fish in the oceans in 32 years and we're literally on track to starve ourselves out in our own lifetime due to plastics overusage. Thus proactive measures against plastics must be done now for the sake of our welfare in the future. Plasticizers are also why BASEDboys are so common these days. They make men effeminette.
Your sister has just gotten onto a new trend and is knee jerking so hard she has become super fucking annoying. It may take a number of years but odds are she will eventually chill the fuck out.
its normie as fuck to not care about the environment desu. yall are all chugging down blue pills pretending like our earth aint dying
im not vegan, nor do i travel to uganda to feed starving children with my bare hands. but trying to eat healthy, cleaning up after yourself, and not supporting a culture that literally is destroying our world is just like a good human thing to do
don't get too worried, brother. OP's sister is inevitably just virtue-signalling, like most normies do on a regular basis. The probability that they actually care is pretty small, especially when you factor their gender into the equation.
If you swallow the environmentalism pill too hard through you will just conclude that you should kill yourself and wh*tes off to save the environment while Blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs reproduce like mad. For some reason environmentalists are also generally pro-immigration despite immigration being a bigger cause of environmental devastation than common shibboleths like beef consumption. If you stopped immigration full stop most western countries, who do among the most environmental harm per capita, would depopulate and less environmental harm would ensue. Due to no pressure valve on overpopulation in other countries existing, people would start dying out in overpopulated countries, especially the brainlets, which would also save the environment.
However since environmentalists are generally hypocrites who are in it to feel like part of a cause and don't actually care about the environment they spend their days going DUCK FRUMPF and supporting the continued population rise of the most polluting countries in the world.
The thing is, it's not your enviroment. The land around you is mostly owned jews, boomers, state/federal government. Why would I give a fuck about their property? Litter on their shit.
>Moving small rocks constantly in order to move the mountain
It may not matter in the end because it is not enough, but at least recycling and reusing things dosen't hurt. The same cannot be said for the electric vehicle scam.
>For unaware people : producing electric vehicles require more resources than ICE-propelled ones. Batteries are polluting to produce and have a limited lifespan.
Resources required to produce these batteries are way rarer than petrol (Soviets and NATO invaded Afghanistan for one main reason : lithium ore). If your country is mainly powered by charcoal or gas powerplants, you're not limiting CO2 emissions even when using the car. You always lose energy when converting an energy into another. You're burning charcoal in order to boil water (chemical to thermal) to produce pressured steam (thermal to mechanical) that propels a turbine linked to an alternator (mechanical to electric). Then this electricity is transported through cables (massive loss due to Joule heating) to batteries (electrical to chemical). Then when you use the car you convert this energy back into electrical energy and then into mechanical energy.
ICE cars : chemical to thermal and mechanical energy.
Pretty much this. Mass immigration is the single biggest enviromental problem and it's never addressed. There's almost 100,000,000 people as the result of the '65 immigration act.
wtf are you even talking about dude
you sound so filled with hate i got angry from 1000 miles away
I can't because it is too expensive where I live.
We could but people don't want to actually change their way of life, they just want the magical solution that doesn't exist. They do pointless shit like going vegan because it makes them feel like they're helping.
I'm talking about my frustration that the environmentalist movement is mostly frauds because they're pro-immigration which is the single most environmentally destructive policy of all.
The only people who truly care about the environment are hunters who resist immigration generally, hunt instead of doing factory farming, and resist property development (partially by being against immigration) and protect wildlife habitats. Left wing environmentalists are shams and phonies who are in it to virtue signal and don't actually give a shit.
I'm angry because people are destroying the earth while pretending they're saving it.
Vegans go to far, and are kind of a cult, but there's something to this. They're mostly about being morally pure and showing off to their friends. Meat does have a big impact on the environment, and it's pretty wasteful.
Vegans I suspect don't get enough protein, and I haven't seen a vegan male who I couldn't snap in half like a twig.
The "lazy man's" Vegetarian diet has some merit. Fish and beans for most of your protein, combined with vegetables. Throw in some chicken here and there.
Fish is god damn amazing. Tastes great, and is very healthy. Environmental impact is small as long as the fish is not hunted to extinction. Beans are great, and work in anything. Tofu is bland onions paste, but it can be put in any meal (especially with a sauce).
I had this meal with tofu mixed into the spinach/avacado, and a side of chicken. Simple and easy.
>Literally, who gives a fuck?
I think most of this should be high level regulations since most people are lazy. Plastic bags totally should be banned.
This. Have you guys seen the damage shitskins do to their environments? It's much worse than anything the west does. The west needs to survive by virtue of the fact it actually has people who care enough where as shitholes don't.
It absolutely is a religion. That's why you hear these types demonizing people who don't "believe in climate change" or don't "believe in science."
You don't "believe" science. You study it. And it's always changing with new information. It's not something you take on faith. People who think this way are mentally deficient and programmed to fail.
>Vegans I suspect don't get enough protein
wow such original thought here
>Tastes great, and is very healthy
Wrong. Fish haven't been healthy for a long time, kid. Our oceans are incredibly polluted and even fish that are low on the food chain are packed with pesticides and heavy metals.
>Environmental impact is small as long as the fish is not hunted to extinction.
Wrongest thing I've ever seen. Virtually all kinds of modern commercial fishing is extremely damaging to the oceans. Corals are destroyed, the ocean floor is ruined, millions of tons of unwanted fish are fished up and dumped back into the ocean every year.
Anyway, this entire thread is
>X is a bad thing to do but everyone else is doing X therefore it won't make a difference if I do X also even though I know it's wrong
This is the sign of a person who is completely lacking in any kind of moral strength.
i feel to some degree for sure, but i think you have an overly irrational thought of how people that sway slightly more to the left than you actually think. and beginning to dislike others solely for what you think they believe.
i do wish more people hunted, and resisted factory farming as well as property development, and protected wildlife habitats. but i think the biggest issue is how to continue growing as a society in a positive manner while supporting and bettering our environment. sadly i dont think everyone has the means to hunt and farm all day, we live in cities, have jobs, get lunch breaks ect. but what can we do to keep moving forward and not destroy the planet we inhabit?
is it stop immigration, all the cultural development, and all the assets it gives our country and hide in our little bubbles away from the rest of the world. i dont think so.
i think you are also trying to rationalize your xenophobic fears in any way possible.where are you even getting that info? when i looked it up all i saw was overly biased information from both sides
>where are you even getting that info?
If you know the environmental harm per capita in the west, in terms of co2 emissions, plastic consumption, etc you know anybody who lives here will do a lot of environmental harm. In the absence of immigration the population would decrease and people would stay in countries where less environmental harm per capita happens. These countries would also face increased pressures to reduce childbirth.
Figure it out.
> i think the biggest issue is how to continue growing as a society in a positive manner while supporting and bettering our environment
The answer is reducing the population and not growing as a society, which left-wing environmentalists are adamently against. Also economists. Also pretty much everybody because this would blow up social security which is structured as a ponzi scheme that relies on constant population growth to not go broke.
The left wing environmentalist movement simply wants to have it both ways and lies and pretends by simply all of us bringing canvas bags to the supermarket and eating beans instead of meat we can continue immigration. It's a lie. If you're pro-immigration you're anti-environment. Full stop.
OP here. This is what I'm talking about. I'm not for the destruction for the environment or anything like that. It's that the issue with the environment is much deeper than a stupid canvas bag, which is all environmentalist idiots ever talk about.
OP can I have your sisters number? I too care about the environment.
Yeah, it's (388) 866-4957
i mean there are many an argument against this, and I think fostering a society that doesn't destroy the ecosystem would be much more beneficial to the world at large. Especially if people from other countries that harm the environment move into these countries that are more environmentally friendly.
For example when I lived in europe I recycled everything, because it was much more pushed there, as well as being more convenient.
additionally some of the biggest positive effects on the environment come from US tax dollars. so we all foster environmental protection everyday, and every immigrant who comes here does as well
im certainly not on the left, but you guys sound like Jow Forums shills that only digest right wing media.