"improve yourself" is just a meme, normies get to experience sex naturally because of peer pressure

"improve yourself" is just a meme, normies get to experience sex naturally because of peer pressure

robots don't get it because they're dysfunctional and don't fit it

we all follow predetermined path and there's nothing we can do to change it, once a robot always a robot

Here's your daily dose of black pill, now continue jerking off

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Other urls found in this thread:



>boobie smell

what do tits smell like?


like burgers

>we all follow predetermined path and there's nothing we can do to change it
yeah but there's nothing saying the future is negative nomsayin
some people are destined to self improve and become winners

god I wish I had a gf

and yeah self improvement basically means becoming more of a normie lol
doesn't mean it's a bad thing and yes it's possible
joe rogan used to jerk off and play doom all day before he made it big

Stop shilling this fuck, he's the epitome of normies

This "black pill" you suck on voraciously like BBC is actually just what you tell yourself so that you don't have to try. But keep it up. Useless betas like you need to be removed from the gene pool anyway.

Attached: VARG-FU.webm (640x360, 1.62M)

why would I? I just said the way to become successful is to become a normie

improving yourself includes making yourself more functional in society

>become normie
He was always one you dumbass

Any normie fuck can have a tough life but it doesn't mean they don't have the potential to get good at life

Robots are locked from birth and will never break free

Get the fucking difference you normalfag

The thing about self-improvement for robots is that you'll be starting a mile behind. You have to work your ass off just to get to where the normies got without trying. Plus, once it enters your mind that you're inferior and need to get caught up, as though it's some sort of race or there's some objective standard you have to meet, that mindset will never go away. To normies and all the people you're trying to get caught up with, they don't even think about stuff like this and it all comes naturally. So even if you improve, it just won't be the same because mentally you're still a robot and think like one. You can't just adapt the normie mentality after being like this.

getting fit feels good but Jow Forums is cancer.

You should be healthy for yourself later in life not to impress others.

Not even memeing when I say "just be yourself" got me my current gf

To be fair I don't even think you absolutely need to be a normalfag to have a gf.
Sometimes you might just find the girl that is either "robot-y" or just interested in introverts or whatever, maybe she just gets impressed by something you do/your loyalty.
Of course it's going to be easier if you're a normalfag but still.

How about this tho:
The concept of "the normie" is a figment of your imagination.

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>getting fit feels good but Jow Forums is cancer
So stop looking to Jow Forums for all of life's answers.
Jow Forums is absolute cancer and you guys treat it like it's gospel truth.

OP is clearly just looking for any excuse not to improve himself, weak minded beta fag

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if I am a normie anyone has the potential to become a normie. I was super autistic when growing up.
You are just looking for excuses to not feel obligated to become normal and successful.
first part is true
second part is somewhat true, but not necessarily bad. it's calling having a chip on your shoulder. having a slight inferiority complex is the key to becoming exceptional

This is a great mentality to have. As we all know, nobody great ever rose from darkness.

You're right about not needing to be normie to find a gf.
However, you seem fixated on the notion that these stats that must be accumulated are what women are attracted to. Nine times out of ten it's the personal connection that makes a relationship work. Many many people in LTRs or marriages will tell you the person they connected with most strongly was not their typical "type."
Stop trying to quantify everything. Stop trying to approach human interaction like a math problem. You are over-thinking everything and it is killing you.

That girl's hair is shitty, she messed up the dye. I'm tired of betafucks orbiting and validating dumb whores like this.

i'm removed from the gene pool either way

Good. Stay that way. You suck.

>Nine times out of ten it's the personal connection that makes a relationship work
there can be no connection without attraction dead srs. gotta up the stats (sexual market value) before being able to have a relationship

>making yourself more functional in society
This is what autism speaks do, they manually learn all the social cues to become somewhat functional in society but don't feel any pleasure from it. You're not gonna benefit from it because it doesn't spark any stimuli in you, it's all fake bullshit.

can't confirm
daym satanic trips of truth

Fine, never do anything for yourself, never improve and feel proud, never work to become more than what everyone else says you'll only be, and never move beyond what you are now to be a better you.

I don't find it shameful if you give up, but fucking own it, you know? Just admit to giving up, admit to throwing in the towel, and embrace it. Whether it's relief or misery or hopelessness or euphoria, just throw it out and let all that shit out at once.

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That was part of the point I was making. Once you've been a robot and this mentality of dividing people into robots or normies enters your mind, it won't go away. Normies don't think like this nor do they even realize the term "normie" exists. That's why improvement for robots won't solve all your problems, because you can't psyche yourself out and completely forget this certain way of thinking.
>it's calling having a chip on your shoulder. having a slight inferiority complex is the key to becoming exceptional
I guess, but it also reeks of insecurity. Never being satisfied isn't exactly good.

They smell like sweat that's been waiting for you to rub your face in it.

satisfaction is stagnation


Sexual market value is a fucking meme. But keep throwing obstacles in your own path. Keep making excuses.

Like wtf are you talking about dude? I only want to improve what I want to improve, the way you talk is too abstract. If I wanna learn something I will, if I wanna be more fit I will but I'm not interested in any of that shit and that's why I'm not doing anything. When I want to get better at a video game I do actually do it because that's what I want. See the point I'm trying to say? Your actions come from your urges, if you genuinely want to achieve a certain goal nobody will stand in your way, for example if you don't have a girlfriend you just don't want it hard enough, it's as simple as that.

so the jacked 10k CEO with Chadish face has the same SMV as an indian scrawny robot fresh off the boat? ok then

It was actually a drunken shitpost meant to poke at the losers who find every reason they can to excuse their behaviour

In hindsight I'm now 80% certain most salt-the-earth shitposting comes from drunken pissing on the internet, and that I need to leave this place

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Still locked in your meme prison, eh?
The type of gold-digging whore who only wants a CEO is not the type of woman you want anyway.
>indian scrawny robot
Get a tech job. Go to school and then get a tech job. Instant money, instant friends. You act like there is literally no option. That's weak, bro. Weak.

Attached: absolute-legend.webm (202x360, 976K)

Ok cool, so I'll just afford multiple years of school with all of my no money, then I'll take all of that no money I have, and get myself somewhere to live while waiting to find a job, then not get the job, because it's been outsourced to people in india.

I am willing to listen to advice.the advice you have given is pretty much just "hey do the good and then you'll get rich and everyone will love you forever"

>Get a tech job. Go to school and then get a tech job. Instant money, instant friends. You act like there is literally no option.

Lel keep making assumptions. I'm uruguayan not indian, it was just an example. And BTW what you're basically saying is "improve your SMV" with non meme words.

>The type of gold-digging whore who only wants a CEO is not the type of woman you want anyway.

strong ignoring looks because you know it's true lol. look I'm not saying SMV can't be improved, but it's a fact of life than some men are way more desirable than others because of their attributes.
just lmao how can you even deny that

Not him, but there's really no women out there for me then. Most women these days are shallow whores. The type of woman I want really doesn't exist.

I put obstacles in my own way to prevent my self-improvement until I was 33 years old. Then I got a student loan and got my ass back in school. Now I have a good job and a wife and it is all because I got sick of being miserable and telling myself there was no point, and decided instead to try to make a better life for myself.

>you're basically saying is "improve your SMV" with non meme words
I'm trying to tell you that if you continue to fixate on SMV nothing will ever improve for you. Try to make yourself happier, and improve your own personal situation. Relationships happen more or less by accident and without calculation. So does getting pussy, most of the time.

I don't know what kind of woman you want, but most women are not shallow whores. If it is true, then most men are pieces of shit too. But it's not true, so we're all good. How did you come to the conclusion that most of all living women are shallow whores?

-improving your own personal situation is basically improving your smv
-you can't ignore the memes once you see how true they are nomsayin. you can take the user out of the memes but you can't take the memes out of the user.
-happiness is a meme. anyone can be happy with the right mental attitude even in the most dire situation, but satisfaction is only achieved by winning

Honestly, it's fucking hilarious to me. I couldn't give a shit what a woman looked like, how smart she was, how much money she makes, how she acts, how many partners she has, nothing. don't fucking care. according to this statement I don't even have standards. Landwhale? go right ahead. bluehaired feminist? sure. crippled Transylvanian refuge with no tits, and a face covered in scars? don't mind if I do!
except I do have a standard. a single one, very simple. I want someone to love me. and woosh. with those words literally every option I could have before? gone like dust in the wind.
at this point I don't even care if it's a girl anymore. I honestly just don't fucking care.
and here I am, with the highest fucking standards a human could possibly have. I am clearly the most monstrous beast to ever exist.

>he took the "love" bluepill
haha user how's the weather at disney world?

Is there some reason you believe that this person will love you on sight? Love takes time to cultivate and mature. It doesn't happen immediately. It took me almost 15 years of being sexually active, dating, having relationships, and being horrifyingly unsuccessful with women 90% of the time before I finally found real love. Do you think someone is going to mail it to you?

No, I simply look around me. and I see women only going after men for looks, status, and money. I see men going after women for looks. I am not going to hypocritically go on some tangent about how women can't feel love or some shit. No, I believe that most (99.999999999999999%) of america is literally unable to feel love for one reason or another. how many people do you see talking about how much they love someone, compared to how many times you see the same "bruh just fuck a hooker, bruh just get a one night stand, bruh pump and dump etc"?

>I see women only going after men for looks, status, and money.
Where do you see these women, and how do you know what's in their mind?

>how many people do you see talking about how much they love someone, compared to how many times you see the same "bruh just fuck a hooker,
Oh, so you get all your information about the real world from Jow Forums. Specifically Jow Forums. Gotcha.

unless your opinion changes soon, it'll be time to kys. If you can't move forward theres no point in living

Great argument lad. wonderful speech against my beliefs.
While I'll admit that I have little more than my own observations. these are the results I have extrapolated from them. instead of blindly assuming that everything I know is from Jow Forums, how about pointing out logical flaws in my beliefs and presenting evidence to disprove them?

I doubt you would listen. You would discount my "beliefs" out of hand, because I gained my understanding of the world through personal experience and real interaction with actual human beings.

How did you make your observations? Did you poll women to find out that they only want looks, status, and money? Because I guarantee you that 99% of those women value the connection they have with their SO more than any of that other shit.

No change is possible. Really hard, but possible. I did it. I've escaped the autist zone.

Believe me when I say that I would want nothing more than to be wrong. I ask you for evidence, not to disprove it, but to disprove my own beliefs. I want to believe that there are good honest people in the world.

And I suppose it's just experience throughout life. I probably don't actually belong on Jow Forums I look fine, I have no problems talking to people, hell I'm even six feet tall. I was fairly popular all throughout school, was offered to go to various parties and such in highschool, but by that point I had already decided that I wanted nothing to do with the degenerates and tried to avoid them. I've had a one or two girls ask me out, but just from talking with them it sounded like they just wanted some random fling, and I wasn't interested.

acquire currency
disregard roasties

Sounds to me you decided at a very young age to emulate Holden Caulfield and never looked back. There's nothing I can do or say that will change your course.

I have no idea who that is. some school shooter or something?

He could have been. That's for sure.

The only path, is the supreme gentleman path

improve yourself is the battle cry of people who fit in society naturally, and they don't want to change who they are to accept you, they want you to change to make their lives easier. They also have no idea how hard "improving yourself" actually is.

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>Implying any leader or major character in history had a r9k personality
Shut the fuck up Joe.

You're full of shit, kiddo. I know exactly how hard self-improvement is, because it took me years to decide to try and it is an ongoing process that will continue for the rest of my life. People who suggest you focus on your own improvement don't do so to make their own lives easier. That's insane to even say. People like you mean next to nothing to the people you describe. They don't care if you improve or not. Self improvement isn't about other people. It's about yourself. Don't you see that? Don't you want to make your own life easier? That's what it's about.

Attached: All love is beautiful NOSOUND.webm (426x240, 1.9M)

>don't do so to make their own lives easier
They do actually, if people see others in worse conditions they start to think about possibilities that leads towards introspection. That's why Hollywood and politicians live in a bubble, because they hate the people outside, it would be better if they didn't exist for them.

Robots get no sex because they are too smart. Normies just go "Uuuhhhhh duuuuuhhh fuck fuck" and roasties fall for it.

you're delusional and your life sucks because you personally made the choice for it to suck. does being a robot make it harder to socialize, get around, and generally succeed in life? yes. does it make it impossible? no.

>How long, then, will you put off thinking yourself worthy of the highest improvements and follow the distinctions of reason? You have received the philosophical theorems, with which you ought to be familiar, and you have been familiar with them.

>What other master, then, do you wait for, to throw upon that the delay of reforming yourself? You are no longer a boy, but a grown man. If, therefore, you will be negligent and slothful, and always add procrastination to procrastination, purpose to purpose, and fix day after day in which you will attend yourself, you will be insensibly continue without proficiency, and, living and dying, preserve in being one of the vulgar.

>This instant, then, think yourself worthy of living as a man grown up, and a proficient. Let whatever appears to be the best be to you an inviolable law. And if any instance of pain or pleasure, or glory or disgrace, is set before you, remember that now is the combat, now the Olympiad comes on, nor can it be put off.

>By once being defeated and giving way, proficiency is lost, or by the contrary preserved. Thus Socrates became perfect, improving himself by everything, attending to nothing but reason. And although you are not yet a Socrates, you ought, however, to live as one desirous of becoming a Socrates.

>Epictetus, Enchiridion 50

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get on dat sucky sucky time bby

>How did you come to the conclusion that most of all living women are shallow whores?
Simple observation. And loads and loads of other men reaching the same conclusion and confirming what I see. The only reason men go for them is because they're cucked betas, have low standards, or are simply desperate.