going to be 23 in 3 days and I'm still a virgin how fucked am I
I want to be dead I don't want to be alone forever
going to be 23 in 3 days and I'm still a virgin how fucked am I
I want to be dead I don't want to be alone forever
You're still ok when under 30, once you hit 30 then you're fucked, women subconsciously know you're a virgin where ever you go and stay far away from you, it's like a super power they have, seen it many times. If you're desperate then hire an escort to get it out of your system.
What if I'm not interested in women? Still the same deal?
Pretty much, they still treat you shitty, mostly will ignore you like when you walk up to one at a cash register or if someone brings some to a social event that you're stuck at
If you don't have even a glimmer of hope that somebody you know could fuck you just hire an escort and be done with it
Better safe than sorry
Hello fellow july 5th bot
I'm turning 22 in 3 days and I'll be a virgin too
What if I am not the type of person that a typical woman would consider to be an option?
I am more concerned about how men will treat me rather than other women
I hope you aren't in the same boat as me a year from now, user. I wish you the best, have a good birthday
Thanks fren you too
My dog (15) is actually being put down in a week so I'm finding it hard to enjoy anything these days
I'm sorry, man. my cat has a lot of health issues so those kinds of fears are on my mind often. He lived a nice long doggy life though, I bet you were a really good friend to him.
OP we have the same birthday, I'm also 23 in 3 days and also a virgin. We'll become 23 year old virgins together
Same except in 4 days
We both need to stop pussing out and kill ourselves
Ha ha nigger ha ha
The only reason I haven't is that I don't want to hurt my mom and dad, once they are gone I probably will
You're a virgin Ops a virgin I think that it's a solvable problem
Women will also fuck you over at work, they'll treat you like shit there and you'll be the first to get fired for absolutely no reason by them. With men you'll have to get creative with stories since sex will come up often, if you admit you're a virgin then you'll be a laughing stock, if you're lucky maybe you'll meet robots like yourself that will understand, but normies and Chads will talk about getting laid a lot.
with that attitude? forever
you are not missing out when normies are getting incurable STD's honestly. the epidemic of std's is real and increasing in a alarming rate.
Men haven't ever been that inquisitive about my experience with sex, is that a thing that will happen? Would my answer change how they view me as a potential partner?
Its horrifying to watch how people are trying to normalize that shit now too, as though its just a given that you will get an STD
it's more or less a given if casual sex. but it's not a big deal. better than being a robot lol
surprised it hasn't happened to you already, all the dudes I know were always talking about sex at age 17-18 already, it will come back again but in a different sense. Like, at work guys may shoot the shit about normie marriage stuff or if there's a company party and you come alone without a date, then they'll see you as weak. It all depends on the type of people you work with, some Chads I know were pretty empathetic while women have ZERO empathy
Guys usually talk about that sort of stuff with their male peers though, so that isn't so much of an issue.
Not fucked at all, I got my first of and sex at 23, and before that I was biggest sperg with girls man.
You'll probably only realize this once you get laid, but sex is overrated and girls are all whores, fuck when you can but don't get all held up on getting laid n shit
Goddamnit that's original
Generally guys tend to be lesser caring if you're a virgin or not, you'll come across some insecure faggots who look down on virgins and make fun of them but at an older age dudes give less shits and are more concerned about their work/career. Women are fucking relentless though, they can smell a virgin from miles away and have zero empathy, pity or acknowledge their existence.
If all girls are whores why am I still a virgin at 23 it shouldnt be this difficult for me to interact and connect with people in order to form a relationship and fuck. If I was a whore this would be easy, this just make a no sense