Hey guys I'm a reddit user. My girlfriend of 2 years left me for a wannabe chad. I'm still in love with her and the world has no meaning. How should I kill myself? dubs decides
Hey guys I'm a reddit user. My girlfriend of 2 years left me for a wannabe chad...
get HIV and wait till die, or just overdose
Swallow a metal fork
get a 2D waifu, she'll never leave you
buy a gun and kill her and chad.
Kill yourself shooting up reddit office
dubs get
Kek to the highest degree.
fuck me guys that won't work
anyone wanna see her nudes?
Inject ravioli dough into your neck
don't do it brah
don't do it
what a beautiful wasabi get
hahaha. Befitting fate of le redditor
Well, we got a winner unfortunately.
murder suicide, obviously
oregan oregano
She left you because you used reddit faggot just overdose
Indeed, au revoir le reddit.
You're going to kill yourself over 1 (one) girl? Come on, dude. Pull it together.
You still love your gf after 2 years? My gf of 1 year is already getting too annoying. I want to leave her but im afraid ill be too lonely if i do.
Get a night shift at a convince store
Ive been looking into suicide bags
It should be extremely painful
How about you jump into a pool of acid
Seppuku with a kitchen knife.
ever tried seing if you could fly jumping of a cliff?
I reckon as long as you don't have anything to look forward to, you may as well check out.
I struggle with this myself. Currently, what keeps me going is my anticipation for Cyberpunk 2077, which is sad enough to warrant suicide in itself but I gotta find something to hang on to.
Back ground info on me:
Takes care of mum.