What was the last game you played?

For me it was BOTW about 2 hours ago

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dungeons and dragons 5e

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I'm playing chrono trigger for the first time, great game

resident evil 4 about 15 hours ago.
i was trying to do a no death run in professional mode and i died near the end.
instantly i alt+f4 the game and uninstalled

Chrono trigger crimson echoes. Like 3 weeks ago.

Capcom just cucked you my dude

Medieval 2 total war, fun game but piss easy if people don't betray you all of a sudden.

EU4 I played as Portugal. I don't like what they've done with the game so I quit.
Rune Factory 3 it is quite fun but my save got deleted and I lost a lot of progress.
Grand Tournament poorly written desu but I wanted to play the second one but I can't figure out how to transfer the save. Sad!

Played Empire Total War. Friend and I have a challenge where we start as Ottomans on hard difficulty, declare war on the entire world and then try to conquer it all.

>I don't like what they've done with the game so I quit.
Which part didn't you like?

Stardew Valley to cool down after Dark Souls 3

Insurgency last night. Love that game.

Monster Hunter world, I've been enjoying it a lot more now that I have better internet.

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The mission system. I don't have any dlc after the custom nation one so things don't seem like they're meant for me. Honestly it might be because I played so much but I still have fun with CK2 and Victoria 2 after the same amount of hours.
I didn't like Stardew Valley it didn't have the charm. The people in the town weren't likable for me. Plus making the coloration the villain was silly when Pierre was just as greedy and scummy.
That sounds fun. I like silly challenges like that. I didn't play Empire but I really enjoyed Napoleonic I heard Empire is better.

Same my dude though I have this gay ass quest to just find rathian tracks.

Recently bought Enter the Gungeon on PS4. It's pretty fucking hard so far... But I enjoy it. Risk of Rain and binding of isaac are still more fun but i've only tried EtG for 2 hours so far

God I hate those quests but it's still kinda fun unlike the endgame where all you gotta do is hunt for jewels and decorations.

TF2 four years ago.
Time sure flies.

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I couldn't get into Risk of Rain. I quite liked Gungeon the guns got old for me I think I only beat it completely once. BoI was very good I plsued a bunch. Not the biggest fan of the newer stuff the white blobish boss is just awful same with the hard greed mode.

RoR is one of my all time favorite games. Very good game to couch co-op with friends and family on ps4.
and BoI newer stuff you're talking about, is that on PS4?

Yakuza Zero

>tfw you'll never be drinking whiskey and enjoying karaoke in late 80s japan with your adopted brother

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Overwatch, a few hours ago

Yes, I know it sucks

Fortresscraft evolved
I like games like Factorio or modded Minecraft where I can build factories and automate stuff.

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League of Legends, two years ago, I haven't played videogames since then but I miss console gaming.

Dark souls remastered
Just rang the parish bell.

soldier of fortune. still fun after all these years

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Played some fortnite. Kicked ass pretty hard. feelsgoodman.

Street Fighter V

jsbbeeiejsbdORIGINALbdjejwisdbqjwjebB U LL SH1 T

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Jak 3, played it at 3am this morning because I was depressed and I just want to be young again.

Insurgency about ten hours ago, but I just bought F.E.A.R., Day of Infamy, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead and Rising Storm 2 a few minutes ago.

Hot damn I have so many good memories of that game...

This wasn't supposed to be a sad thread, user.

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Castle Crashers on steam, haven't beaten it yet

Darkest Dungeon. Playing with all the dlc.

I picked up Hollow Knight yesterday and it's a really fun game


12 seconds ago and counting

Rome: Total war II an hour ago
Britons campaign

Sonic Mania baybeee

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Red Orchestra 2
>tfw you'll never be a Wehrmacht soldier gunning down Bolsheviks in Stalingrad

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Ratchet & Clank 1, about 2 minutes ago
Played through it so many times I god damn love it

sometimes I grab pic related and look at myself in the mirror and say

"I got six feet of Russia for you Fritz!"

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world of warcraft i guess, but i wouldn't really consider that i just logged in and logged out

before that it was .hack//gu recode, just finished vol 3 and i'll probably play and finish vol 4 tomorrow

smash brawl with and for my little brother

U already know wtf is up

Total war attila : western Roman empire campaign on legendary - 5 hrs ago

Subnautica on PC in VR a hour or so a go.
I'll probably jump back on it in a hour or so

Spiral Knights. I miss the golden age of it but I doubt it's ever going to get another content update because Grey Haven just wants to milk money out of it for as long as possible.
Last game I played through and enjoyed was OneShot, very good game.

I really like this game playing a german commander was great.
Is Vietnam good?

Mass Effect 1 will always be the best in my heart
>tfw uncharted_worlds.mp3

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Crash 2 a week ago

Had a lot of fun playing this after not touching it for years, will get back to getting 100% once I get a break

best 3d platformer ever along with crash 3

played it for like an hour listening to music in the background.
games with storylines take too much effort.

>furidashi drift cyber sport
>oh look finally a game about drifting that doesnt look like garbage and doesnt need a wheel
>cant get past the first screen
>go back to trying to drive with a mouse in assetto cornetto


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Grim Dawn, I'm playing it now.

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>Pic related

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pillars dreadfire

Bayonetta 2 last night. Game is fun and high heels make me happy.

>MGSV: Ground Zeroes
I bought the phantom pain and ground zeroes in a bundle on the steam sale. I only installed GZ because my hard drive doesn't have enough free space for both.
I'm trying to get all the achievements but I'm stuck trying to get a couple S Rank missions.