Haven't bathed in weeks

>haven't bathed in weeks
>can literally feel the bacteria crawling on me

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I was literally crawling around in the dirt the other day and I still haven't bathed
It's been probably a month now

do you animals not like to shower?

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Why would we? Hygiene is for NORMIES

>Hygiene is for NORMIES
No it's not most robots have ocd.

gee I wonder how you could possibly solve this problem

no noz rresslld

>be you
>I'm not going to take part in nomrie ways
>stops bathing
at least you are not dancing with the rest user.


I have ocd but it in no way motivates me to bathe. I haven't taken a shower in 3 months.

you like your BO or something?

The human sense of smell adjusts to it's environment. I no longer smell my bo or any smell that comes off of me.

Nah, you probably have a very deep musty smell that your nose is just accustomed to.

I have pretty fast smegma buildup so I have to at the very least get in the tub on my knees every few days. However if I don't jerk off and it's not hot I can go several weeks without showering which I actually used to do on a regular basis in winter.

That's pretty much what he said, moron.

Fucking WHY??? Being clean feels better than being dirty. What's the point in not bathing, indeed going through the extra effort to have a bath on your knees so you only wash the minimum amount of yourself? I'm genuinely curious. What's the fucking point?

If I don't have work the next morning I usually get drunk and don't bother showering, depending on how much time I have off I might not shower for up to 3 - 5 days.

It smells so bad that doing so much as squatting lets me smell my sweaty ass stink.

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>be filthy fuck
>wonders why incel beta trash

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Do you guys not like the physical sensation of the warm and cold water? The nice smell of soap and hygiene products? The ability to play with your dick in private for a few minutes and check out your pubes? These seem like normal human pleasures to me

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I never showed much until I hit puberty and my armpits and balls started to stink. Didn't even smell before that.I don't go more than 2 days without a shower. If you shower more than once everyday you don't have to wash your clothes as much because you're always clean.


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Your mother probably sabotaged your development you filthy turd

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true, i cant even spell showered without screwing it up.

Mostly I don't like the effort involved in drying off and the temperature shock, although I've gotten a lot better with the latter so I bathe more frequently now. It's definitely a lot less effort to just wash one part of your body than your whole body. Smaller temperature shock too. I should mention I'm underweight and have a gene variant that makes me produce no body odor so I'm in a better position to shower less.

I can't imagine how monumentally lazy a person would have to be in order to consider drying off after a shower to be too much effort.

OMG your asshole must really stink. Put a finger there, smell it, and report back please.

I wouldn't last 2 days without shower. My hair would start getting all oily and i'd feel disgusting. You guys should just run off to the forest or something because you are nothing but filthy animals.

It's just not a pleasant process. You think you've dried yourself off but then as you're putting your clothes on you realize you *just* missed a spot and have to dry it up. This happens to me like 2-3 times every shower. Quite the deterrent desu.

Because of the effort needed to clean my caused by genetics overweight body (400-600cal intake daily)? Why would I go through all that bullshit? It's stressful as fuck and takes too long to do. When you give up on life being clean goes with all other cares.

No motivation to take a shower. Withal, I'm fine with my smell, and care very little about people's input.
You're one with nature, this is how you naturally smell - why impugn it?

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really? i could always, always smell my pits and my jock.

Horrifyingly lazy.

Just end it then. You're expending resources other people would make better use of.

The only thing that helps the shakes and the anxiety from drinking is showers, i'll take 3-5 cold showers during a bad hangover to shock myself before crawling into bed to try to sleep.

i hope the bacteria kill you

How is saving water expending resources. If anything I'm saving the planet. What are you some kind of stupid or smthn?

Yeah right

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Every molecule you consume or interact with, of any substance, is a waste.

Consume a total of 400-600 cals a day. Basically starvation mode. This is how I've been for the last 6 years. Thin friends who aren't active eat pizza daily and wait proper weight if not slightly above their average.

The ailment that is obesity has yet to be cured, much like your autism.

>implying reason

Summer is all year long round these parts.

list out the exact foods and their quantity you eat every day
shouldn't be too hard at ~500 calories

Impossible, you're fat because you eat too much and if your diet was 400-600 a day you would lose weight. It's as simple as energy in energy out of a closed system you dumb fuck. What genetic disorder do you have that makes you're body able to save up massive amounts of energy on a 400-600 diet while still function?

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"I wonder why no one will sleep with me"

NEETBots have conditioned themselves to think that things like showering are a chore instead of a simple pleasure so it's just something that tears them away from their escapist media and into the reality of their physical existence which they are trying to disassociate from.

>body somehow magically makes extra energy from space and time

Why do I get the feeling, like most fat, lazy fucks, you are lying?

Tofu block
A red pepper.
2 vegetarian hotdogs.
A tomato
Some pickled jalapenos
A dash of salt substitute
Some vegan mayo
Cumin pepper

^mix all that together. Meal lasts me 3 days. Eat roughly 1-2 cups of it a day.

Eat that in either whole wheat toast or rye bread. Eat 2 sandwiches a day with a banana and apple in between.

Been doing this for the last few months. Have gained 10 pounds.

Everyone who I know who is a twig eats pizza and games all day lol..



Wow user you are basically defeating thermodynamics. You should really kys and donate your body to sience.

share your taste robots

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>everytime i shit i do the finger test
>finger test is after clean tp wipe where you stick a finger up ur ass and see if you still have shit, if so keep wiping

anyone else do this? i dont think its that weird since you wash ur hands when you leave the restroom anyways so it isnt unhygenic

Why would you lie to anonymous people on the internet

I'm about to wear these day clothes I have on for a week except for night time, fuck it. I'm transitioning into gross adult "man" now, right now! Motherfuckers...