What is the quickest way to lose bodyfat when you're already skinny as fuck (I'm 5"7', 108 lbs)...

what is the quickest way to lose bodyfat when you're already skinny as fuck (I'm 5"7', 108 lbs), because even though I'm thin I still have a belly.

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In the morning is your stomach flat?
If so you just need to train stomach vacuums

Sustain respiration for 5 min every morning.

We need a pic of your body and stomach to give advice

Lift and build a larger upper body to make the stomach appear smaller

Building muscle will also help with fat loss in the long run

are you aware that you are under weight?

alright hold on a sec

Even for a girl that's underweight. You look like crap bc you're inactive. Get active and for God's sake eat something.

don't mind the pectus excavatum

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jesus just start lifting literally anything and it will all fall in place

just start lifting fucking heavy


I've been going at it for 8 months now doing cardio, shoulders, biceps, triceps and back. Pull-ups as my compound lift. Every single week 2-4 times a week. What the fuck do I do wrong?

Just lift dude and eat healthy.

Do you know if it's going to be a boy or a girl yet?

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same situation as OP do i need to cut first

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Not OP, but I want to burn the fat on my thighs, but I know that spot reductions isn't a thing, so should I just eat 2 healthy meals a day, or do OMAD?

stop doing cardio for at least 6 month
train for 6/7 a week
dead lift
heavy squats
other and only heavy compound movement
after 1 year you cut with fasting

you are delusional if you think you should still cut.
bulk you fucking retard

I dont see squats, DL, or fuck even legs anything... which is probably why you have no lower body in that photo
You look like a genie coming out of bottle.
I want you to get a copy of starting strength. It was literally written for guys like you.

Like you said, you can't do spot reduction. If you're overweight, get your diet under control. Obv I wouldn't recommend squatting big volume... maybe try running... seems to lean out people when they do distances.

DUDE do you have body dysmorphia or something? or are u trolling? you dont even have a belly. bulk

>stop doing cardio for at least 6 month

is me
>tfw i bike 10 miles a day for commute via bike and probably walk another 5 miles at work and no one can take that away from me
>tfw summer and fall are coming up when i do soccer refereeing and run 10-12 miles a weekend

Wait, are you a girl? If so and you have big thighs and are overweight, just diet, bc I'm betting that's just where you store fat. If you have big thighs and aren't overweight... then do the running thing.

hey guys I do nothing but cardio the whole day
why can't I lose weight?

*gain weight

i assume you meant gain weight, but i mean what am i supposed to do? i enjoy biking and it isnt that long of a commute, and my job is physical in nature. especially with summer here, i'll get some nice tan while biking as well

>starting strength
I'll be sure to check that out. But still, with a body like mine when I'm already doomed from the start with the pectus, do I have any hope of making it...

Nope, i'm not overweight nor a girl. Actually i'm really skinny, my thighs look ok when i'm standing, but when I sit they just look obese as fuck.

gain muscle first you double nigger

never going to make

so basically you're telling me that im not going to make it because i wont give up doing hobbies i enjoy and my type of work, active hobbies with exercise and work, just because its cardio?

it's to much cardio
bye bye gains

i know its a lot of cardio but at least my hobbies are active right?

a-a-a-at least my tricep dip on the machine at work has increased from 130 to 170 lbs and im getting some pectoral development...

That's completely normal and not something to focus on with training.

it's ok you just have to eat way more if you want better gains I'm just jealous of your hobbies and cardio.

Without getting into your objectives for training... do you think doing nothing will improve things? No, it won't. I've yet to see someone look or feel worse from basic physical training. Get busy.