This is the worst lift ever.
>works literally nothing until you reach 3 plates
>more dangerous than deadlifts
>high bar makes you t-rex mode, low bar is just a strength meme
>exhausted after a heavy set
>only shilled for muh strength
This is the worst lift ever.
>works literally nothing until you reach 3 plates
>more dangerous than deadlifts
>high bar makes you t-rex mode, low bar is just a strength meme
>exhausted after a heavy set
>only shilled for muh strength
yeah its a meme and people get mad when you point it out.
Wow nice bait shit head. Totally got me
>lifting is shilled for muh strength
it's true honestly. every shredded dude in my gym does 2pl8 squat and gives zero fucks about anything. strength is a meme for aesthetics and progression.
Have you tried front squatting?
good way to fuck your SI Joints
No joke. Heavy squats and deadlifts are literally the JUST meme except applied to things that don't grow back if you hurt them repeatedly/bad enough.
it's a good lift if you stick to pause squats and higher reps (8-10+). This allows you to hammer the legs without overloading the back. Also don't use a belt and use full rom to get the most training effect per pound of weight on the bar
Then just do frontsquats and you'll need 2 plates max. Enjoy overall gains in your legs, butt and core
You are retarded
Twink detected, move it along folks
lifting heavy is stupid in general(unless it's what you really love to do)
I only lift to look good and play sports so I'm not gonna lift anything above 300lbs. Lifting super heavy is only useful if it's something you really love and plan on doing it forever. Going heavy will just get you injured.
Look, I agree with 'deadlift is a meme posts', 'bench is a meme posts' and everything else is a meme post.
But as soon as you call squats a meme and attack the squat I cannot take it. You are the biggest DYEL I ever seen if you attack squats. Attack anything else but squats. You fukin dyel
100% the same guy posting the same shit about the other 2 major compound lifts. How about you offer a real argument.
>works nothing until you reach 3 plates
the fact that you can even progress to 3 plates proves you it's working something, and 3 plates is piss light weight anyways so this fact doesn't concern me
>more dangerous than deadlifts
I don't even consider deadlifts dangerous unless you're lifting 700lbs+ or have shit form, so this aint a big deal
>high bar makes you t-rex mode, low bar is just a strength meme
t-rex mode is moreso reliant on an underdeveloped upper body rather than an overdeveloped lower body. Also you can stop at any time if you feel your ass and thighs are getting too big, nobody told you to keep going. Semi-agree with low bar opinion.
>exhausted after a heavy set
i mean you should be exhausted with a heavy set of anything
>only shilled for muh strength
I'm sure powerlifters overhype it's necessity, but it's still good.
all good points
>>exhausted after a heavy set
>>works literally nothing until you reach 3 plates
Gain strength and conditioning
>>high bar makes you t-rex mode, low bar is just a strength meme
Gain hypertophy
>>more dangerous than deadlifts
Gain squat rack
>start squatting every training session
>feel stronger
>look better
>finally fuck gf in the ass
>she ends up loving it and wanting more
Is there anything squats cant do?
Really dumb thread. It's basically the one barbell lift just about EVERY athlete in EVERY sport EVER includes in their training.
Maybe in the fucking 90s
are there actually people here who unironically hate and don't squat. that is so dyel and cringe
who here /landminesquats/?
More and more people (on Jow Forums) seem to be moving away from deadlifts and squats and its starting to make me consider whether I should do the same.
>it doesnt activate quads 100%
additionally women were found to always have stronger glutes and hams compared to their quads, really questions your masculinity when you dont squat
It also causes injury if you are not a Slav, Asian or manlet
thats because of wide hips its why oly lifters have perfect squat form
Except athletes all do quarter squats
The fact that you’re considering changing something about your life based on the collective opinion of the absolute fucking retards on this board should make you step back and reevaluate everything
Yeah people forget this. Literally all the youtubers teaching squat form are mablets I did mobility exercises for squats like twice a week for a year and still injured myself doing atg squats with 2 pl8. I just do goblet or quarter squats now
I bet you dress and squat like the faggot in your picture.
What a bunch of DYEL faggots. You must be retarded if you get injured doing regular diddlys and squats because you can drop the bar as soon as you feel your back start rounding
>still injured myself doing atg squats with 2 pl8
That's literally baby weight, it didn't happen because of your genetics, it happened because you're stupid and didn't learn how to squat properly
You’re one of the guys I see at the gym who immediately tries to squat weight equal to his bench, realize it’s hard and then call it a meme.
>being exhausted after doing any lift
>a bad thing
>Jow Forums - Fitness
Go to any college strength program and they will be deadlifting, oly lifting, squatting, and benching.
This thread is making people regress, kill your self OP
Played collegiate soccer and tennis for OU and I assure you that you do not "quarter squat" ever. Unless you mean like, a quarter past parallel, in which case you'd be right, and also you'd be autistic.
2/10 for getting me to reply to a troll thread.
Deadlift and Barbell Bench Press are meme tho
>that's literally baby weight
That's my fucking point. even with low weight and constant mobility work I still injured myself. Fuck squats
I think your point is that you didn't ever learn how to squat properly, and are a retard.
>people still think you shouldn't wear a belt
This board is such shit.
Are you an asian, slav or manlet? If so, you are in no position to be talking shit
>that pic
were you doing this mobility work immediately before squatting? If so it can fuck you up
oh look it's another episode of I can't squat properly so its a shit exercise
grow a fucking pair you basedboy
This thread motivates me for my leg day
post body
considering you gf is probably a trap, I wouldn't think you could say it was solely because of squats
>tfw Eastern German 2nd gen Slav rape baby
t. uninformed and lazy dyel coming up with excuses
They cant make this greentext true
What does Jow Forums think about moderate/high rep dumbbell squats?
I'm home gym with limited options and I can't get the weight super high with just a dumbbell set so I do 8-12 reps.
where's the rest of it?
I've noticed that for me heavy squats are more of a core work out. My legs feel absolutely fine afterwards
But if I go lighter and work in the 10 rep range, I actually feel it in my quads and glutes
If your core is your limiting factor on squats you have a problem user.
Do you do any kind of especific core work?
Well , is better than nothing.
And you can always progress to weighted pistol squats.
what's wrong with the pic tho. dude looks fine, not even that much of a Trex. look at those traps.
holy fuck pls take me there
>tfw my high school gym was better equipped than any of the commercial gyms I've been to
pic kind of sucks but there were ~10 power racks, a couple cable stacks, 4 deadlift platforms, bumper plates, specialty bars, and a bunch of other shit
That's probably because commercial gyms care about not making you progress too much so that you'll keep going there, so they have more machines than racks/specialty bars, also because they're safer for retards who don't know how to lift
that is almost definitely an oly lifter, not an SS victim
Take the leg press pill, friend. It's the true way forward.
>t. some DYEL loser who snapped his shit today squatting lmfao0.5pl8
Yeah my high school still has a better gym then anywhere else in town. I think the secret is that they kept on being eligible for government grants and they just kept pumping the money into Smartboards and gym related equipment.
>Bulgarian Split Squats
>never look back
after the shit I seen, you could not get me on one of those fuckers again
This thread is terrible, and OP is probably a bit of a pussy/over-analyzer:
For non-lifters/athletes, you can pretty much condense all your leg training into one or two sessions by just doing a handful of sub maximal squat sets with 8-12 reps.
submaximal 4x8 squat workout for wannabe pussy-slayers off the top of my head:
1plate = a balanced physique for a small teenager
2plate = a balanced physique for the average bro-lifter
3 plate = you're pretty big guy! Did you play football in college?
It takes like 25 minutes with warmup, it's simple, and it hits your quads/glutes/hams as much as any normie really needs to. If you can't squat to depth, then just squat what you can and try to go lower over time. It's so fucking simple; stop making a big deal out of nothing.
Also, any healthy guy who worries about hurting themselves squatting 2pl8 is probably weak anyways. If you can bench 2plate for reps, why would your bigger, stronger lower body muscles/joints be so vulnerable compared to your fucking rotator cuff? Is your lower back more fragile than your rotator cuff? Again, It's so fucking simple; stop making a big deal out of nothing.
A young guy worrying about squatting 2pl8 is like an middle-aged guy worrying about throwing his back out moving a couch. Yeah, if you're really weak and stiff you could run into some problems, but what is your quality of life going to be like if you're scared of doing basic shit like that? How limited are you physically?
Damn this really opened my eyes. Not gonna squat again till I reach 3 plates thanks m8.
Don't go ATG then if it injures you, you fucking retard.
>butt gains
It's a quad destroyer and nothing else.
It's because commercial gyms are aiming for a broad audience (everyone)
High school/university gyms are aiming for the people that are training the exact same 6 exercises every single semester, so you gotta have enough for the team/class
>t. 6A high school/OU undergrad
The Journal of Broscience would be a solid quarterly skim/read, I think. Top all time would be awesome.
Imagine being there when the post-workout feeding window was first theorized, or the issue where they went nuts with 7 articles on how to work the pecs from every conceivable angle for optimum mass gains.
>not benching in a gyroscope for full pecs
I was listening to a JRE podcast, the guest on was Farhas Zahabi (GSP’s mma coach). Dude basically said athletes noticed a DECREASE in vertical jump “power” because heavy squatting traibs you to be a “towtruck”. In that your stimulating slow twitch muscle fibers with slow cobtrolled heavy squats.
I’ve always been a firm believer in quick, powerful instantaneous movement over steady static pushes/pulls.
To each his own, from my own experience my striking power has increased when i dropped deadlifts for Power Cleans. Something about getting your hammys to fire quickly really correlated well to punching output.
>making a post like this in a thread this bait worthy
"""high t""" fags sure are stupid
Rationalization of a fucking loser who's desperate to prove how their trash BEEG LEEFT workout that's built solely for fucking gym bitch losers is an awesome perfect workout for everyone WHILE AT THE SAME TIME INSULTING THEIR MANHOOD IN A DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO MAKE PEOPLE WANT TO PROVE THEMSELVES TO RANDO FAGGOTS ONLINE!!
how much autism can you fit in one post
OU as in Ohio or Okla?
bro you need to step back from the internet for awhile
Oklahoma University
Dope, you lift at the huff?
I don't think it's called that, it was like sharkies or something, mammoth building on norman campus. I graduated awhile ago though, could be wrong.
its sarkey's but most people call it the huff
I'm whiter and taller than you, you fucking bitch
>Squatting is a simple way to get a complete leg workout
>You shouldn't worry about squatting weights you aspire to bench. Your lower body is much stronger than your upper body.
>If you can't work up the courage/strength/mobility to squat 225, you should stop and think how much that mindset might be impacting your life.
Yeah lol fuck me, what a cunt I must be for saying that shit.
Being confident in the strength and durability of your body is highly underrated. You can approach pretty much any physical endeavor with child-like enthusiasm because you don't need to worry about getting hurt or being too weak. It opens up so many doors you don't realize are closed, and lets you live a fuller life. I know this because I used to be way smaller and weaker. Some examples:
>Hey user, you need a job right? We have a spot open at our construction company, but you need to be able to work all day and haul heavy stuff.
No problem; my back is bulletproof and my legs are strong. It was a fun summer job and it payed well.
>Hey user, you want to play *insert ball sport* with us?
No problem; I can run and jump really well now, and I'm not afraid to hit and dive because my body is tougher.
>Hey user, my hiking buddy bailed and I'm about to go on this thru-hike. Can you make it?
No problem; my legs are pretty damn strong, and I can carry a heavy pack without hurting myself. It was a fucking 10/10 adventure.
>Hey user, climbing gym?
>Hey user, day-long bike trip?
>Hey user, wrestling club?
I'd never have been able to do any of that shit if I stayed weak, or was afraid of pushing my body. And all of that stuff is WAY harder/scarier than trying to squat 225. Don't be a pussy and miss out on being a strong capable young man.
I'd agree with the guy when we're talking about advanced athletes, but there's definitely value in improving "towtruck" strength if the dude is just plain weak. So for a shotputter: if they already bench 400lbs there's no need to have them bench 450lbs. but if they bench 135 there's work to be done.
OOC what are your lifts like, and how much experience do you have fighting?
>mfw Jow Forums used to encourage and support newbies, and now we have reddit shitposters trolling DYELs with bad advice.
>t. 5’9 Amerimutt
that doesnt look like ohp