/fat/: Last one died real fucking quick edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/ people who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

old thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


>plateauing again

How sustainable is only eating 500-1000 kcal a day as a 6'4 dude at 250lb? Should I add exercise? I'm also eating like no sugar and have quit masturbating for any possible t gains.

I have noticed these threads get very few posts the last couple weeks. Y'all better not use summer as an excuse to stuff your fat faces.

Supposedly you can break a plateau by having a cheat meal I guess 100down.org/the-whoosh-effect/

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also not me, i'm buckling down twice as hard because I know summer is where I usually fail.

If I play my cards right I can be 180 by my birthday in august. Not giving up on that man.

My routine is god tier for blasting fat and staying full:
Selenium + Lugol's iodine in morning, followed by yohimbine hcl
2mg nicotine gum in afternoon
Garcinia forskolin in evening
OMAD at 8:30pm
Magnesium orotate at night

I do two days regular OMAD where I eat pizzas, mex food or whatever I want and one day cream cracker OMAD. The fat just melts off, no exercise required. Today I ate a large thin crust and a small pan pizza from Pizza Hut, with a glass of Coke. It was delicious.

Keep up the good fight brothers!

I think the worst part about dieiting is how matter of fact it is ... Like at the end of the day, you feel like you're running on fumes but I reality you really aren't that far off your target.

And then keto that is a weird one too, I could only do it for like three weeks max before it just seemed like a really messed up diet to do for a long time.

So now I just do IF and try to eat something with some meat, greens and anything else really. Still really picky which is embarrassing but I'm trying. I also hate cooking which sucks. But I'm learning.

Overall might not make it but some days I think maybe we are gonna make it.

sick of these non wojak threads. makes it hard to find in the catalog

I did this and had a cheat meal every day for the past 5 months. Only at +15lbs since, getting my shit on track again starting a week ago, down 2.2 (hopefully more at tomorrow morning weigh in) and 50 to go.

>one day cream cracker OMAD

Why bother breaking a fast not just with carbs but also shitty unenjoyable carbs?

Hey me too!

Any anons drink atleast 2-3 cups of coffee a day for apetite suppression ?

Yup. I drink 5 cups (32oz cup).

If I continue at current trend I will be 168lbs at end of September for my bday.

Although I am trying to recomp so might not happen

Tfw absorbing calories from the sun
Ive started tanning and my weight went up by 3 lbs over a few days, while still eating a deficit

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You don't have a keyboard?

Please teach me how to photosynthesis senpai

>First week on keto, 1000 caloric deficit and weight lifting.
> Already lost 6 Kg
I..Is this normal bros? I never lost weight so quickly. My urine is also full of ketones (strip tested).

>not doing extended water fasting while supplementing with micronutrients and electrolytes
>not watching the pounds melt off while feeling better than you've ever felt in your life
>not going keto after you lose all of the weight

What the fuck are you people even doing here?

Yes, but then it will stop for a while, keep going though. 98lbs down here with keto.

How much you lose a week? 5lb? You can lose 3-4 on a normal diet.

For how long does it stop?
I'm not stopping until I reach my desired bf percentage. I wanna be slim again like I used to be.

Dude you are going to fail hard if you just want it quick. You're never going to learn how to properly feed your body if you go from eating like a fat shit to eating like an anorexic teenager. Get it together, bro.


I think this is good for the unthinking.

gone from fat to skinny fat JUST

I have not tried eating so little so I wont comment on that, but 1000 kcal deficit daily (so eating somewhere around 1500-2000 kcal depending on your tdee) is easily doable, especially with IF

It fluctuates from 1-6 lbs a day... Plus I'm not hungry or suffering from any pain. The only side effects are carb withdrawal (which didn't last long for me) and my physical energy being at about 85-90% but my depression and mental fatigue are a thing of the past. It's been 11 days without any calories and once I'm done I plan on going keto for life. I've never been happier. I recommend everyone try it.

That adds another step. We had wojak OPs until the weebs and retards started making threads.

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>Just weighed myself today
>80.4 kg

>Just measured my belly circumference today
>94 kg

>I'm just not overweight anymore
>I'm just out of the increased risk of heart disease circumference

It feels great! I still have a little ways to go so I'm not borderline healthy, but I made it! About 5 more kg and I can start eating at sustenance level, which is 500 kcal a day extra compared to a weight loss regimen.

I know that feel bro. Still not satisfied with my gut and mantiddies.

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If I can I'll make the next general with fatty wojak.

so what's the belly circumference? You wrote 94kg after it. lol

Oh shit mate, I meant 94 cm.

94cm, 80.4kg, you must be 5'11-6ft tall. gg lad

Yeah, about that range. About 180 cm.

I can't afford a gym membership because I'm a poorfag. What are some exercises I can do to drop fat and gain muscle on a budget. For reference, I'm a 22-year-old male, 5'9.5" (~177 cm), and weigh 214 lbs (~97 kg).

Depending on how motivated you are and how confident you are in your technique and your ability to avoid Snap City, you can probably buy dumbbells for the same costs as a one month gym membership. They'll last you a lifetime if you take good care of them.

You'd probably be better off asking the rest of Jow Forums what kinds of dumbbells are best for you, as there are many kinds (with exchangable weights, the ones with those "square shaped" weights you can use to do push-ups etc. etc.).

Also, if you want some cardio and you're confident enough to do it in public, all you need are good running shoes. There's that famous couch to 5k program that costs you absolutely nothing. Wouldn't recommend it if you're obese though, as running puts too much strain on your already overburdened joints. At that point swimming might be a better exercise for you (swimming is still a bit expensive, but cheaper than the gym).

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I've actually been really wanting to do long distance runs like 5k. I try to walk long distance regularly. It's not terribly impressive, but I can already walk 4.5 miles (or a little over 7 km) without resting. Not sure how well that would translate into running, but I'd like to give it a shot. I also really enjoy swimming, though I haven't done it in a while. It might be fun getting back into that. A lot better than my current shitty lifestyle.

Your body is adapting. Change it up. Eat a little more, work a little harder.

Started out at 86kg two weeks ago. Down to 81kg. Seven more to go. Stay with it homies.

It's always good to try. Though you should always remember that it's harder to burn excessive calories than it is to simply not eat them.

It ranges from 3 to 14 days for me

Finally down 66lbs since start of the year. Now im 220lbs at 190 cm. Now my best friends are all coming up to our town and we are gonna have a Lan-BBQ. Im not gonna regress back to eating unhealthy but i do think its ok for me to have a big cheatmeal now. Im in it for the long haul so a day or two of eating over my maintenance isnt gonna be a problem. Finally i can eat stuff like cake and cookies and candy for once. And so much meat. Gonna lift heavy before that though. CHEAT MEAAAL HERE WE GO

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Day 2 of OMAD.

Now the last stretch. This time for real tho.

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Jee-sus, I feel like a million bucks after eating pizza. Just ate one with garlic breadsticks, oooo hooo.

Dear /fat/, I bought slim fit 32 inch waist pair of pants today and they fit nice. We're all gonna make it.

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fasted for 6 days and just refed with a large pineapple pizza and ate a butt fuck load of other food. feels good man

I did it for a while when I was starting my diet. Water works almost as good, son, and it doesn't fuck up your cortisol or sleep.

How do I overcome the wish for food?
It's like I'm mentally planning a binge in relation to other positive experiences. I have to consciously think about not buying ingredients for a pizza with lots of grease and stuff for the weekend. And not buy a can of soda or energy drink to enhance the "fun" of whatever activity.
I managed to cut out alcohol in that regard, and not need/want a bottle of wine or two for a "fun" night of video games.

I spend so much idle time planning and thinking about food, but I don't really make much of it.
I'm so bored everyday, thinking about that I should clean my apartment, that I should do this, do that, read philosophy, read maths and subjects I think I'm interested in. Instead I fixate abotu food, thinking how I will not eat a pizza for dinner, for many hours, just planning how my dinner will consist of one piece of pork loin chop, half an onion, one carrot and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar / olive oil.
But my mind jumps straight to food in any situation.

Weekend is coming, what should I eat? A new event or planned gaming with online friends, what food can I consume to enhance that experience.
It's like my reward center is working the opposite way. That fun can only be fun with food.

It's tiresome to function like this.

Do Couch 2 5k and work your way up. You can download it as an app, or the NHS do a free podcast version where you download the podcast- pop it in your ears and go. (nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/couch-to-5k-week-by-week/)

Best thing I've ever done. I first did it five years ago when I first lost weight, started at 85kg (190ish pounds) - female- late at night with the baggiest pair of trousers I could wear. Worked my way up to pick related before I got into Uni and slapped all my weight back on again. (But that's a different story). Used C25k when I started back up and I'm now back up to my long run averaging around 9-10 miles in 1hr 32 minutes at the moment (16km) - hoping to run a marathon next year again.

Honestly, it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. Running is awesome, and apart from the initial running trainer costs (honestly- get yourself gait analysed if you don't want to wreck your joints) really cheap.

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I'm doing a soft dry fast. I'm on day two and I already lost 4 pounds.

I'm at 275. I'm trying to hit 250 before my birthday. I'm so close!

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Most of that is probably water weight, carbs also hold water so once you enter ketosis you loose carbs and water weight. As soon as you start eating carbs again it comes back. Keep it going though user

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Gay Snapchat pic but whatever.

178.6lbs down from 201lbs 6 weeks ago. 6’0.
Started on 800kcals for two weeks, 1200 for two weeks, now at 1500kcals.
Attitude to food improved and I feel better about my body.

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why do fat people fast? “Because it’s easier?” they learn no moderation and will soon gain it back “Because they’re an all or nothing guy.” They will have lose skin at the end of itwhich the only way to fix would be surgery. So fatties, why fast and not learn how to control yourself?

Why are fatties so dumb? “Har har I’m on keto to lose weight rapidly”

i've dieted many times in the past before losing 70 lbs and being at a healthy weight. doing keto and IF with water fasts mixed in is the easiest way to lose weight. and if you're not an absolute voracious retard, it's easy as fuck to keep the weight off. no loose skin for me, either. might be different for someone losing >100lbs though.

>cope with that no self control

I went to do a 45-minute jog but I had accidentally set 2 timers and only did 16 minutes. God I am retarded.

couch to 25k is harder than I thought it would be.

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I'm not "fat" per say, but I've gotten out of shape recently. I'm 20% bodyfat right now.

What would be a good deficit to cut at?

I'm trying to cut for summer, I know higher deficits aren't sustainable but I really want to get cut quickly.

I'm already eating 100% nutritious foods (proteins/vegetables/etc).

Is 750 good? Is 1000 possible?

I mean it's all about lifestyle for fatties. If they learn how to skip breakfast for the rest of their lives, who cares?

If they only skip breakfast for their "diet" then they go back to eating pancakes daily, yeah they're fucked.

I've been 700cal/day for 2 weeks now
I have dreams where I am in Auschwitz eating shoe leather to survive. I drink 5 liters of water each day to give body the illusion that it's actually full. And though my body screams for more calories everyday, I have zero appetite and need to force food down sometimes.

Other than that, the weight loss has been amazing.

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Almost made it through the 4th day of only drinking water and eating breakfast and dinner.
I used to be literally addicted to soda/energydrinks and i'm happy i don't feel urges anymore.
I feel like i now got the discipline to make it all the way. Only thing that sucks is that you can't control time to see fast results.

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Are you eating 700 calories like a retard or are you eating like 1200 and burning 500, etc?

700 cal go through my mouth each day

I don't care, I'm slimming down to look good in coffin

Every day is time wasted for me, after a really tragic death my life changed immensely. I gained a lot of weight and started losing weight just lifting, I've lost 15kg but I still need to lose another 15. I look in the mirror and I look better but having your belly hanging is awful, no matter how big your traps, biceps or shoulder look. I made my room a prison and I've been locked in it since almost a year ago. I wish I started sooner lifting but I wasn't emotionally ready.

How do I cope with myself during this last 15kg of cut? I won't start my life being fat or overweight again, life feels completely different now and the stuff that used to matter now doesn't.

I am really just burning precious time of my youth as days go by, I don't wanna lose another year.

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>bowl of chocolates at the office
>usually take a handful at the start of the shift to snack on during the day
>each piece is 60 calories
>wonder why I’ve been slacking on my cut

Lads I do the stair master for an hour everyday and it basically cancels out the chocolate grubbing I’ve been doing

mental gains should be no.1 priority for you, friend.
building yourself a strong psyche is key to making it.

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> t. dumb stacey who's never gonna make it and will complain about never being able to lose weight for the rest of her life.
get your shit together, man.


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yeah you gotta lift to not look skinnyfat

okay seriously just track your calories and start incorporating a few tries at OMAD. 2000 calories of pizza is a lot of pizza, and if the pizza is the only thing you eat that day, it's fine.

If you don't "cheat" occasionally you'll lose your mind dude

Based user

If i were to not drink alcohol and smoke, how healthy would i be when i'm 50 compared to other 50 year olds?

Depends on how heavy of a drinker or smoker you are. A lot of people that's heavy liquor drinkers die in their 40s. Beer makes you fat too so all that comes with being fat gets added to it. Smoking kills cardiovascular. Not just lung cancer but emphysema making it hard to just breathe. The people that don't get these things are the outliers that people point to when they say "Well my grandpa smoked 2 packs a day for 50 years and lived to be 70." It is undoubtedly unhealthy and you're better off not doing it but people have their vices.

Under alcohol and the human body. It's younger than I thought.

Fuck off FUDer.

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Is this guy right? Should I be lifting now?

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I fucked up. First time in 50 days I went out of keto to eat some sweet bread with butter. It was okay, but not really worth it and now I'm mad. Gotta get my shit together, can't back down now.

You should always be lifting bucko.

Just forgive your sin and move on with your diet. You're doing fine, don't get yourself down.

11 days until I travel to see the family. I've had so much time, and wasted it.

I could have accomplished so much over the last few months.

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I would suggest eating at least 1500 cals a day its easier to deal with also you probably don't want to lose weight to fast because unless you keep that up for the rest of your life you'll yoyo back up to that 250

Vegetable soup instead of cracker you mong.

>It fluctuates from 1-6 lbs a day...
So you're retarded. It takes ~3500 calories to burn off 1 lb of fat. There is no way you are burning 21,000 calories a day. Even accounting for water weight, that's probably 1 or two pounds, and if all of that is excreted you can say good bye to your kidneys.

Yeah, it's about 4 pounds a week with little to no exercise, you can burn more with exercise. There are other benefits, like giving your liver and pancreas a rest, that are separate from the weight loss.

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Water weight can have very large swings, especially in obese people.

Also, if someone isn't weighing themselves under regular circumstances, that can also create huge swings.

repostan again

1980 kcal
198 carbs
55 fat
PHUL workout 4times - no cardio atm,. Weekly check, if stale cut 100 calories.

i'm gonna make it ?

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What's your height/weight?

178cm 5'10
around 96-98kg / 215 lbs
25% bf

Yeah you're gonna make it. You'll probably also don't have to deal with loose skin and shit like that.

Hit a new low today boys! I'm in the 230s now!

Down 30 kgs in about a month and a half.

Woke up a couple of days ago sick AF, sore throat, hurts to swallow etc kill me now

Can't do my walks, my bike sessions or my gym sessions.

Also ate some bread today god forgive me.

>absorbing calories from the sun

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>tfw back on the wagon

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why does bad food taste good

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What's worse is that good food tastes good

redpill me on vomiting /fat/
>be out around mid-day
>family, mom, aunt and I are fat as fuck
>dropped 100 pounds over 11 months though so doing well. Not there yet
>been doing OMAD to help drop more and have discipline
>don't tell mom because she will have autistic freakout at not eating 3 square carb filled meals a day, and I need a place to stay so I avoid fights
don't get me wrong. she can be nice, but its been like walking on eggshells when it comes to any topic of health with her.
>at cosco, shopping. Mom keeps trying to buy me snacks that I will never eat. Buys a giant bag of dark chocolate bark because "dark chocolate is healthy"
>finish shopping, cosco meal time
>tell her I don't want anything. she buys me hotdog and fries anyway
>both sit down and eat, they get bothered by me not eating
>I cave, eat hotdog and a few fries
>she offers me the dark chocolate and I accept like a retard
>go home
>fast forward to time I usually eat at
>body releases hormones for dinner time
>hungry and pissed, so I eat leftover wings and other junk
>angry and sad, check weight, up 3 pounds
>feel sick at myself
>vomit it all out until down what I put on
>feel instantly better

I mean, I know doing it too often can fuck up my throat and nose, but, if I ever get fucked over like this, whats the downside?

You didn't vomit up three pounds of food, retard

>step on the scale,232.6
>step on the scale, 230.0

I rounded up

how to know how many calories im eating exactly with foods that aren't packaged with nutrition info

Usually if you type the type of food your eating into myfitnesspal you can get a rough estimate of the nutrition facts of it