Political views thread?

I like the flags

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Here's the link since OP is a faggot

Very originelle postelle

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Some of the questions were a bit vague without context but I did my best.

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Goddamn hippie

fucking 113 questions what do I win?

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Im a free market commie I guess

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>free market

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Not bad. Not the ideal questions, but I guess a decent surmisement of my beliefs.

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I want to socialize natural recources & have little regulation, no minimum wage, no affirnative action etc, id describe my ideology as nationalist market socialism

my niggr0


>socializing natural resources
this is when the rest of the plan falls apart

Nothing will fall apart because I still believe in private property

Yeah, I just want the kind of brutal, ordered society which would have ensured 95% of people like us would have been gassed or abandoned to die in the wilderness by now.

Feels pretty accurate. Additional characteristic of Pragmatism is nail-on-the-head.

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I did this back in march. I forget what it says

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What are you talking about, do you think im a nationals socialist?
Under my system I wouldnt gas the weak, I would just sterilize them but id also be compasionate & give them free shelter & food

Just kill us already, you cunt. We shouldn't be here.

Did you hear? I'm mostly communist now

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Its not your fault you were born weak so I wouldnt kill you but I would give free euthanasia the the people who want it.

My nature is the best, dont pollute it, and stay out of it

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i dont into politics, i didnt understand most of the questions and idk what these results mean.
i just want the whole world to be happy and for jews to stop being greedy and making happyness harder to achieve

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Some of the questions were hard to answer but I did my greatest.

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for the fatherland boys

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but you only have 14% nationalism and 12% capitalism.
I smell a commie jew

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wait a moment does social justice equality mean im an sjw?

2% commie

i believe in the middleground, i think both commie and cappie are shit

meant to reply tooriginallylylyly

Here's the better one (8values)

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>i think both commie and cappie are shit
so you hate money?

>people in these threads are, without fail, almost always essentialists
I don't get it

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flags are very much fun :)

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originally fuck the bot

not suprising

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OP here, thought I'd take this too

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mostly seems legit

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I identify with this flag.

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all of the politics tests i've done so far.

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lel is that actually the flag you got?

We all know who's a racist

>40% communism 60% undecided 0% capitalism
commie die

Do I look like the type of guy who goes on the internet and tells lies?

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What about those results implies hes a racist?

A lot of the questions are vague.
For example, I voted absolutely agree with high taxation on profit to "redistribute wealth", but I want high taxation on rich people and businesses to pay off the national debt so future generations can have a low income tax rate and so we can switch to a gold, platinum. palladium, and silver backed dollar.
I am 100% against communism, but businesses and the rich shouldn't be able to betray their own country and community for extra money. Doesn't matter if they have to work "hard" for their money, when it comes down to it they are the ones that benefit the most from the society and therefore should not betray it.

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>look at me I'm a sissy faggot with no grasp of how the real world works
Nice results.

that's really cute and I will never unsee it

If you don't have 0% communism I'm sorry to say you are a brainlet. Sorry to have to tell you like this.

Attached: If+you+arent+0+commie+then+gtfo+of+my+face+_b45be47b0ae9c3e9a8b1526d718b4593.jpg (800x1200, 128K)

that is yourmst opinion

(political compass, politiscales, political sextant)

who /thirdpos/ here?
There cannot be beauty if consumerism is not terminated. Civil dress code, uniforms in all schools, rigid architectural code, eliminate sprawling car dealerships and other degenerate constructions. Liberty is the enemy of aesthetics.

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No, user, YOU are the libruls.

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>Liberty is the enemy of aesthetics.
I think my soul just vomited in some other realm of existence

Haha I remember when I used to be a dumb ancap

Why am I so based now?

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this user again

what does a libatarian do?

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antifa cuck

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All you have to do to disprove constructivism is understand the barebones of IQ. You are born with it, it is impossible to increase it, and it basically predicts how successful you will be.

Taking low IQ foster children for example and putting them in high IQ homes doesn't increase their IQ, for example. Putting poor kids in rich homes doesn't increase their IQ.

I didn't understand some of the questions but I tried my best

What does this make me?

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I'm guessing brain damage?

Would you really allow rainbow-dreadlocked face tattoed mumble rappers, mall sharters, hipsters, and yoga pants to fester in your society over "muh liberty"?

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No, im not a commie

that seems fair but impossible in the real world

>yoga pants
Aren't they slaves to fashion? In a sense, they are wearing uniforms.

might as well be
I'm not ancap though, I'm minarchist

doubt my guy

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Look at my laissez faire percentage tho, im not a commie since I dont believe in regulating the economy.
The results just say communism because of my market socialism

Hey it's a less socialist me

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>implying the market socialism part isn't the most immoral part

Socializing natural recources & not regulating the economy doesnt sound immoral to me

This was the first time I took the test was amazed how I got a plain red flag

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t. anarkiddie

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This is the latest one I took

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i'm posting my 8values also

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am i a centrist :(

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haven't taken the test in a while will prob retake it soon but here are my old results at least. I think i have gotten slightly more authoritarian but i'm sure the results are at least semi accurate

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meiner bruder

meiner bruder

guten tag


eine yunge

guten morgen

unite family unite against the heretics and the degenerate commies

absolutely terrible, you're all pathetic.

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your political tests don't even work

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r8 pIease friends and family

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unironically best score so far, fuck politics

yeetin on ya

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I am right about everything

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I agree with other anons in this thread. Some questions were vague and I don't believe that this is the exact representation of myself in these spectrums. But this test was very insightful and had me thinking a bit.

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It didn't change much since the last time I took this test

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I guess I'm an essentialist?

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Follow-up 8values test

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I could not understand some of the questions but here it is

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This doesn't belong in R9K

I prefer this to fag threads

Jow Forums has no established topic, thus it is as valid here as Jow Forums

heaps of the questions are horrendously worded

who else hates clicking I'm not a robot

Attached: politiscales.jpg (660x877, 81K)

>punitive justice
>laissez-faire economics


this one's pretty accurate
workers of the world unite! you have nothing to lose but your chains.

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Neoliberalism is the highest IQ ideology

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r a d i c a l c e n t r i s m
how is this unorigigiigigiginal

Syndicalism is good.

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