Confess Jow Forums, your desires and sins need not be a burden
Legs are my favourite part to train
I unironically think chocolate whey is one of the tastiest things around
unflavored is unironcically the best flavor
im self conscience as fuck about my calves and legs.
like i cant wear shorts anymore. i work out my legs 2x a week but my upper body just keeps growing and my legs dont.
I do muscle ups and hanging windshield wipers purely to show off.
I can squat as much as I can deadlift, because my grip strength is so weak.
My tinder profile says 6'2, but I'm only 6'1.5.
Sometimes I go to sleep hungry even though I'm supposed to be trying to gain weight.
I lost my virginity a week ago to a girl who also claimed virgin. There wasn't any blood, not sure if I even broke her hymen...
She wanted us to be exclusive but I told her no and fucked a different girl yesterday. Kinda broke my heart...
I'm an atheist with a belief in reincarnation for about 4 years, parents still think I'm catholic.
I'm a closet "race realist" like those faggots on Jow Forums.
That's why I'm fine with the jews.
I pick my nose and eat it.
>race realist
>fine with the jews
>I pick my nose and eat it
I steal stationary from my gym when no one is looking
I finally got over my ex girlfriend after 1 year and a half of recurring sadness and constant nightmares.
I finally realized why we broke up. Now I feel I'm free and dropped a major weight off my shoulders.
Took back my running schedule and my sleep rythm is getting back on track.
I told no one that I still felt sad for breaking up but now that I feel better about it, my confidence has come back.
Proud of u babe
I dont know if i miss my ex gf anymore.
I had a lot of nightmares with her till now(Since two months ago.I really dont care much about those) my nightmares are about like if we were talking in facebook(she blocked me lol, but in my dreams or nightmares she unblocked me to tell me that she wanna get get back with me and that she is so sorry about she had to do with me) she used to keep my motivation about playing the guitar and maybe play some songs to her, but now i just dont lol, dont know why even im trying to play those anymore.
My friends told me that she got a new bf and they broke up like two weeks ago and that she blocked him , kek(two months of relationship)
Everytime i walk in the streets and i see a girl with some similiar traits i really think it is her for a few seconds( i dont get excited, just think it is her) and well...
Im gonna try to visit her today and maybe ask her a few questions, she used to be a crybaby with me telling that she didnt have any real friends(eevn those from her childhood) but me, that her life sucks, and that im the unique support that she has, etc.I just wanna know how is her , maybe im not really intereseted to get back with her since:I got no motivation to get back with her now lmao , and maybe cuz she went full retarded and changed a lot being more idiotic now than before.