Americans don't know about the second toilet

>americans don't know about the second toilet

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American here.
What is this and why am I scared?

Home enema machine. Be very afraid.

girls wash their vagina and butthole in it and they leave the water in it then a guy comes in and drinks it

>no bf to let me watch him piss in the toilet

>americans walk around all day with their poopy buttholes

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you are confusing us with the strayans qt

we have sinks here too, retard.

Don't let them know. Keep it away from them, make this the one thing they can't have.

Guys, guys, its called a "bidet". I'm ordering one right now, just look up "british toilet thing" and its like, the 3rd result.

>"british toilet thing".
Americans, really, are one hell of a show.

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>westerners don't know about this toilet

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unnironically time efficient, and easier to shit.
Would buy if it wasnt for the piss on your toes, the smell, the flies and the acrobatic figures in order not to fall. desu

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I just squat on my toilet rim

>just squat brah.

I think the nips have it more often than brits.

How is it fucking easier then retard

>he doesnt know about poop anatomy.
Open a book nigger.

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relaxes your anus muscles

I-s that a toilet witch?

>there are living beings right now who never clean their asses with water
>they wipe their ass after a turd just eith toilet paper
small watering cans are a god send.
the fact that I got to learn to wipe wet and then dry with toilet paper in this god forsaken life makes me feel a little better because I know there are people on this world who only wipe their asses with toilet paper after taking a big shit.

No it doesn't. It straightens your colon and pressure of legs goes into stomach if fat too.

it serves no point really

just use wet toilet paper or baby wipes

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imagine being this dumb and gay.

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christ you americans really are disgusting. no wonder you're the laughing stock of Jow Forums

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Are you supposed to sit sideways on the main toilet and pee at a ark into the secondary? It seems like a waste of porcelain.

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If our use of toilets concerns you this much then I'm worried what you think of the other things we do.

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My home enema machine

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Trigger warning please

When I was in summer camp in Greece as a kid I had to poop in this abomination, it was very traumatic

What was bad about it? Did they not flush?

>move into new house
>has a one of those
>exited to try it out
>mum removes it before i get a chance
>remember this every time i wipe my ass and feel the toilet paper sticking to the shit
>remember this every time i remember that no amount of wiping will ever completely clean
>remember this every time i shit and then clean myself in the shower and am able to 100% clean myself with water easily

fuck toilet paper

also try shitting and then cleaning yourself in the shower its great

have to squat, have to have poop behind you on the floor practically, have to stand where everyone pisses and shits, it's pure barbarism, thank god the toilet was invented, I can't imagine the brutality of shitting in the wild

>fuck toilet paper
What do you mean? The civilized thing to do is wipe your ass first and then clean your bum with water, touching your shit with your bare hands is subhuman tier

Reminder that the flushing toilet was invented by India, a people that shit on the streets to this day, and only just now give a shit about child prostitution enough to give life sentences to the rings.

In other words, not every country is full of pussies like you famalam.

>Literally This
just use baby wipes and also pee while sitting

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To all the amerifats out there, you can go on Amazon and buy a bidet attachment, which attaches to a toilet seat and splits the pipe for a toilet to give some water to said attachment.

>he doesn't squat down in the bathtub and cleans out his butthole

am I the only one?

I don't care ,go shit on your designated shitting hole in the ground , I'll keep using comfy toilets that conseal all filth

I do that when I have taken a shit but have to go to an important event later

Need my bumhole squeaky clean

i just piss in the sink since its dick level and all

maybe they dont want to spray water in their ass like you retarded french fags that get off to that

I can't play puzzle and dragons on that.