Oops sorry for flexing on you aha
Oops sorry for flexing on you aha
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is this even possible natty, what the FUCCC
I too am le 56%
A thread died for this you dyel piece of shit.
In awe of the size of these 14 inchers
I'll take that as a compliment
It died a well deserved death i am the new king of \fit\ rip rich piana an zyzz
Viva mexico maricon
Your boy's putting on some muscle
Lol im actually fat
Is Op confirmed fraud?
I'm half white half nip you beaner
You want me to flex on you again? Cuz i will
A fat DYEL
Suck my dick you bonzai nippy slant eyed jap fuck, i bet you cling to being half white like its a trophy
Don't project on me you dyel faggot, I look russian no one has any fucking idea
I lift i can curl 70 lbs and chest press 140lbs
Hahahh I'll bet you do queer i also bet ure ashamed of being Half a jap
I'm not half jap bro, I'm half viet
Also I see you, I would break you
Nips are what you called japanese people you dummy gooks are what you call Vietnamese people
I'm gook then you bean dip
So you are in the DYEL category.
Me too, but I'm skinny.
How heavy are you?
140lbs chest press is weak
I'm 152, but bench 200, nothing impressive still
Fuck bro im at 310lbs now i used to be 458lbs.
You might aswell call me daddy too since i gott a teach you shit like the difference between a nip and a gook
Gook here, you're doing good bro, just keep training
I ain't gonna call a nigga I would kill by slapping daddy. I'll call you beanbro from now on u mexinigger. Keep training
Good for you fatty, you will make it !
Aight bitch ass nigga thats gonna be handle on \fit\ now
Thanks, The road to 200lbs is getting shorter every day
That's my nigga
Keep up the good training beanbro I would of never guessed you used to be that heavy
Oh yeah i was pretty fucked up back then but now im back in action delivering the goods like judas priest on the hell bent for leather tour
Coming out of that is hero shit beanbro, every month will get you closer to twisted steel and sex appeal. Stay on the good path
We're all gonna make
Im hitting the gym 7 days a week dude no breaks, im not taking any supplements though idk if i should
Honestly man you're making good progress you're doing the right thing already. Supplements are fun but a lot are kinda expensive and questionable for your long term health, but some are chill.
Just keep having fun and going hard and adding and experimenting with diff workouts. Start adding pullups/calisthenics type shit, those help build muscle fast while dropping bodyfat like crazy. Not sure why bodyweight stuff does that, but it does.
Diet is important but I'm sure you'll dial that in over the months beanbro
Yeah my routine is 200 sit ups 1 hour of cardio on the cross ramp and another hour of weights i do seated bicep curls, i do tricep pushdowns, i use the row machine the chest press machine and then at the i use the lat machine. Right now im at 70lbs for biceps and triceps and 140 for everything else
Follow this guy, he will help kick up your gains
That dudes cool as hell i learned how to do proper sit ups and seated bicep curls by watching his videos.
look who's talking
Ya I see your bicep gains, just make sure to change it up to keep it fun and bring new stimuli to your muscles/nervous system, even if it's just changing rep style or rep time/pace
As you progress start involving more compound movements as they provide more gains and weight loss, add some athletic movements over time and you will be getting hella aesthetic and strong
If you see some nigga doing something you want to learn, do it, every new thing adds to your body. You have so much time to make sick gains, and you proved to yourself already what you're capable of. Keep pushing beanbruh
Hahaha android master race baby i got gorilla glass on my shit thing doesnt shatter like iphones do
Thanks dude there is a couple things i have wanted to try