Tfw no suicide crisis bf

>tfw no suicide crisis bf

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Other urls found in this thread:

no im HER GUY!

>tfw no 80s aesthetic chaotic bf

>tfw no 30 year old boomer chaotic bf

>tfw no aspd chaotic bf to social groom me and tell me sweet little lies

>dating an object from your toolbox
no thank you

>thinking brutal honesty doesn't turn me on more

Oh, no, no, you can't disguise..

>tfw no time crisis gf

>tfw ... "private profile"

Your old tomo rival got his twitter suspended today lol

i know it did
it was earlier than today btw

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EviI boy

i dindu nuffin
besides mine got sploded too by flaggers
from 0 tweets btw

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You both need to quit triggering spergs and sjw's. You're getting too old for this Jamesy zoomber

i ain't old
i got lots of pics and info off him over the years
now there's no way for anyone else to get it hehe

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small fries with thicc thighs have to stick together

is this another one of those edgy homosexual in his late teens looking for fellow mentally ill homosexuals to add on steam so he can make a fool out of them threads??

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implying nothing
just bragging about my folders

DM me his thighs desu

DM me your thighs baby

how can I catch up on this oldfag chaotic youtube shit

Still chaotic imo.
Why are you still looking? I've talked with you about how I was trying and we agreed on some stuff but I can't trust people apparently so I am kind of done with trying... Guess I'll be cute for myself and stay a lonely apathetic fag until I decide to go.

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deep chaotic lore itt

chaotic please be mine

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i talked with alotta people don't expect me to remember you
>Why are you still looking?
i'm really not

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You're such a little devil now what happened

you got the song stuck in my head to be honest

I'm not expecting you to remember I think it's just something I should mention to not be a complete stranger.
I wish I wouldn't have trust issues because when I do find someone doing what I suspected it just becomes worseand could have someone to cook for and do nice comfy stuff with..
I need to have breakfast and go to work soon so I'll probably leave, I wish you a good nite Chaotic.

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That's not a bad thing is it?

in your defense
sometimes trusting people can be hazardous to health
good night make some muney
close my close my close my eyes

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Close your close your close your eyes

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It has never worked in my favor, people always lie or use me or aren't truly honest and I'm just getting more paranoid... I'll make munies for food and rent and maybe I could get something to drink later on.

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