Female inceIs dont exis-

>female inceIs dont exis-

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Other urls found in this thread:


This poor girl.

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I know this is bait but wow a human female with extreme physical deformity can't have sex... amazing. I have literally nothing wrong with me and women ignore my presence so fuck off.

Even a guy in a wheelchair refused to fuck her. Really tells you a lot about mens true nature.

This girl has myasthenia gravis and I have been in love with her since the nine months ago I found her youtube.

Why do women try to fit into every trendy thing by forcing themselves into it and ruining it.


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>clearly didnt read the post
Fuck off dumbass.

>women need some horrible irreversible disfigurement to be even remotely comparable to an average 5/10 beta orbiter

Really makes you think

I did read the post. If she posted her face I'm sure a number of anons here would immediately date her without question.

please go back to your Jow Forumsincel

Incels dont accept females.

I'm not disfigured, and the average 5/10 beta orbiter still has more partners than me. I'm 27 and I'm still a kissless handholdless virgin.

I would happily pity fuck her tbhfam. Everyone deserves sex and intimacy.

But I still want a qt gf tho.

She is cute.


can someone post that screencap of the downie having a normie bf?

God, I'm so fucking weak, i really felt how her problems really affect her and i felt her sadness, god, why do i have so much empathy ?

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If you want to talk to her, this is her post I found it on. Maybe you two can hit it off. reddit.com/r/Trufemcels/comments/8vomed/even_girls_dont_want_to_be_around_me/?st=JJ57HBGL&sh=6980ebe0

that's actually fucking horrible...i don't often pity people, given my own shit situation, but i'm willing to concede that she has it way the fuck worse than I ever will

I know her health problems are real because the other user shared her youtube channel, but this subreddit and the comments are such a hiperbolic copy of the original Jow Forumsincels that it just makes everything so weirdly ironic.

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It could be worse. If she ever did find someone she still has full control of her mouth so she can actually kiss them rather than only being able to be kissed by them. Some people have no choice but to die without ever sharing a kiss with another person.

I'm going to read this subreddit in an attempt to brainwash myself into believing all my problems are due to having standards that are too high and hopefully actually date some uggo women. If I'm being perfectly honest I've never approached a woman below 6/10 and have turned down a 3/10 skinny femcel with excoriation disorder and autism who couldn't hold down a part time job.

All I could think about is "I don't even want to risk a 0.1% chance of getting her pregnant because I can't force her to have an abortion and my life will be fucking over"

Wow, five guys agreed to fuck her. Even if they flaked, that's still more women than who have agreed to fuck me ever (0)

>I've found 5 guys 1/10 guys who said they'd come over to have sex with me.

I can't even get that.

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>5 guys tried to fuck you
>be an incel

toppest of kek

>I have literally nothing wrong with me
You're posting here. Everything's wrong with you.

Would you date her though? I don't think so.

Every single one of them flaked on her, even the guy in a wheelchair made up an excuse as to not to fuck her.
It started off as satire but I think theres some legit cases in there.

One of them got in bed with her but couldn't get it up. Just find another with erectile dysfunction

By just reading the most recent posts, you can still see the satire present in almost every comment, the blunt sarcasm and the copied terminology makes everything so much more fucking strange because the roles are reversed. There might be some real cases with real problems, but this right here is a just a joke some ugly girls thought it was true.

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Can you link the thread? I want to be friends with her.

here it is you fag

I have never really been on reddit but that reddit honestly makes me want to sign up, worldwide connections to incel females that would do anything for cock. it's a fucking goldmine.
honestly, her description, I have fucked worse I'm not lying

You should lurk more because most of the users there dont just want to be pumped and dumped. All they want is a long term relationship with a committed guy who will genuinely love them for them.

>If she posted her face I'm sure a number of anons here would immediately date her without question.
do you not see the fucking youtube channel with her in it you fucking idiot

shes ugly cute. she would be a demi god queen on r9k

thats not her youtube a channel, its a different girl.

then go fuck her, she's waiting
i wouldn't fuck her

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Well that's all I can really offer.
A hard pumping and maybe some friendship.

i could love them, even if they were ugly. Thing is, most women, even -8/10s want a man to be an 8/10 chad who has shit loads of money and will buy them shit for free while they don't even know how to cook a fucking meal.
If they are self centred superficial cunt women, good looking or ugly, dick is all they would get from me, not affection.

My last gf was a solid 6 or 7/10 with BPD but was 10/10 to me, visuals and sexuality was perfect for me, literally perfect.H er personality, apart from being less intelligent than me, so we couldn't have meaningful conversations, which i could have dealt with. She wanted a chad who would treat her like a princess, take her to hotels to fuck, go on holidays, buy her brand name clothes.
She was as superficial as it comes.
I would rather be with a wheelchair bound retarded downey than someone like that.

Women CAN be incels....

but for a woman to be an incel you have to be literally a 1/10, physically deformed, mentally retarded, krokadil addict, fat, and bald

For a man to be an incel, he just has to have a 4/10 face and be kinda short.

>EDIT: apparently this was posted to Jow Forums. No, I am not the girl from that youtube channel. I don't have any social media and am too cowardly to post my face.

giv incel gf
east coast

damn hes not even hot or cute

How could you make up assumptions on ugly girls when all youve been dating were alt-stacys, who surprise, surprise turned out to be shallow cunts?
Lurk the subreddit for a bit, honestly. Some of the women there have actually lowered their standards to balding, ugly fat men with a social status of working at McDonalds, yet they were still treated like shit and ended up being dumped for a better looking woman.

this is satire right.

I mean, this isn't even a female, this is just anons fucking around on reddit right?

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>all youve been dating were alt-stacys
I have fucked some really ugly women. mainly for the thrill of in the moment sex
I haven't really dated stacys, I suppose I have in my past been fortunate to find very attractive women who I connect with, so we get on. But I am not a 10/10 chad, i have many ailments and have even developed schizophrenia in my late 20s
looks aren't really important to me at all, it is personality, morality and ethos that matter the most. Because after a few fucks of a new flame the thrill of sex goes away and all you are left with is a person. If that person is a shallow cunt and having conversations with them is like speaking to a 2x4 piece of wood, why would I want to spend my time with that person.
I was just pointing out that my lasf gf was my literal 10/10 in visuals and sex, but she was probably a 6/10 to anyone else (chubby/fat BPD, I met her in a mental hospital) and it was her personality that turned me off from her.
I can memory fap about her, but when I think about her as a person she was so much of a cunt.

>women have to hit the deformity jackpot and be literal monsters to be incel
>While men just have to miss the genetic jackpot and not be Chad to be incel

Yeah, she and you can fuck right off.

These girls sound just as fucked up and delusional as us. I think I'm in love.

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omfg that poor person.
Like god damn . . . I'd give them a hug if I wouldnt catch the ugly from them.

me too, I feel that i am no longer alone

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Is this reddit actually real, really femcels or is it satire?

it started off as satire but now its turned into a community for disadvantaged women whove had no luck in the dating world

>Some of the women there have actually lowered their standards to balding, ugly fat men with a social status of working at McDonalds
Which ones? I'd like one, thanks in advance.

Just browse the threads look through each users post history

They haven't, they will reject you

I'm reading it now. As you said, no luck in the dating world.
By the reddit definitions I am reading, femcels are not on the desperate level as incels. Well at least by the definitions of the terms.
Incels can't get laid because they can't get laid.
Femcels can't get laid because they only want to have sex with long term commitments.
Has anyone told them about the dating game ( I am assuming they don't know wtf it is as they are perma virgin femcels).
Generally when we date someone in the western world, we go on 3, possibly 4 dates to get to know a person, and each date becomes increasingly intimate, where by the 3rd-4th date, we have sex.
That is really the starting point. After that first fuck it is then when people decide if they want to commit to a person to a long term relationship.
I feel someone really needs to explain to these women. it seems like they don't have a fucking clue about dating/men/mens expectations and their over inflated expectations.

At least here we have Jow Forums for incels. there they just seem to be shitposting themselves into the ground.
I genuinely feel compassion for them.

Im on the subreddit 24/7 ive seen posts of women describe how horrible their relationships have been, despite settling for someone in or below their league

>rating guys on a 1-10 scale
What a fucking whore. There's a lot more to guys than just facial aesthetics.

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>What a fucking whore
Any you new to the internet?
this has been a wat for us to communicate complex things, like explaining visual looks and attraction in a simple scale since the late 90s
Chit this used to be a actual thing on old chatroom dating, for eg "I'm a 6/10 M lf 4-7/10 chubby F)
get with the fucking program retard

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which is why they now reject everyone

>that last reply

And like the "no female incels" is 100% vindicated.

>tfw no femcel gf to buy icecream for

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Getting pity fuck as an ugly girl is the equivalent of an incel buying sex from a hooker.

> has a disease that makes half her face droop
> slurs, wrinkles, etc.
> bald
> otherwise shit genetics as she describes it

It takes that much to for her to be unfuckable. Where as for dudes it only takes being a little overweight.

Why? She's getting it for free while the guy has to pay for it. They're not the same at all.

That's like saying a girl getting asked out to a date by a guy is the same as a guy paying for a date with an escort. Obviously it's not.

>Getting pity fuck as an ugly girl is the equivalent of an incel buying sex from a hooker.
You just blew my mind
I see it now, it makes 100% sense

it's the shame user.
I'm not exacly an ncel, i'm pretty sure with effort i could go get laid.
i am what that subreddit is callin a "mencel" not getting laid because of mental issues, but even I wouldn't bang a prozzy, though it might gte to that eventually as I am nearly 3 years dry with no pussy

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Because the offer isnt genuine. the guy just views her as nothing but a wethole he can pump and dump while holding out his true desires for a Stacy. Same goes for hookers, them putting out their bodies to random men isnt genuine, they are simply doing their jobs so they can get paid.

Yes but that's nevertheless more than the men are getting. Women just about always (as long as you aren't horribly deformed like OP's girl) get at least a baseline of attention and loving for simply having a vagina. Yeah maybe it's not as much as they want but there's a minimum. Low level men on the other hand get NOTHING. Absolute 0 unless they pay for it. That's the distinction here that incels complain about. Yes I'm sure it feels bad to get pumped and dumped while it feels bad for a man to buy a hooker but we aren't talking about feelings here, we're talking about objective realities where one is clearly worse than the other. All negative situations aren't on the same level because they make people feel bad.


Same. I'm actually tall and a good looking guy but a virgin at 26 because long term depression and being a schizoid/social recluse.

>schizoid/social recluse.
This for e too user.
haven;t had a haircut in 18 months, haven't shaved my beard in 8 months.
I can't even find the motivation to do basic shit, even showering cooking or washing the dishes my place is a mess, toilet hasn't been cleaned for 6months.
It wouldn't be so bad if I was aspie, socially inept virgin before I got this illness, but i was actually a very social, normal functioning person.
This shit has took my soul from me.

I would love any ugly girl who shows me the slightest of attention

lol no you wouldn't. Seriously don't lie.

Umm no sweaty it's her personality

Yes I would, why do you think I'm lying? I don't care about looks at all.

Are you ugly yourseIf?

Yes along with many other problems

And what are those problems? If you dont mind answering of course.

I do mind answering, sorry

>literal zombie looking girl can't get laid
>incels btfo
Yeah let's find the most extreme isolated case of a female to prove you wrong. Meanwhile dating apps show 20% of men slay 60% of women, the 20/80 meme almost approaching truth.
Lookism is a thing, and it affects both. Your genes are what you look like. I cold approached a girl yesterday and asked her number.
I could see the I instant she decided she wants to fuck. Slight change in composure, and her lizard brain said yes.
We talked for two minutes. Your personality doesn't matter until after you're given chance.
Fuck this world.
But then again l asked her for the exact same reason she accepted.

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Heh I'm strangely similar. No haircut in 6 months and haven't shaved in a while and have a whole host of other problems piled up as well that I've been putting off dealing with (getting anew phone, renewing registration on my car, paying rent even though I have the money in my bank).

Depression for me was acyclical thing that got worse from self hatred over my ineptitude which lead to worrying too much about everything which lead to depression and having no energy which leads to not doing anything which leads to self hatred and repeat. Feels fucking horrible, I went through that shit for 15 years, at least these days I have a job and a car and live on my own and I'm slowly pulling my shit together, even though I don't really have friends right now and pussy is still far out of reach.

If hookers don't count then pump and dumps don't count. I'm a 35 year old khv female because I refuse one night stands. No man has been willing to date me. I'm not disfigured or obese.

She is hot I would fuck her

>khv female
you sound like my type of woman, pure
what country?

Ive tried making friends with fembots but they just ghost me so im jumping straight to the point. any females as horny as I am?
Lost#2786 pic related

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I'm in Ireland. Originally.

Ok jesus christ she can be a robot/incel.
That's pretty brutal

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>pump and dumps don't count so I'm still a virgin because I didn't feel good about them

The fabled female intellect in action.

Wanna be my virgin mommy gf? origalno

I see you everywhere on every thread. Have you tried using Tinder? You have a higher chance of getting girls on there than on r9k

I'm in england
how can you be femcel over there/ Are you catholic? No sex before marriage?

>I see you everywhere on every thread.
makes me sounds desperate, delete this. Ive posted in like two or three at the most. Tinder is a whole other thing I just want some lewds.

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I've never had a pump and dump. Its just all that's been offered to me. The fabled male intelligence right here. They tell incels they aren't involuntary because they can hire a prostitute. Incels claim that doesn't count because they want (((love))) and yet claim women can't be incel because men are willing to one night stand them. See the hypocrisy?
Yes I'm catholic and I rather die a virgin than lose it before marriage.

>Yes I'm catholic and I rather die a virgin than lose it before marriage.
Be fruitful and multiply...
Though I completely understand and admire the religious morality.
Unfortunately, unless you find someone who is staunch catholic too, you won't be able to be fruitful.
It takes time to get to know someone, and part of getting to know someone is being intimate with them. modern dating etiquette (non strict religious) is that we get to know each other by dating, after a few dates,we then have sex, then decide if we want to go further into commitment.
This is a human psychological thing too. We can't know that we love one another until we have seen each other in the best and worse times.
Unless you find a strict catholic that won't want to "test the waters" of being with you intimately until consummating your marriage you may never be able to be fruitful. Which is more of a shame than pre marital relations.
life is about trial and error. Unless you test these waters first, you may marry someone who you abhor, but you didn't know each others personalities clashed until you got to that point, and by then, it is too late. You can't divorce either. You are catholic.
You're doomed to share your life, living in a living hell with someone you can't stand.
Isn't that more of a worse fate that pre martial sex.
Plus you know, god forgives. True repentance and a few hail marys you are back in the graces.
afaik the only mortal sins are patricide and missing mass.

I used to be a christfag as a youth

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>tfw you never even know there was such a thing as femcel

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What a bitch. I'm an unfortunate femanon soul that suffers from a life-threatening bout of severe gastroparesis that has left me somewhere in the realm of permanent skeltal and disabled. I'm visiting the hospital monthly to recuperate. I'm stricken with average looks and have had eczema reactions my whole damn life. My mental condition is damn near eradicated by my early onset cognitive disorders. Yet, as it would seem, the mere attraction I can still provide makes me over-privileged. It is impossible for me to fit the same mold since you stupid fucks and everyone else wants to bend arm and leg to see to it that my feint existence continues to carry on. Females literally can't be incels.

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Goodness gracious. Originally fag

>implying males like these don t exist and they don t have it worse
the males that are like this would be starved of any social interactions at all, no one would even try to say that they can get a relationship based on love because it is basically impossible and deep down you know they can t

Ok but are you cute?

also i would fuck her in a heart beat, if pic related is her true face, i think these "1/10" were a lot higher than she says, and I am wiling to bet that any awkward man on this board would give it a shot because they are basically contemplating suicide at this point

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desu i was thinking i'd pity fuck her too. she sounds sane and not fat so it wouldn't be truly uncomfortable and it'd mean a lot to her. why don't women feel this way for guys?

holy shit that's her? dude i was imagining way way worse.