Why are people on Jow Forums so stupid? i've been lurking there for a few weeks and i'm convinced they're not larping

why are people on Jow Forums so stupid? i've been lurking there for a few weeks and i'm convinced they're not larping.
how does one become this retarded?

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Can you give an example of a stupid view? I find a lot of things stupid on there but the left is stupid too

they actually are a lot like sjw's 2bh
they're just illogical and dumb, it's not about views it's just that it seems that pretty much every single poster there has a single digit iq and schizophrenia

like Jow Forums can be dumb about girls but you can have good conversations with people here, on Jow Forums it's like talking to brainwashed 4 year olds

Avoiding normal tap water (because of "toxic fluoride") and drinking lead-enriched well water instead.

I unironically quit Jow Forums and came here because y'all are sane in comparison. And more intelligent. And less self-destructive.
I know you're a bunch of asexual selfhating faggots but I... guess I feel at home here. At least it's not Jow Forums. (or G-d help me, /leftypol/.)

I think many popular Jow Forums views are not inherently bad, but the way they are defended is. Everything comes down to nitpicking historical events and then using them to claim your objector is a cuck/jew/brainlet/etc

because their solution to the inadequacies of their lives (friendless, jobless, failed to accomplish goals, cucked/rejected) is to engage in racist tribalism. easy to blame your shitty job and poor sexual performance on "the niggers" rather than accept responsibility/attempt to improve

to be fair though, the people on this board just use pity parties to the same effect. it's less stupid, but waaaaaay more egotistical

Jow Forums Jow Forums is unironically filled with paid shills whose job it is to brainwash anons and derail threads. if you want genuine political discussions, youll only find it there in small doses, but it makes for the funnest shitposting experience ive ever seen on the interwebs tbqh

Yes it's a hivemind cult. The least hospitable board on this site for a differing opinion.

tinfoil as fuck

It's just collective bunch who want to defend their self-interest. It will eventually come down to this and the cult of individual will be sacrificed. It's exactly the same with leftists/muslims/blacks just different interests. Multiculturalism will just speed this process as more people drift to their own groups.

You are talking about holocaust revision right? Never understood why that is such a big deal to nazis. I mean they say they want Jews dead but then deny that their heroes were successful in achieving what they themselves wish. I never ever understood Nazis' obsession with Jews in general. It really turned me off to white nationalism - well that and wanting to drill oil because black booty is divine.

I basically always saw Jews as white. Not nordic type whites but definitely similar to Greeks and Italians. They spent a lot of their history in Greek and Roman empires.

>You are talking about holocaust revision right?
Not really, I had in mind these discussions regarding who is white and who are the enemies of the white race. They are really dishonest.

Because holocaust can be used to as a weapon. Same with racism. You can't live in same space with people who abuse this kind of tactics and at the same time have any trust/cooperation with them.

Jow Forums is full of kids and old people

Still better than Reddit.

In every way

The babylonian talmud was under sasanian / persian supervision desu

White used to be WASPs and Sephardics, then expanded to Catholics and Eastern European Jews, then anti-semitism hit a revival with Rockwell and neo KKK. Arabs were seen as related before Israel, then they became a demon terrorist race. Same with Persians. I much prefer Caucasian to white since white is ever changing and basically a way to say you are better and more pure.

The most sane racial theories came from Gene Coon. I still think the big 3 of Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid are the three legit races. Australoids are a distinct minor race in Oceania. Other races like Polynesians, Central Asians and Native Americans mixed different core races.

hes right though. Reiko is an example of fags trying to brainwash anons to follow their deeds.

Because it's filled with underaged kids who think they're cool hip and edgy

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>this thread again
Get lost Kike

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Persians - white
Akkadians - white
The ancient mid east was white. Pic related is sabaen, or Sheba from Solomon's time

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Jow Forums used to be pretty good til' gamergate. Reddit cought wind of the board, the lefties jumped ship for cripple-chan thats when it started dying. The 2016 election really killed it though.
t.lolbertarian nationalist

with the cancer community, IDs, flags, and downboats (spamming "redpills") it's actually a very reddit like board

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>paying any interest in politics
>not being retarded

seriously fuck politics why is everyone a politician nowadays?
it fucking ruins people

You should know by now that half the posts on "those" parts of Jow Forums are people intentionally encouraging people to harm themselves. They're everywhere.

It was a lot better before the election.
It was a fun ride but like whenever something fun happens on Jow Forums redditors invaded and edgy kids took over and ruined it.

Jow Forums is unironically just like their enemies at the core, but so is virtually the entire planet in the 21st century. Since we killed Christianity sane moral discourse has been dead and emotivism has reigned. All competitive worldviews in 2018 are opinions disguised as rational and universally applicable principles.

They believe in facts and reason, often citing studies, but if a study doesn't fit their ideals, it's the jewlibLGBTcuck agenda, and you should trust their infographics instead.

Facts are an illusion, true knowledge lies in the presuppositions they're built on.

I did the same thing
Was on Jow Forums for years was a fun and some great lulz.
Now it's just gotten boring
The best board on here has to be Jow Forums in the last few months
They are putting out the best memes

The 2016 election and the r/the_donald refugee invasion caused massive damage to this site.

Which is derived from subjective ideology taught as fact by your parents.

My parents didn't teach me that all things exist in a state of actuality and potential.

that's true but it's funny that they won't shut up about the "jidf" when the only people i've seen spamming and derailing threads are nazi larpers and almost every single post conforms with the Jow Forums hivemind.
also they think shills are creating "slide threads" to slide "important" threads to the archive as if that will ever work or is somehow a logical thing to.