Anyone else feel insecure around their non/fit/ friends?

I went on a camping trip with my friends earlier this year, there was going to be a lot of beach time. I'm the only one who trains regularly and they're all manlets with no gf (I'm also no gf but I'm relatively good looking + taller). Anyway leading up to the trip I didn't train for 1.5months to lose as many gains as I could, because I didn't want them to feel bad when we went to the beach, because there were also girls there. It's like reverse-insecurity. Anyone else feel the same way around their friends?

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How did you even post this and check "i am not a robot" when you clearly are

kek. I'm pretty normal, fuck you fag. I just think about my friends' feelings, these people are precious to me so I don't want them feeling any contempt.

user you’re fucking retarded

If they were your real friends then they’d be proud of your physique

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It's not just that. They're all full asian manlets, while I'm tall hapa masterrace so they probably already are slightly jealous deep down for that. Lastly, one of my friends has a severe deformity in one of his limbs so training for him is very difficult, which is why he doesn't really do it.
Neither of the two factors I mentioned in this post can ever be trained up to be better, ie. they can't catch up to me, which is why I don't want to look too good in front of them because I don't want to hurt their feelings.

>all full asian manlets, while I'm tall hapa masterrace
So let me get this straight. There is a bunch of asian guys they are all unfit manlets expect for the one hapa guy. But that guy is terribly insecure. You are all pathetic.

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>hapa masterrace
take a load of this guy

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>I just think about my friends' feelings, these people are precious to me
do you also think about sucking their dick

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>You are all pathetic.
Wrong, but the rest of your statement is correct. I was just wondering how others would handle the beach situation.

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>I was just wondering how others would handle the beach situation.
Cut down body fat and mog the shit out of them. Don't rub it in their faces though, just be cool about it. Be a positive example of what can be acchieved through hard work and dedication, instead of an insecure beta who wants to "spare their feelings". The fact that you want to do that already shows that you don't respect them.

>hapa masterrace
kek fucking mongrel

It seems like you are the pathetic and insecure one. They enjoy themselves for how they look an dhow they are.

Looks like you fell for the body dysmorphia meme

>not using your body to motivate your friends into lifting

>OP using his friends as an excuse to justify his own insecurites
>this level of mental gymnastics

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I never understood why the manlet is also nude

is he lifter? why does he look like a small little fat goblin?

There's a reason I chose that image in OP: they all have been frame-mogged + skin-colour-mogged by me, no amount of lifting will let them catch up, just like that dude in the Connor Murphy vid.
I know I have insecurities, but I think for them it may be worse.

Emotions are the only mogging that matter as a guy

Stop acting like a girl

>sabotaging own gains so your lazy friends look better in comparison
>not being a Chad and banging all the beach bunnies to motivate your friends into training
You're stupid and an idiot

"I'm also no gf but I'm relatively good looking + taller"

keep telling urself that bud :)

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This, WTF OP...

I doubt they are analyzing this whole situation as much as you are

I have a similar feel, where all of my friends know I go to the gym, but I know I don't have good aesthetics, like I don't look great shirtless and feel like it's sort of expected me to look in much better shape than I am. it pushes me to work harder but it makes me not want to be seen with my top off until I really am happy with how I look

I hope this whole thread is one big troll, you have problems OP.
Thanks for the laugh at hapa masterrace though

since no one else apparently feels the same thing, I can tell you that I'm working at a summer camp and I'm insecure about taking my shirt off because I'll probably be the most Jow Forums guy there and I don't want girls mirin (the oldest ones will be like 15). There's not exactly no precedent for this, I worked there last summer and I had more than a few underage girls flirting with me. I don't particularly care about mogging other guys, but I can see how you would.
that being said, here's why that's retarded
>no one else cares
I certainly care a lot more about this than anyone else does
>I'm not actually that Jow Forums
by normie standards, sure. but I'm being a massive narcissist if I think I'm anything beyond slightly above-average
>my problems are non-problems
it's really easy just to tell girls no, and it's actually exciting to get other guys interested in fitness
>they're big boys and girls
OP if you're hanging around people that are so insecure that when they see someone better than them they cower and feel like shit, either get new friends or help them be more secure. Not everyone is a faggot like you and me who are so insecure that we can't even enjoy our success. Thing is, you know what the right option is (have a good time, reassure your friends if they need it, help them be better), you just feel like you can't do it. That's tough, but that's still just a feeling that you can easily make your bitch if you wanted to


>tfw in Gregory 4-5 times a week as an old PHD dude just trying to get his lifts in

Nah, you're just a fag. Like a full, I want to suck my friends' dicks fag. Literally no one gives a shit but your autistic ass.

>I hurt progress towards my own self-actualization because I think it might make my friends insecure.

Just follow the advice given here:

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nice bait, kys

on a serious note, when I'm with lifting friends (80% of the time) no one ever mentions how I look, sometimes they mention my progress, but not often. when I am with non lifting friends, all they talk about is my body and my progress

This is your brain on leftism.

include me in the screencap, Hi mom

post CB now

This is interesting because anyone who was actually big and shredded would never sacrifice hard gotten gains for some stupid temporary reason like this.

So basically, you were small in the first place, I'm guessing this is all in your head. Either way, you need new friends. Inspire them. And if they aren't happy when you're doing well, they're not your real friends

>he's so innately beta that he's his own gains goblin for fear that his friends might bully hum for being superior to them
This might be the worst thing I've ever heard in my entire life.