Are there more evil men than evil woman?

Are there more evil men than evil woman?

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Yes because men cant feel empathy

considering there are more men in jail for serious crimes, yes.
And before you incels start REEEEing at me, I just said there are "more" men in jail which is factually correct. Not saying women never commit crime or do evil things to warrant being imprisoned just that men do it a lot more.

Woman are the cause of all men being in prison.

If woman just gave up their pussies. The world would be a better place

>Woman are the cause of all men being in prison.
Jesus you incels have such a warped view of reality

There are the same number of evil men as evil women, that is, zero, because morality is subjective and you can't dismiss a person's entire identity as "evil". Real life isn't a cartoon or video game.

Equal but in different ways. Woman tend to be more passive aggresive

It's hard to tell, because evil women are much more sneaky about it.

An evil man will go to jail quickly for things like beating their wife and children, but an evil woman just walks away with half her ex husband's estate.

>considering there are more men in jail for serious crimes
But not everything evil is a serious crime.
Cheating on your husband is evil, no crime.
Cucking your husband is evil, no crime.

There are no "evil men" or "evil women" only "premeditated evil".

Yes, but there are more amoral women than moral men.

okay user we understand you got into meta ethics last week you don't need to force your meme opinions here

Based on the grammatical structure of the sentence, there is only one one "evil woman" but at least two "evil men" so using the information provided, I'm going to have to say there are more evil men by default.

This, women are more regular whereas men are more unstable. That also explains why women tend to have average intelligence whereas men are either dumb or smart.

This. What a terrible argument that other user made.

Videl would never cuck gohan

>Jesus you incels have such a warped view of reality
No my Normie visitor. It's you with the warped reality. If you just give in to the teachings of this sanctuary Jow Forums you will see the light.

There's no such thing as "evil", user. There is only good from different perspectives


Grow up.

Evil is so poorly defined that question cannot be answered.

this thread won't end welI

>that guy called evil
>guess what I'll just say evil doesn't exist because being accused of evil makes me insecure!!!!!!