How can grown men waste so much money on little toys and trinkets?

How can grown men waste so much money on little toys and trinkets?

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Wonder how many times she's cucked him by now.

Same could be said of shiny rocks huehue
I'm not trying to be misogynistic

forgot le pic o:

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>funds allocated weekly
>but not more than the amount of weeks in a month
>payout is on Friday
>monthly payout is determined by the number of Fridays in the month
Can we get a contract limiting whoever wrote this to writing one redundant and pointless statement per page?


adding this to not get muted

Cut your fucking fingernaiIs.

I understand wanting to collect things because I do the same with movies, but I also understand that you can't just spend shit tons of money on things (especially garbage like Funko pop) when you're in a relationship or in living conditions where you need to save

Depending on how much their combined income is, this contract is absolutely ludicrous for one side or the other. Either it's stupid that he needed a legal contract to control his spending, or it's stupid that she felt the need to control his spending when he had disposable income.

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POPs are garbage, my anime figures are of much higher quality

How can a couple waste the time to write up a contract for something as trivial as just setting a budget?

I know a man who has over $64k worth of Star Wars merchandise

what the fuck is funko pops?

it sounds like a shitty american cereal

They're stupid collectable dolls that cover all mainstream media characters, so there's roughly a billion of them.

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it looks ugly and cheap, he should collect anime figurines or somehting, of all the things to get addicted to why that?

This is why I collect D&D minis. They are pretty cheap (usually under 5$ per mini if I want good metal ones) and I get to spend time painting them, mixing parts, making textured bases, and all kinds of fun before I need to buy another.

lots of people spend way more on drugs and booze all the time

I spend a lot of time and effort making little toys and trinkets, that doesn't make me a kid. In fact, I don't think kids can make much to begin with. This is only tangentially related, obviously

atleast they do something

Americans are all like this. I don't know about you guys, but I know a fair number of "middle class" and I guess "upper middle class" people. They have SO MUCH stuff. It's absolutely unreal. You walk into a guy's house, a grown man, and he has 2 bicycles, a full set of tools, an entire aquarium set, photo kit, a car with all the car stuff, maybe a second car... It's like, more stuff than you could conceivably spend time on if you just used your stuff continuously. The other day, I saw a Maserati SUV. A fucking SUV that is a Maserati. I just cannot think of a situation in which that would be a justifiable purchase.

Now, I have stuff. I have hobbies. I have a lot of things related to my hobby. Sometimes, I don't use that stuff, which I guess makes me part of the problem in some way. My theory is that when you have so much money coming in every month, you simply have to spend it on something. Once people get comfortable spending money, every weekend, of every month, of every year, it never stops. And here's the real thing about it, it doesn't actually matter what you spend money on, because it will not actually get used. Like a giant hole where the money goes. Doesn't matter what color the hole is, the money has to go there.

So funko pops are this thing for this guy. But I would say 70% of middle class and up people have a money hole or holes like this.

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Because it's trendy XD
I did bought a Donald Trump one though. I'm a leaf and it was on clearance for $5

How can a grown man allow a female to tell him how to spend his own money?