Hypothetical Question: If you made it with a girl, would you still post here? I'm trying to think if I would and I'm not sure.
Hypothetical Question: If you made it with a girl, would you still post here...
Maybe yes. First off I have to get a girl, which at this points proves fucking impossible
I have and I do. It is possible to "get lucky" in the truest sense of the words and still be a friendless weirdo.
I am engaged and I still feel like a robot. I know the general rule is that if you make it with a girl you are disqualified from being one. I'll accept that I am perhaps not a robot anymore but I still FEEL like one.
probably. I stopped pissing into bottles, sleeping during the day, living around trash etc. general gross hikikomori shit and I still come here all the time.
No. Sex isn't the be-all end-all of human existence. Although I'd very much like to have it, a part of me realizes it's not going to live up to my expectations. I'll still be the same deranged autist after that I was prior.
Yes, I still occasionally check back here and post sometimes and I'm in a relationship.
Yes if I somehow did it then I would come here to help other robots climb out. Not brag but to actually help people, unlike the sociopathic normalfaggots that come here.
this. i been married and now divorced but havent had anything resembling a relationship in over 5 years. feels bad man
I have an I still do. The rule is true. I can't stand using regular social media. I've been using this site since 11 and I've gotten used to being anonymous online.
Id probably post here more because it would implode within a few days
I concur, social media sucks regardless of whether you've had sex or not. It's full of idiots, scumbags, and perverts. I guess 4chin's userbease also consists almost entirely of that, but it's a kind of stupidity I find more tolerable.
My ex and I used to lay in a pile of dirty clothes on the futon and shitpost on Jow Forums together all the time, so ideally yes. Horrible degenerate laptop time is good for pair bonding.
I have and I still do. Once you sift past all the porn threads made by thirsty anons, there's actual interesting discussion to be found.
>tfw no shut-in gf to lie around with in our own filth while shitposting
This is some real shit right here.
i don't think getting one would make me stop hating them, so yes i would keep shitposting here
I managed to get a low level gf with low self-esteem for a short period of time (only 3 months). Our relationship wasn't enjoyable for me so I broke up with her. I know that I'm disrespecting the board culture, but I don't think I'm that cancerous because like getting a gf didn't improve my life and mental health in any way.
man this board is infested with fucking normalfags
I only started posting here after I made it with a girl. It opened my eyes to a lot of things.
I still post occassionally.
I was a robot for 28 years after all.
I dunno, cause I'd never go for a normie girl, and the problem is non-normie girls basically don't exist. To me it isn't really about posting here or not, because I always will. I just don't know if I'll ever meet a girl that I get along with. After seeing the world the way I do now, there's no going back, and only a girl who also sees it could be with me. It's not just about women or men or whatever, it's about the sickness of society and the disgust I have for everything that is done to keep humans weak and infighting. The world won't change, and neither will I. Only what I see has changed, I'm the same boy I was 20 years ago. If any girl could ever love me, there's no way we'd be the same as some frivolous, dating, career and house-having normal couple. She'd have to be an outcast monster like me. Can a girl like that even exist? I don't know.
like what? that you're a normalfag and that you should fuck off
Yes. That khhv robot meme is cancer and degrades this board.
you sumerfags really need to get off you bring nothing interesting to this board
I cringed quite a bit.
As someone who has gotten a girl, it didn't change the frequency of me coming here. I only come here less often now because I hate summerfags
sex is not an exclusively normie activity. all the skeevy anime club types I know at uni are decidedly not normies and are very open about their lasciviousness with one another.
any excuse to stop posting here would be nice
they're still normans and need t fuck off back to /a/
What? There's just no way I could have or enjoy having a relationship with a normal human female of todays society.
wew lad, I take it you've never been in an enclosed space with weebs and other fringe weirdos for any extended period of time. You learn things about them that you wish you hadn't. The way they get all touchy and try to glomp you isn't just them being platonic.
Plus you wrote all that cringy shit about it.
What's cringy about it? I was just speaking my mind.
I would have had no sexual contact at all in my early teenage years were it not for weeb girls.They are some of the most hypersexed women on this planet. They are into some of the most degenerate fetishes, they're surprisingly slutty, and they associate easily and frequently with dudes with the same gay shit tge dudes like as a vehicle. Cons are absolutely filled with people in cosplay of both sexes making out, going off to hotel rooms together, playing spin the bottle or the pocky game, acting out weird fetishes, looking at fucking hentai, you wouldn't believe it. And the afterparty raves are even worse.
that's what I'm saying, although I've never been to an anime con and don't intend to. Weebs are fucking freaks and they're incredibly sex-crazed.
All that drama is the cringe.
>To me it isn't really about posting here or not, because I always will.
>After seeing the world the way I do now, there's no going back
>She'd have to be an outcast monster like me.
Those are the highlights. Everything else is rather cringy as well.
Yeah, I don't see it.
>I'm always gonna post here
>can't go back to being a normie now
>could only be honest with someone who also hates normies
Guess I could have worded it better, I'm a fucking autist so I make things unnecessarily verbose