>look decent in the mirror
>look like shit in photos
So which one is supposed to be accurate and which one is lying to me?
Look decent in the mirror
You've been out of school for too long already.
the camera is how you are seen by other people, although the way you take a picture and the lens of the camera play into how bad the photo is, camera more than an arms length away is the more accurate look as opposed to taking one a foot away from your face
focal length is everything
wow he has the exact same hair as me
also no, focal length isn't "everything". it's just that user doesn't know what lighting, framing or angles are when he takes pics on his grainy smartphone camera
he looks equally meh in all of them, a better camera does help though phone cameras make everything look ugly
mirror. like said, focal length drastically changes how you look, but what's just as important is that a photo is a still image. People around you see you as a movie, and that's what the mirror represents. Comparing mirror self to a movie of yourself shot with a 35-50mm lens is the most accurate way.
t. photographer and videographer
>"take portraits with a 35m"
Basic rule of thumb, if you look ugly in either you're ugly. If you need to worry about lighting and angles and focal length... you're ugly.
A big problem is that you learned that the picture in the mirror is you. But guess what, the picture is mirrored. When you only rarely look at photos of yourself but regularly into the mirror your brain has trouble to comprehend this seemingly wrong version of yourself. This leads to discomfort. You can try to fix it by looking at pictures of yourself often.
It won't make you more beautiful, but will allow you to better judge how other people see you.
Mirror is more accurate in the sense that it is 3D and not static, photos tend to make your angles a lot sharper and your face a lot squarer looking than it actually appears in real life. Of course angles and lighting etc. play a large part, but generally speaking a mirror with good lighting is more accurate of what you look like to others, it's just reversed.
But the distortion in photos means that even though your face is the right way around, it doesn't necessarily appear quite like that in real life.
Ive had this same thought before, but I recently figured out im just below average, which means im ugly. Welcome to the ugly club, OP.
hold another mirror on an angle to another mirror , make sure you look at the mirror your holding , make sure both mirrors are clean. That's how you look. Mirrors reverse things so it isn't an accurate image, I actually look better in the correct image (un-reversed)
I believe a middle term is accurate because in some photos I look stupid and in others I look somewhat close to what I see in the mirror
They all look the same wtf, doesnt change anything
Sorry but you're literally autistic if you don't think bottom right looks better than top left. Not trying to shame or anything but you are.
Yup, and you're obviously not a photographer for suggesting people don't do that. Back to /p/ you go
>look like shit in driver's license photo
>look like Nordic Adonis in passport photo.
His nose looks drastically different and his eyes look different
Your face is flipped in the mirror, and it's not how people see you, you actually look much worse than your mirror image. Mirrors can hide asymmetry. Cameras can distort because of the lense. Actually I wonder if we all look slightly different due to our eye lense differening. Crazy thought that there is no objective image of you.
>Thinking distorting a picture will make you look better irl
Just accept you're ugly, retard