The only reason why it appears that bro-splits give better results is because 99% of people run a bro-splits and from that 1% that run a full body routine 99% of them don't even run a full body routine properly.
So the end result is you perceive bro-splits to actually be better, when they're terrible.
I always laugh when someone on here says
>Oh but Full Body just makes you fat and unaesthetic, the only aesthetic guys I see at my gym run bro-split!
Ok then, have you thought about the following then?
>1. What about the other 1000 people at your gym, 990+ of which are running are bro-split? Oh, it seems you just figured out all besides the select few guys you know all look like utter DYEL pieces of shit.
>2. How many people have you actually ever seen doing a full-body routine that weren't >old ladies/men and soiboyz doing meme circuits on machines, or Novice lifters in their first month lifting?
Yeah you probably have never actually seen an proficient/advanced lifter in real life that runs a full body because for every one of those guys there's probably 1,000,000 guys who do a bro-split.
Now it's your turn as a bro-split enthusiast, to convince me why I am wrong here and why you disagree with my findings.
nah, i don't care enough, post some gym thots though
Samuel Richardson
Is PPLPPLx a bro split
Michael Torres
i always do a full body routine but maybe because i can only lift 2 times per week yes im still a dyel, but compared to some of my freinds who run bro splits im not too bad and im not lifting for aesthetics either, just waana go up some weight classes, so i dont have to be the underweight lanklet vs a power midget in boxing
Levi Bailey
No. Anything over a 1x/week frequency is not a bro split
Joseph Nguyen
Yeah, good fucking luck trying to fit all that volume in a full body routine. Call me when you've overtrained. You could do more volume without being fatigued with a bro split. >inb4 volume is for roidmonkeys
Ayden Cook
Bro-splits are 80% junk volume that actually add 0 additional hypertrophy
With a full body you have 0% junk volume.
Brayden Bell
You’re an actual retard
Benjamin Parker
are you fucking making shit up as you go?
Brandon Reed
Me and my bro started pushing weights same time, I do full body, He does bro split. We have the same results and push the same PRs.
Blake Hernandez
fullbody everyday varying intensity.
Dylan Ward
You're doing it wrong
Brody Morris
A lot of people recommend pretty much the same workout 3 times a week, but in my experience different full body workout 4 times a week is better. I stall less and my workouts are shorter and I'm not as exhausted during the last exercise. Higher frequency could possibly also be better.
My 4 times a week is pretty much -squat 3 times a week -deadlift 1 time a week, deadlift variation 1 time a week -ohp 3 times a week -bench 1 time a week -chin-up 2 times a week -Pendlay row 2 times a week
I also add various other things like dumbbell shrugs (for grip strength mostly), neck work, farmer's walks, ab wheel rolls.
Kayden Jones
I guess it depends on how long and how often you want to train. If you want to focus on building muscle it would also make more sense to me to split because you would reach the limit of your power with your full endurance committed to it. But I guess a full body routine could have other advantages like a consistent perfomance level instead of leaving one musclegroup untrained for one week.
Jackson Perry
most people who do "full body" simply do too little. compare your average cookie cutter 'fbw' program you find on the internet (3-4 compounds with maybe some curls here and there) to something like alphadestiny does. even when adjusted for frequency splitbros simply do more volume per muscle group than people on those shitty low effort fbws. volume is ultimately the main drive of progression and hypertrophy
Daniel Ortiz
Good volume drives progression and hypertrophy
Doing a 4-6 solid sets followed by 15 sets of junk volume isn't better than just doing 4-6 solid sets multiple times a week.
Or are you one of those tards who think junk volume actually helps.
Samuel Diaz
>ITT: People who don't listen to Mark Rippetoe
Hudson Ortiz
I actually agree that full body is superior but what exactly constitutes "junk volume?" It sounds like you're just making shit up to further your point
Noah Gonzalez
That's because he is.
Caleb Gray
Google Dr Mike Israetel and Junk Volume.
He stands in the middle of the FB and Splits and explains it in detail why splits are absolutely fucking retarded.
>5 sets of flat bench press on monday 100% fresh >5 sets of incline bench press on wednesday 100% fresh >5 sets of dips on friday 100% fresh
Thats 15 very high quality sets for chest 100% fresh. The sets are all good, with as much weight as possible.
Now compare that to
>5 sets of flat bench (Great) 100% fresh >5 sets of incline bench (Meh) >5 sets of decline bench (Junk) >3-4 sets of Fly 1 (Junk) >3-4 sets of Fly 2 (Junk)
Now don't even try to tell me your Incline Bench, Decline Bench, and those flys are "JUST SUPER GREAT" after you've done 5 sets of heavy compound press. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to.
You'd be Incline Bench Pressing 30-40%+ more weight if you just moved that Incline Bench from being a Secondary exercise on Monday to a Primary exercise on Wednesday.
Nathaniel Evans
Yes you are. You should read some scientific literature on the subject
Jose Hall
do you think your body knows the difference between 100 lb, 150 lb, and 200 lb?????
It just knows "heavy" or not. If you are pushing and contracting the muscle it doesn't fucking matter if its a 1rm or 65%. Your body doesn't set up a meter and say "oh cool user benched 5 pounds more today, lets add some muscle!!!"
Keeping track of numbers is important because it tracks PROGRESS. Your body doesn't fucking calibrate the weight and add muscle depending on the load
Jack Garcia
You should read the scientific literature. You are embarrassing yourself
Carson Evans
>do you think your body knows the difference between 100 lb, 150 lb, and 200 lb?????
Evan Nguyen
It's your turn to post a full-body routine you endorse. Inb4 SS, SL or GSLP.
Jackson Richardson
The fuck is junk volume you retard
Oliver Reyes
by your logic then benching 100kg is same as 150kg cuz the body doesnt track numbers
Robert Stewart
stop parroting that you dumb mongoloid. Your body doesn't know what the fuck """junk volume""" is. You think 60% of 1rm is junk volume but your body doesn't fucking comprehend that, it only comprehends that it needs to adapt to the stimulus it's receiving because it's stress
Levi Harris
Theres simply not enough volume, which mr. Olympia ran full body twice a week?
Jose Phillips
except you won't struggle with 100kg, dumb fuck. If you can bench 150kg for reps and try to do 100kg your body won't grow or adapt because it's not STRESSED. If you go to another person and he struggles with 100kg he will grow from it because it's STRESS. Is this concept too hard for you to understand? The body doesn't know the weight, nor does a 5 pound increase somehow magically trigger muscle growth. The body understands stress and adaptation, that's what strength training is. Stressing the muscles, then they adapt to the stimulus you give them, then you increase the weight so the STIMULUS remains stressful
Grayson Powell
All Olympia competitors ran Full Body routines up until the mid 1970s when drug use ramped up 10 fold.
Lucas Jackson
>when a bro tries to explain gains but never makes gains himself unless he increases his steroid dosages
Joseph Howard
Just made it to intermediate on SS and got bored, am switching to a bro split for a good 3-4 months and will report back with my progress bros and we can settle this
David Stewart
You wont see any progress, at best you'll maintain, at worst you'll regress.
t. I've been in your situation before and did the same thing. Brosplits made me regress in all aspects, strength, size, form, technique, everything.
You wont listen to me, but I'd suggest just doing a more advanced full body routine.
Nolan Fisher
I prefer full body but last couple of months been doing a split. Full body the strength progression seems to be faster but i would say that i look better on the split. I havent got the time to do ppl 6 days a week and hit every thing twice. Putting Deads on back day not on leg day, chest and bi, back and tri you can still hit muscle groups twice a week in 3-4 sessions. In winter i have the time for long full body workouts but its nice at the moment to be in and out in under an hour and feel the burn.
Dominic Torres
Wait, is PPL considered a bro-split?
Mason Hill
This right here, maybe not everyday tho. 3x a week DUP style full body would be great for intermediates imo
>dr. >listening to roiding bald manlets who try to sell snake oil bet you fucking bought RP bokks and diets and lick his other shit up too
Eli Ortiz
Who fucking cares?
You're gonna do what you want to do anyway. Just be consistent.
Really, as long as weight is being added to the bar and you're getting some good volume in it really doesn't matter what you're doing. As long as you're eating enough calories, getting enough protein and getting enough sleep between workouts it doesn't matter what you're doing.
What you cannot do is prance around in the gym and expect results and that goes for full body or splits or whatever else you care to do. If your training is hard enough for you to struggle but not so much that you can't recover between workouts, you're doing just about as much as you can to get bigger and stronger.
Most guys who argue about this shit will never even get big enough or strong enough to even warrant the discussion in the first place.
Nicholas Nguyen
Is that supposed to be good or bad? I got both of those in about 4 months lifting (essentially aimlessly) in my garage.