Poor people disgust

Anyone else disgusted by poor people?
I am not talking about poor people in impoverished nations, I am talking more so about american poor white folks.

>no concept of generational wealth
(will often have many kids, but can't afford to give them a better life)
>often throw their kids out if they do something wrong
>more likely to do herion and meth
> the girls sell themselves or date older dudes with cash because the parents can't provide
>shit out more kids who can't be provided for

My folks are from a foreign country but both make $120k each here in
USA; and they were always disgusted by poor folks as well.

They provided me with the resources in which I was able to make a better life for myself, learn Japanese, and fortify my skills.

Heck I never even had to work a part time job, my first gig was a 54k job right out of college, because I spent all my time making good pieces.
Now I make 85k and I am aiming higher.

My dad still thought we were poor because he knew millionaires though

What are your sentiments on this?

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I want to hear your sentiments

You keep repeating yourself and sound retarded.

My sentiments are we should kick foreign shit heads like you out of this country.

midwest poorfag.
Pop out more kids out of wedlock

>My folks are from a foreign country but both make $120k each here in
>USA; and they were always disgusted by poor folks as well.

When you're a shitty immigrant everyone hates, so you need to hate others to make up for it.

>They provided me with the resources in which I was able to make a better life for myself, learn Japanese, and fortify my skills.

And what did you make of it lmao? You wouldn't be here if you had anything worth calling a life.

You're a faggot, user.
For more reasons than one.

What happened to Jow Forums?

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>When you're a shitty immigrant everyone hates, so you need to hate others to make up for it.

I live in a cultured state, you probably live in West Virginia or North Dakota

People often tell me
>user your family is from where?
>That's most impressive, what's it like there?

>And what did you make of it lmao?
Work at a Us subdiary of a japanese game company,
and I design characters. Good shit

> You wouldn't be here if you had anything worth calling a life.
So now everyone who comes here is a loser?
What does that say about you?
I only come here to discuss convo's I can't have with irl people.

>midwest poorfag.


>pop out more kids

You know this is r9k, right? Fuckin kys shit skin.

You couldn't be more wrong.
You have no idea where I am from.

Poverty destroys the soul. You should have empathy.

I should, but most poor people I have met have been utter shit.

I'm both a poorfag and an antinatalist, so I'm never going to have any children. I have no idea if I'll be able to climb out of this poorfag pit that I was born into, but I'll at least try. Doing so is my only shot at a decent life. Do you hate people like myself, who were raised in near poverty? Or do you only have a problem with people who raise their children in poverty?

you know a lot of poor people hate the kind of poor people you're describing too right? some of us came from parents like that and it was not a great experience

I am disgusted by (most of) them as well. Only the ones who deserve what they got. Stupid as shit, drug addicted, and lots of kids that they don't care about. I hope every child born in poverty are able to get out of it. It's hard, but there's no reason you can't make maybe 45k+ if you do well in school and go to college.

Tbh, my parents were poor growing up, my grandma was a stripper, etc. But my parents climbed from poverty make more than your shitty shit. We're not pretentious assholes either. So, go fuck your self. In short.

I'm only disgusted by fat people user. Poor people are screwed and taken advantage of by the rich but fat asses are just gluttons with no self control


P.S, my grandpa was a millionare selling coke. Get fucked uppity jap bitch. He killed japs in ww2. Gook loving faggot.

i think you're being too optimistic. how are you going to go to school when you're working shit wage constantly just to barely make rent and buy food? it's harder to get out of poverty than i think you're suggesting, at least for some people.

people who raise children in such condition more so.

nope don't believe you.

making other people's lives shit.

yet MY family did it. Twice, across two generations. And I'm coming up from close to nothing my self. So fuck you fucking assholes. If I see you guys irl I wanna fucking murder you fucks. Get fucked.


Believe it, you piece of shit. I'd fucking kill you if I had the chance. He owned a trucking and cement company. He would truck bricks over from the port of tampa across the USA. He had a parrot named Bently. Sorry you can't believe there's real thugs who came from nothing who are more successful than you.

You're a faggot who came here to brag about how rich you are anonymously, even if it was true you should still kys, acting like you're rich lmao upper middle class at best
> Daddy felt poor because he knew millionaires
Nice shitty humblebrag, it's not that crazy to know millionaires, literally 90% of my contacts are millionaires it's not some amazing thing to know a millionaire, anybody knows at least one, it's not very much money.

that's dirty money.

check your crackhead stripper family privilege user

>that's dirty money

At least you know your place, fag.

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Lmao this guy


Being looked down upon your whole life will make you like this. Fuck em all

Still not white Muhammad

>Still not white Muhammad
keep trying

It's definitely harder now with student loans. But I'm pretty young and was raised on 30k - 35k a year. I worked constantly throughout high school. I went to a community college and I make 60k. It's not going to be like that for everyone and shitty loans are fucking people over.