Working drive thru

>working drive thru
>car pulls up
>"hi, welcome to burger king, may i take your order?
>uhhh yeah hold up
>3 minutes later
>uhhh can i get a value fry
>okay, value fry. Would you like something else?
>Yeah hold on... a... double cheeseburger. Make it plain.
>okay double cheese burger, plain. Would that complete your order?
>Yeah... what's my total.
>WHAT? how much da double cheeseburger?
>1.99 sir.
>and how much is the value fry?
>1.49. Plus tax.
>you know what let me get a chicken jr instead
>okay your total is 3.18
>broke ass dude spent 6 minutes ordering 2 items from the value menu

Guess that race of that guy. I bet you will never get it right.

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>uhhh yeah hold up

I know that drive thru feel
>Let me get uhhh
*10 Minutes later*

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Does your drive through have a second menu where customers can look at the menu before reaching the speaker?

i worked at bk and i had mostly old fucks come through that just didnt know how the fucking menu worked.

its like he should have never left the house he could have got 12 packs of ramen for that instead

I work at Mcdonalds and customers don't realize that we have a machine that adds sugar and cream to coffee. We don't carry sugar/cream packets. If you want sugar or cream you have to ask for it so we can put it in for you.

that's pretty stupid imo, i'm very picky about my cream and stuff, too much ruins it.


LITERALLY FUCKING THIS. Pissed me off so much when I worked at BK.

You can get a nice cut of chicken for that price or lower. He could have bought that chicken, cook it to perfection with a side of rice but he wanted a chicken sandwich and small ass fries.

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I hate people who go through a drive thru without knowing what they want. The whole point of a drive thru is for fast service. If your dumbass went to fucking burger king not knowing what to order then go the fuck inside and let me and everyone else who knows what we want get our fuckin order taken. Fuck. They need to install a trapdoor in the drive thru at the menu and speaker, and if you take longer than 1 minute to order after being helped it opens and drops you into an incinerator. None of the mouth breathers who deliberate over a fucking Burger King menu will be missed.

Wow, first post gets it right. Guess I'll just close this thread.

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If you are short staffed are you allowed to close the store?

no but your manager is allowed to complain about you

>know what I want
>person ahead of me is ordering food for their whole family

>i'm very picky about my cream and stuff, too much ruins it.
Then you shouldn't be ordering your coffee at McDonalds.

Nope. You call your district manager and he'll say ride it out. I've been understaffed before and it sucks.

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i dont even go to mcdonalds, when did they start doing this?

Always dread being behind a minivan or a giant SUV. Always know it's some fucking soccer mom with her whole brood in there ordering a billion happy meals and she has to make sure everybody gets the right toys and god help you if they get the wrong pony toy or whatever.

>sunday after church
>mexicans family show up at 10am ordering $80 worth of food in dine in and drive
>twenty families all come at the same time

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>go to in n out with dad
>tell him I want a double double
>"welcome to in n out what would you like to order today"
>"uhhhh yea can i get a McDouble?"

They didnt correct him and I got my double double but it was pretty cringy

i think we can call agree that fast food fucking sucks. i used to work with this tubby fuck named Corey who was the worst person to work with on the planet. can drop a greentext or two if you want.

>work at a drive through that only has one window

That means I'm taking orders and dealing with a customer at a window at the same time. It's so easy to mess up an order because I'm talking to 2 people at once. I'm surprised I haven't given the wrong change yet.

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It's not too bad of a job as long as your store is fully staffed, everything working, other stores aren't asking to borrow stuff from you, and the customers know what they want and how the store works.

>at the mcdonalds drive thru
>sweet and sour and signature please
>drive home
>it's disgusting ranch and buffalo

>at the taco bell drive thru
>any sauce?
>yeah, a lot of fire please
>drive home
>it's all mild

>at innout
>would you like ketchup?
>yes please
>drive home
>there's no ketchup

Why do you guys do this?

Buy your own ketchup and ranch dressing. Duh.

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>fags that order at the window

why do they do this? When they drive up do the suddenly remember they want a 10pc nugget?

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Kitchen is super loud and person at drive through is hearing all the co-workers talking to each other on headset and hearing the customer at the speaker. It's easy to mishear things and when it's super busy people just hand out the default sauces in case a customer comes back to complain about no sauce (it does happen).

Why is it that when I ask for a plain burger you think it's fine to just take off the toppings and wipe off the sauce? You think I wont notice? Because I will return it and ask for another one (i do this now in the parking lot right after bc they mess it up so much)

ive had people add entire orders at the window

> gook rolls up
> waits at the window for her meal
> give her the meal
> "actuarry can i get this coupon too?!"
> hands me a coupon for a full fucking meal
> cant say no
> like 4 cars behind her, manager refuses to park her.

If they want cake or a cookie or a drink, that's fine. If they want a cup of water, the slows me down because I have to clean the freestyle machine so it pours clean water instead of water mixed with fruit flavoring. I hate direct sales so much and you can't say 'no' to them without being a jerk.

I hope you get many more like that customer in the same day

We would never do this. Probably happens when grill made a regular sandwich by habit then realized it was ordered "plain" and there's no extra freshly grilled patties and it would take 3-4 minutes to cook another patty to fix the order.

Juan? Known also as Kryst?

My kitchen never does this. Plain sandwiches are the easiest to make. I notice a lot of white people order their burgers plain. Why?

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No. That's Kroni. I know him. He's on my steam buddy list.

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>plain burger
Puritans disgust me.

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What does a plain burger mean to your store?

In mine is means no vegetables and no condiments. Just the meat, cheese, and bun.

If you're ordering a burger plain you're getting overcharged for food. Order a sandwich with beef, cheese, and bacon if you want to save money.

You know I've overlooked and even admired your egregious avatarfagging in the past - but this callous response has soured my opinion of you.

The only one of the exchanges I mentioned which took place over a speaker system was McDonalds. But when a person asks you to your face what you want, and you answer them to their face, and you don't get what you requested, it's most likely that they made no effort to listen to you. They have given lip service to the concept of customer service.

Because if I bite into a burger and taste nasty sauce or pickles or something i will spit it out


>getting mad because you didn't get sauce

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They can sometimes forget even if they understood what you said because of interacting with tons of other people before getting back to you. Or sometimes you've talked to an employee who was clocking out and they forgot to tell the employee clocking in what you want.

Burger King.

What is your least ordered item?

Also why did McDonald's get rid of the hot mustard sauce that was my favorite

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


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>customers that get upset when your store doesn't do things like other stores
>customers that get upset when you no longer do a promo item
>customers that get upset when an item isn't the same price as it was 10-20 years ago
>customers that get spoiled and constantly goes your store to do that off-menu item you let them order once

Bruh I work at INO every day theres some joker who orders a big mac or insists we have Onion rings.
Try Closing the drive corner when you are:
>Taking counter orders
>Taking taking drive orders
>Taking money for both
>Handing out food gor both
>Pouring drinks
>Dealing with the old lady who claims she was missing a fry

Basically what said, its easy to lose track of minor things like that when you have like 20 things to think about at once.

If you guys want any In N Out Stories or questions go ahead.

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>burger king does those peanut and jelly sandwiches
The hell? Is this just an American menu thing?

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grilled cheese

we also have a pbj sandwhich that nobody orders too, its close.

how often do you get rude customers at In-N-Out? I can't really imagine in-n-out dealing with people that are rude for no reason since you guys seem to have a lot of people working at once.

Well everybody is hyperefficient at INO, we joke that we'd basically be gods at other fast food places because it's so high intensity here. We get assholes all the time. Theres this regular who always orders a fry light well, then complains that the smaller fries get crispy compared to the big ones like I'm supposed to pick them out by hand. I had a landwhale shove a half eaten tomato into my hand because she claimed it was rotten. It was nearly perfect as far as tomato quality was concerned. We get lots of hobos that come in and shoot up in the bathrooms and cause trouble too.

how do you deal with people that come with their own cups and use your soda fountain?

how do you deal with homeless people that use your restrooms to shower?

looking at the Burger King menu I want to go to one. I like Spicy Chicken sandwiches and not too many fast food places have spicy chicken sandwiches. Downside is that chicken fillets take 4 minutes to cook

All because I work in fast food it doesn't mean I get to taste test all the new items, nor do I want to eat fast food every day.

>only have 4 items on your menu
>wonders why you're high efficient


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you also have more than 1 person working a station. It's not that other stores have shitty workers, it's that they have bigger menus, outdated equipment, and are always understaffed. A fully staffed McDonalds with the latest equipment is scary good.

>work in a UK McDonald's
>Drive thru shut because the computer handling orders bricked itself with a full on blue screen of death
>Put cones out at front of drive thru to show it's closed plus a big sign saying we're sorry, please come in the restaurant.
>Within 2 minutes some huge blob has gotten out of their car, moved the come over and driven up to the window
>Gets angry that drive thru is shut and he has to walk 20 feet from the car park to the counter for his double quarter pounder order
People who eat in McDonald's are scum

Jack in the box is probably the most efficient out of all restaurants. I worked at Jack before and at night we'd have like 2 people. One order taker and one grill who does like 100 tacos, 50 breakfast jacks like nothing.

that sounds like the graveyard shift. It's inhumane how 2 people are expected to run a store while dealing with orders and cleaning equipment.

Drive thru breaks the shake machine and wipe counter. Grill cleans the grill. Everything is prepped in morning shift. We just needed to stock. I missed Jack in the box so much. Probably the most laid back fast food i had.

It was corporate though so these franchises I don't know how they deal with their employees. Most franchises suck to work for. Work for Corporate if you work at any fast food.

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>Cleaning equipment

You honestly think they do this?

You'd be shocked at the crazy shit that gets ordered
I dont mean high efficient in the sense of how much we sell, I mean that each person has a bazillion tasks to handle at once. I know a chick fil a manager that was my old boss at ino and he loves chick fil a so much more because they pay their people less and literally have someone for every task. At least at my store, we are always pushing the limit of being understaffed. Trust me, when you have lines of 20+ cars, you need that many people to move them all in

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We clean everything at INO when we close at 1:30 , shake machine included. Usually 2-3 people

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I have no fucking idea how you people work these jobs. It was stressful enough for me working the kitchen at pizza hut and I never had to deal with the public.

You are the worst imageposter, faggot.

Why your order is taking so long:
-you ordered a milkshake (hard to bag/take orders when you're stuck at the shake station)
-you ordered hot coffee after breakfast hours (we have to brew new coffee)
-you ordered a sandwich that doesn't use a regular beef patty (grilled chicken/fried chicken take longer to cook . Other types of beef patties have to be cooked fresh since they aren't cooked in bulk
-you over complicate things by ordering food in a way the register computer doesn't have a button for so the cashier has to tell the fry cook/grill cook what your special order is
-something is out of stock and someone has to stock up or find out if the store is really out of something
-someone ahead of you had a big order
-there's big orders coming from dining and drive through
-a customer came in with a complaint
-manager or shift leader is dealing with paperwork
-someone is busy dealing with unloading supplies from delivery
-someone is busy taking out the trash or cleaning
-someone ordered multiple dessert items (there's only one machine and the machine only makes desserts one at a time)
-the store is currently going under health inspection. All the equipment has to be shut down to be cleaned
-computers are down
-cashier is clocking out and the cashier drawer needs to be exchanged

Stop avatarfagging you retard.

This. Why can't these boomers understand that their food is taking long because of these reasons?

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Fast food isn't a normie job. I look at normies who have loving families and friends stress out over things at work I don't think is a big deal. I have no emotional support and can get through a day of being scolded by customers meanwhile normie gets their pride hurt and lashes out at everyone.


When equipment doesn't get cleaned customers notice. Fast food deals with health inspection every month, secret shoppers every week, and surprise visits from cooperate. Equipment and the store has to be cleaned.

Other things that slow down your order:
-someone needs to use the restroom (restroom doors are locked and need to be opened by employees to let someone in)
-direct sales
-customers asking for a cup of water
-customers that want to make a change to their order (they request no mayo at the window so grill cook as to remake the sandwich)
-a customer says they have a food allergy (station has to be cleaned, grill cook has to wash their hands, equipment has to be cleaned)

>They didnt correct him and I got my double double but it was pretty cringy

Yeah i worked at a Wendy's back in highschool and it was a once per shift occurence to have someone order a McSomething. Sometimes i suggested the closest equivalent item on the menu, sometimes i would just enter the closest equivalent item right away without getting in to it with the customer. Surprisingly i never did have anyone come back complaining they ordered a quarter pounder with cheese and got a big bacon classic instead.

how are you supposed to have orders done in 4 minutes when there's so many little things beyond your control that can go wrong?

Some people go to drive through high and no matter how many times I correct them or offer a similar looking sandwich they refuse to order something else. I learn to just go with it and give them the closest thing we have to that item. If we're slow and our store has the same ingredients as the other store I will make the sandwich the same way as the other store.

>Crowd of drunks walk in after all the bars close
>All order animal fry only's (take longer because you cant pace them with the burger's being made)
>Drunkenly mob around the counter and slur their orders
>One motherfucker hands me 1/3 of a $10 bill
>One retard starts dancing to his music in his ears
>Another guy joins in
>They start grinding
on each other
>They start flashing gang signs
>Think im going to have to defend myself with a grill scraper
>the crowd of 20 or so leaves. Biggest mess ive seen in my life
>Smeared the fries and burgers and fries all over the tables, didnt even eat them
>Literally threw their trash on the floor, 0 in the can
>I sit there in shock as a cop walks in
>"Damn drunks"

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How have mods not banned this a avatarfag

People are too dumb to handle that. They wait minutes at the first menu for someone to take their order before noticing there's no speaker there and another menu just bit further on

why is it that the store becomes the busiest 2 minutes before closing? I get ready to clean up the dining room then a huge family walks in and a bunch of drunk couples walk in to order food and want to eat inside even though dining is about to close.

Real estate. No joke.
If the fast food place is in an area that will allow it to always be busy such as a white area or a busy/populated area, food will constantly have to be made and have items on hold for a couple minutes in order to get shit out fast.