/Filter/ Thread

Post your filters and make this board have a better browsing experience

Attached: 111.png (508x468, 27K)

Dont be like a da massa, I want you to fuck my bussy

Attached: ueue.jpg (1000x667, 171K)

You need to repent and find god

I had to switch browsers because Jow Forums a shit. Is it possible to copy my giant list of filters from Brave to Chrome?

there's a reason 4chanx calls it a placebo.

>word filters
nice safe space you got there, newfag

basically against sly commercials (sex bots and nintendo switch)
and pedos/incest people

Attached: Filters.png (385x372, 29K)

you should prolly filter "white" too since those bring pol posters too

OP, what do the * and the vertical line thing do? I've never asked before because people might call me a newfag (even though 90% of people here don't even know about the filters), but I want to use them more efficiently.

Attached: 21.png (401x257, 12K)

not OP, but adding * allows something like "fem" can expand to anything involving it (i.e. fembot, femboi, femboy, etc), and the vertical lines allow you to add more words to the filter

>filtering out all bait, degeneracy and psy-ops means safe space

Attached: 1509798988032.jpg (165x163, 9K)

thanks. what's the use in just adding more words though? just for the sake of organization?

Only true autists organize everything

>saving that image
get a load of this faggot

There still a lot I need to add I think. So many garbage threads and posts in neo-Jow Forums it's amazing.

Attached: filtered.jpg (399x564, 111K)

Commit seppuku baka

How do you have filters with hardcore fomo'ing. Some of the greatest and memeiest threads of all time might still be ahead, but you might miss it because it might say a filtered word within the context of hating said word. IDK I kind of like seeing the raw unfiltered posts.

Oh God please tell me how to get this shit to work I've tried several times but it doesn't work I'm using mozilla btw

what do you mean it is not working care to screen shot

My dick gets confused man

I'm on phone right now but whenever I tried using the filter it never worked.
Are you using an add-on?

I dont own a phone unfortunately so idk