Share your philosophy on life
Lets get redpilled ex dee
everyone else knows everything and I know nothing
you saying you're dumb as shit? bc me too pal
>philosophy on life
is the meme your philosophy or are you annoyed
>Lets talk philosophy
>Posts image from a game only played by spoiled children
Everyone who doesn't like what I like is a cretin cave dwelling norm.
everything is gay
thats all i feel when i look at the world
To start off, the most important things I feel that one requires to be successful in life is resilience and adaptability. There are far too many things that can happen in this world that render any semblance of what could be called "plans for the future" futile.
This world is far too unpredictable and volatile for most people to even hope to understand. Even the smartest of us...
I feel similarly. I'd add to that safety and anonymity. The most volatile aspects of your world are often either yourself or other people. The less people you involve yourself with, the more predictable your life.
"You have your way, I have my way, as for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist" ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
>>Posts image from a game only played by spoiled children
t. bronze
The world of flesh is nothing but sin, and one must be pure in order to escape it.
t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t.
1.28% content
We never should of stopped burning witches, followibg the words of Christ lead to the greatest civilizations ever seen which quickly fell into ruin as Christianity was liberalised
What people say or think about you is not indicative of your worth as a person.
The only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because there's a chance the Singularity will happen in my lifetime, and I might get to live in a transhumanist future.
Kek. Christianity didn't create Western civilization, White people did. If you were right, nigger shitholes that are majority Christian would have functioning societies, and civilizations like ancient Greece and the Roman Empire wouldn't exist.
Treat the things you can fuck the same way as you treat the things you can eat.
You can enjoy them, savour them, experience them in myriad different ways, but at the end of the day they only exist as a way of satiating your biological desires, and, if you can't have one type, there are thousands of other types available.
You don't expend emotional energy on your beans or beef, so don't expend it on your pussy and ass. Fulfil your desires, experience the pleasure, and go about your day temporarily satisfied.
Everyone around me just serves to entertain me or to prove to me that I need to improve a certain aspect of myself, otherwise they are useless
steer clear of ideology. ideology in the 21st century is a stupid, pathetic concept. trying to live your life and think according to a predetermined set of principles with the amount of information flooding your brain every second is really, really fucking dumb. each problem needs to be analyzed separately, in its own context. keep yourself to this, and you'll forever be intellectually superior.
My life rules:
1) My needs come before other's wants
2) If someone is important to me, their needs come before mine
3) Create happiness everyday, for myself or someone else
4) No one is inheritly right or wrong, I must verify if they are right or wrong
These life rules help me keep my head level and get by day to day. They seem basic, but it's what I follow.
That sounds gey
>On the meaning and fundamental mechanics of existence:
People wonder how it is that we live, how we exist. How did "something", come out of nothing... which makes some wonder whether there is a God of sorts.
The answer is no. The only way "something" can come out of nothing, and the only way to explain the impossible odds that our universe was born just right in a billion different ways, to be able to create us, is that the very nature of existence, is "nothing". Philosophically nothing is the absence of something, so therefore something must exist. So this universe, us, life itself, exists because at its core, the nature of reality is potential. It is "something" or "nothing", forever intertwined. Or, in more colloquial terms, it's binary. Literally 1's and 0's firing randomly without beginning or end. And sometimes, just sometimes, those completely random 1's and 0's actually come together to create a program: energy, properties like the physical laws that govern our universe, and mediums such as space and time.
Philosophically, that is the only way to explain how anything at all exist, how any reality, before and after our universe, could exist.
>On the meaning of life:
There is none. None whatsoever. You are not special, there is no soul, you have no purpose, there is no fate. In the scope of all the universes that have been, or will ever be, your meaning is not even infitesimally small. It is effectively a literal zero.
This gives you freedom. Make life what you will, create, destroy, enjoy, or don't. It's all up to you. And before you know it, it'll end, and that'll be the end of it.
The only thing I rule over is myself, how other people want to live their life simply isn't my business.
Sometimes it's beneficial to cut losses and quit, but usually I force myself to succeed no matter the cost. That includes potential health risks. 100 years a sheep or 50 years a lion, pick one.
Time is the most valuable resource, you're always running out of time.
Even if I am but human, I refuse to settle for mediocrity, I will reach what's beyond eventually. I will push this damn body to the max till I don't need it anymore.
Judge people for who who they are and what they do, not what they are. But judge them harshly, as complacency is killing our civilisation.
I'm a lapsed taoist. I like taoist texts, and the idea of the synthesis of opposing opposites, and that there is a higher nature to reality which can not be spoken of or understood. But I'm way too high strung to follow The Way.
Dissatisfaction is the only force that drives progress