Real talk: I'm a 24 year old male virgin...

Real talk: I'm a 24 year old male virgin, should I lie about my virginity to a potential partner if they ask me about previous relationships? Outside this website the overwhelming majority of people seem to think you should be honest, but I'm afraid they might be too optimistic.

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You should obviously lie.

Tell them that you are a virgin, because a lot of people like taking virginities. Explain you have been waiting for the "right one" or that sex is something you only care about if it's with someone special.

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you should probably tell her, or him, whatever it is, nobody cares, either way you should be fine just telling her, probably better than getting caught up in a fuckton of lies about relationships that never happened that'll bite you in the ass eventually and eat up your conscience every night you sleep next to her, truestory.png

I lie but I also tell them it's been a long time since I've been in a relationship or had sex, on the off chance the girl wants to fuck.

But how many girls actually like that?
I'd still tell her the truth when I feel I can trust her.

I have no idea if it's just a girl tricking me, but a girl that's talking to me likes that
>inb4 normie
This shit started a bit over 2 weeks ago for me, and I am a legitimate repulsive native nigger.

If it's for a hookup, you should lie. If it's your gf who asks, you should tell the truth

OP don't be a retard. Act like a normal person and not some NEET faggot.

Claim volcel
>Every other girl I've met has been wrong
>I wanted to wait for someone I could trust and love, and I think I've finally found her
Girls love feeling special

Go to an escort so you will know what you're doing once you get a gf.

If they already find you attractive, it honestly didn't really matter unless you're autistic

Don't you fucking dare be honest about that. Take that to the grave.

dont listen to anything else ..well you could practice on fat girls that dont care

>stay a virgin, go to heaven with jesus
>have sex, burn in hell with everyone
you really want to be chad that bad?

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>potential partner
You answered that question yourself already.

Would it be a potential partner if you had to lie about it? Not really, I hope!

Don't believe delusional Jow Forumsers, they have literally no contact to normal people that's why they write so much trash.

t. Non-incel virgin.

>robots contacting humans
fraud detected

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Lie. 24 is too old to get away with being a virgin. If you were 19, maybe 21 at max she could still think you're just a late bloomer and someone could even find it cute. But 24? You're a freak of nature as far as women are concerned.

>non-incel virgin

aka coping incel in denial

If you're 24 and a virgin then it's time to get yourself a nice looking prostitute just to get it over with.

That seems icky though.

Being a virgin at 24 fucking years old is not normal. Even ugly and fat people usually lose theirs by 17-19 years old at the latest.

more like aka no brainlet amirite

Beta as fuck and you're wrong.
Girls want to be pounded by Chad. This alone makes them feel special. They already know that Chad has fucked 100+ girls since he was 15, but she doesn't care.

happens to be im 24 and visited a prostitute to lose my virginity earlier this year. it was an interesting experience but it didn't really change anything and i lost 200 euros for that. it wont really help OP (or me) because our problem is that women do not want us, not that we are virgins. paying for sex just made me feel even worse, i had to pay for something other people get for free because women do not even see me as human.

>real talk
Brainlet nigger detected

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I would just cross that bridge when you get to it
>you will get there, won't you user?

OP here. To be fair I'm not even sure if women don't want me, it's just that except once I've literally never tried to actually get laid.

If you do, I wouldn't lie. They'll be able to tell anyways, it won't be a big deal

Easier to lie and ask for forgiveness than ask for permission

But getting a gf before fucking her is pretty weird

I'm ugly and I bang hookers sometimes, the key to enjoying it is not caring what the whore thinks because she won't remember you anyways. Pound her hard and fast, have fun.

> a 24 year old male virgin
> a potential partner
Kek, this doesn't match.

There is nothing more unattractive to women than a male virgin.

There is nothing more attractive to men than a female virgin.

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Is this a virgin thread?
>Be beautiful
>Be charismatic
>Get offered sex all the time
>Always back down at the last minute because I get violent flashback of me being molested as a child by my family
>Feel like shit and have to reject offers because I feel like I can't trust anyone
This is torture

>Get offered sex all the time


Litteraly happened yesterday night
Also what do you think is worse? A donkey that will never see a carrot in his life or a donkey that will spend his life with a carrot near his mouth and never get it?
That was kind of a gay analogy but regardless you get what I mean



I was recently in this position. I lied a half truth. I admitted to being inexperienced but still didn't want to admit to still being a virgin.

Tell them you've fucked around with girls but it has been a while since you went "all the way"

Honestly there's really nothing to be gained from lieing about it they can tell. It's also a relief when you don't have to pretend to know what you're doing.

>26yo KHV finally date someone for the first time, assume she's just a practice gf probably has experience and we'll just break up after a few months
>don't tell her that I'm a KHV, one day cuddling in bed, start kissing her, she's not very good at kissing.
>ask her if something's wrong
>"user I should have told you, I've never kissed anyone before"
>tell her I'm KHV too, she looks relieved and relaxes way more
>Begin exploring together, I teach her how to get me off and she does the same with me
>still together 3 years later







No, you're right, I should have mentioned she was 18 when we started dating. Definitely won't find someone mid 20s who's a virgin

Sorry I didn't understand that you wanted a story
It's basically always the same shit
>Girl comes up to me
>I make shitty jokes
>I ask her about her life and lie when she asks about mine
>She makes up some shitty excuse to stay at my place
>When at home she immediately wants sex
>Vietnam flashbacks.webm
>Have to decline
It really is an humiliating process, one time I tried to force myself to do it so that I can lose my virginity but I couldn't I just puked everywhere, not because of alcohol but because of the horrifying imagery that appears in my head

just lie. it is unlikely that you will stay with this potential partner for too long if it is your first relationship.

If the girl is virgin herself then she will probably be ok with it, others will just reject you

>When at home she immediately wants sex

yeah but what do they say exactly? how do they phrase it?

I'm 24 and lost my virginity this year. Wasn't too bad desu, she was really patient. If a girl is into you enough, it doesn't nearly matter as much as you think it does.

Should male virginity be destigmatized?

Wouldn't be surprised if the entire buybull was written by incels who later made a mythologoy that glorifies 'voluntary' abstinence and hates the fuck out of women. (Eve ate the fruit from the serpent so she was cursed)

I'm 24 kv and I would definitely lie until I feel like saying the truth, but it's elaborate fantasy for me it's pointless to prepare for something that will never happen.

The old testament has all kinds of references of white Jew whores going after African BBCs hung like donkeys and dripping with cum. Anyone wanting to be 'saved' by a pure volcel virgin chad Jew is a cuck. Save yourself

You wouldn't want a potential partner lying to you about it, would you?

>If a girl is into you enough, it doesn't nearly matter as much as you think it does.

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You like men

Honestly I wouldn't care because I know what it feels like to be in that position.

At least Greeks and Italians had alpha gods that would go down and fuck mortals. Greek, Phoenician and Norse gods encouraged manhood. Jew gods encouraged abstinence and whining about thots instead of being alpha enough to fuck the whore cum dumpsters. Bible is ancient Jow Forums full of loathing and shame for everything. It's a conspiracy to shame genetically superior aryan chads

maybe he has intimacy issues?

Unless your partner is a teenager they will probably be able to figure it out when they see you don't know what the fuck you are doing

Face it in life you're supposed to learn certain things at certain times and if you miss out once you miss out forever

i don't think that was the story he wanted

That, or you know he likes men. jokes aside, going for random hookups is a stupid idea of you have those kinds of issues, I don't know anything about anything but wouldn't being in a relationship with someone he trusts help him? doesn't sound like he'd have any trouble finding someone.

24 isn't that old, so who knows. At your 30's? It no longer matters. The thing with virginity is that it has actual consequences. Like what happened to me and a friend of mine.

If you lie and pretend you know what you're doing, you're going to suck, and they will assume that you've always sucked, and that'll be the end of it.

But if you're honest, then women will do what they do, and assume there's something wrong with you. It's the exact reverse of why married men with their ring on the finger get a lot more action. Women are herd souls, they do what everyone else does, and avoid doing what nobody else is doing either.

Point being, you're fucked either way. But 24 isn't old yet, older than average, sure, but many studies have shown that a surprisingly significant number of people are still virgins to their early 20's. I think it was like 33% or something. Then at 30 you get to like 5%.

hmm perhaps. on the other side i'm a 25 khv because i have massive intimacy and trust issues so advice like "get tumblr" doesnt really help.

Sorry for the wait I took a nap
No subtlety at all just straight up "wanna fuck?" or "Let me suck your dick"
Now keep in mind that I kinda have the charisma stat maxed

yes. always lie
with roasties the truth is your enemy

Hey OP, that happened to me last year and I lied.
I supposed telling the truth was better, but we already broke up so it's not a big deal anymore.
