Tripfriend appreciation thread
Brooke is the best and jonny neptune is pretty cool
Tripfriend appreciation thread
I think if found my spirit animal
I thought Jimmy neutron got permanent banned
What why? What did jimbo netbook do?
>mates every 2-3 years
y-yeah, just like me
How common are males that die virgins in the animal world?
Extremely I'm afraid.
You have no spirit you animal
You suck ass you faggot bitch
Oh wow stop this because words hurt
boo fucking hoo
Don't tell me what to do you neckbeard
I'm less neckbeard than you, you pathethetic Virgin excuse of a human
U gotta be a virgin to be a faggot ass tripfag
donatello a best
fatman pretty cool. Only trip I see who dishes out as much shit as he receives. Congrats on baby fatboi
why are tripfags ao annoying
just be user retards
Fuck that fat piece of shit
Tripfags keep things interesting retard
well I mean all tripfaggots are pieces of shit, but at least he isnt that much of an insufferable cunt
a permanent trip is just an annoying faggot who craves attention and gives nothing useful by being a trip. the roastie trips are the worse
You are just jealous of them
Dubs of truth prove this
>Normalshits think having sex every 2-3 years is abnormally low
I hate these shitstains, thinking as if it were so easy. It only is for them because the world was given to them.
Just because someone adapts better than you doesn't mean you shouldn't try.
Some crows learn to follow dump trucks and people. Others stay in the wilderness.
Stop being a bitch and try harder
>James Isaac Neutron got banned
Why? I haven't been on Jow Forums for a while because I decided to improve my life. What happened?
Don't know about neptune but there's some new cunt calls herself Brooke attention whoring and samson is gone but they let that faggot fatman stay
The issue here is that they're talking about it as if it were easy as fuck, literally as easy to do as it is to go to the bathroom, as if you were able to do it whenever you felt like it, which is obviously not because here you are telling me that I should try harder.
Stop being a little bitch and go pound some puss you faggot
Brooke is the absolute worst, a "don't talk about me but I'm going to post about me anyway" instagram-whore tier thot that doesn't try to even mask that by catering to robots and as shallow and uninteresting as they come. Jow Forums stoops to yet another low.
You go and do exactly what I'm talking about, way to out yourself as a dumbufck, you summer r*ddick normalfag.
Slut is trying to convince everyone she's goth now that her attention died down by 0.000001%
It only goes on to show just how normified this board is, "goth" is now a term used by turboroasties caked in dark eyeliner pretending to be different, and coincidentally the #1 look to attract normos. Recommend me some other board/website to flee this madness, please.
All the actual goths here are taken or unavailable too
You talk like a normie
>feeding a tripfag thread
You're doing the same you retard
Now I suddenly acquired charisma, lots of friends, a gf and a fondness for clubs and bars, also my childhood was somehow not ruined.
What are you on about retard fag
im surprised it took that long to get a (you)
>Brooke is the best
Brooke is just a whore that ignored
Alright, you got some (you) s
(You) ignored me, brooke
Only when the tripfags themselves are actually interesting or they have a unique gimmick.